At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "in addition to the gravity of the spacecraft explosion, can we consider other factors?"

At this point, Dixie immediately went on to say, "not long ago, there was a classic science fiction film called wandering earth in China. In that film, when the earth passed by Jupiter, due to the gravity of Jupiter, it might be destroyed when the earth passed by, directly tearing the earth apart. Is this the same as our current situation Almost. Now we are also facing the danger of being pulled in by the space-time rift. Since the principle is similar, can we detonate some planets around the space-time rift, so as to boost our spacecraft away from the gravity of the space-time rift? "

Ye Feng listens to the words of Dixi Si, and immediately his heart moves, staring at Dixi Si.

"Xinghe" did not speak for a long time. After staring at Dixie for a long time, he nodded and said, "is your proposal very bold? Have you all operated like this? "

Ye Feng explained to "Star River" that "it's just a movie. No one dares to confirm the feasibility of operation in reality! After all, detonating a planet is totally different from detonating a spaceship! "

"Star River" is a while after pondering, this just said, "this method is still feasible! We just need to calculate the energy produced by the starburst, the amount of booster force to our spacecraft, the time when the orbit of the detonated planet intersects with our flight orbit, so as to select the planet. All these can be calculated! " Then he said immediately, "I'll calculate it first. You wait a moment!"

After the "Star River" disappeared, Scarlett immediately said to the public, "since we all come from different time and space, let's talk about your own time and space, and see what's the difference between us!"

Zhuo wanqiu said immediately, "who can think of the difference? After all, in our own time and space, we feel that everything is normal. Only by comparing you can we find the difference! "

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Zhuo wanqiu, and finds that Zhuo wanqiu in this time and space seems to be a little smarter than Zhuo wanqiu in his own time and space.

"Then tell me about Suzy," said Dixie! How did you all get to sushi? "

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "I was traveling to the sea. I was in a shipwreck, and then I drifted to Suxi island!"

Monica said, "I've lived in Suzy since I was a child. What can I say?"

Dixie said, "I was shot down when I was on a mission, passing by Suzy!"

Scarlett said, "I went to Suzy with Satan!"

Ye Feng heard a few people say so, immediately heart under a Lin, originally in each time and space, everyone's reason for landing on the island has changed very different, and completely different from the original.

Ye Feng asked the four women at this time, "what about Dante Emma? What's the end of Dante Emma in your time and space? "

Zhuo wanqiu said, "Dante Emma? Didn't he die on Stewart Island? "

Scarlett said, "I was shot by you in Susi!"

Zhuo wanqiu looked at the people and said, "who is Dante Emma?"

Hearing this, they couldn't help looking at Zhuo wanqiu. At this time, Dixie said, "when we were here, Dante Emma died in a revolution on Suoxi island!"

Ye Feng felt a sigh in his heart. It seems that most of the time and space, Dante Emma's ending is different.

And a few women all look at Ye Feng at this time, ask Ye Feng way with one voice, "you that?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said, "in my time and space, Dante Emma has been exiled to the universe!"

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "exile to the universe? How to exile? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "in my time and space, Dante Emma has only ideology left. We have exiled his consciousness!"

People can't help but sigh when hearing the words, and Monica asks Ye Feng, "so Suxi Island, why do you log in to Suxi island?"

Ye Feng looked at Monica and said, "in my place, it's because Dante Emma kidnapped Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett and asked me to go to the United States to rescue you, and then take you to Suoxi island to change Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett!"

Looking at Ye Feng, Monica said, "in your time and space, I'm not in Suoxi island? But to America? "

Just then, the "Star River" suddenly appeared, and a virtual 3D star sky immediately appeared around him.

But listen to the "Star River" said at this time, "I have found a planet in line with the starburst!"

With that, a bright blue spot appeared on the 3D star map, and it was flying rapidly towards the simulated space-time rift not far away.

However, Xinghe continued, "this planet is the most suitable one in terms of body shape and speed of motion."

At this time, Ye Feng said to "Xinghe," can we detonate the spaceship now, and then create the time wheel pulse? ""Xinghe" immediately said, "absolutely, but I said before that there is only one spaceship, and it can be detonated once. According to our current technology, it is completely possible to produce the time wheel pulse. However, I can't guarantee the demerit recording after the time wheel pulse appears, because this is completely probability science, and whether it can be completely restored to the previous state is completely a factor of probability It's dominant, or it's all about luck. "

At this point, "Star River" continued, "if you need, I can start at any time, but you must discuss, because there is only one chance. If you succeed, it will be the best, but if you fail, there is probably no next chance!"

After hearing the words, Ye Feng asked "Xinghe" what's the worst result

"Xinghe" said bluntly to Ye Feng, "there is no good result, no bad result. The bad result is nothing more than the random collocation of a group of people in other time and space, and even if it is a good result, it has to be divided into several levels. Is it all people return to their own original time and space, or most people go back, only a few people are still wrong Chaos, these are good results within the scope! It's up to you to understand! "

After listening to the saying of "Star River", everyone is silent. If it costs so much to create a time wheel pulse, but it can't achieve the expected result in the end, is it necessary to do so? This is the inner consideration of all people at this time.

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "although the result may not be good, we should try it. After all, there are still opportunities, but if we don't do it, there will certainly be no opportunities!"

Monica nodded her head and said, "yes, I mean at the same time!"

Dixie and Scarlett don't speak, but they also understand what Monica and Zhuo wanqiu think. After all, they have made progress with Ye Feng in their respective time and space. Of course, they want to have a try!

Scarlett looked at Dickens and said, "and you?"

"I respect what you mean," she said after glancing at Scarlett

Zhuo wanqiu and Monica then asked Scarlett, "what about you?"

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders and said, "for me, I don't care. After all, no matter when I am, my situation is almost the same. Whether I change it or not, it has little influence on me. I listen to you!"

"Xinghe" then looked at Ye Feng and said, "how about you? Have you decided? "

Ye Feng smell speech then see four women, see four women are looking at themselves, as if waiting for their own results.

Finally, Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "let's have a try! They're right. After all, there's no chance if they don't try. At least there's a chance after they try! "

"Star River" listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately nodded a way, "since so, that I go to prepare!" Then the "Star River" flashed and disappeared.

During the period when the "Star River" disappeared, several people in the cabin were silent, and all of them stood at the window and looked out of the window.

Seeing the crack of space-time like the eye of the stars getting bigger and bigger, it means that the danger in their spaceship is getting closer and closer.

At the same time, all of them have to face the problem of time and space dislocation. They think about the recent events in their hearts, and their hearts are full of different tastes.

Ye Feng then took a look at the four women around him. In fact, they are not very different from their own time and space, but they are completely different individuals. If you think about it, the universe is really wonderful.

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