After a long time, when "Xinghe" reappeared, it was not the appearance of Xinghe, but the human light source body. In fact, Ye Feng also knew that, in a sense, the human light source body and the present "Xinghe" are actually the same.

As soon as the humanoid light source appeared, he said to Ye Feng, "my side is ready. Are you ready?"

Ye Feng smell speech to turn head to see to human form light source body, nodded a way, "I have already prepared!"

Then the humanoid looked at them and asked them again, "what about you?"

With a shrug of her shoulders, she said that she was OK. Scarlett nodded and said, "I'm ready on this side."

Zhuo wanqiu could not wait to say, "I'm ready, too!" Then he explained to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, it's not you who are bad. How can I say that you are not my time and space man after all?"

Ye Feng nodded in understanding and said nothing to Zhuo wanqiu.

"I'm ready," Monica said to the humanoid light source

The humanoid light source body nodded at this time, but suddenly five metal seats appeared on the walls around. Then the humanoid light source body said to the five people, "now that we are ready, let's all sit down. We were unprepared before. Now that we are ready, we have to minimize the damage!"

Ye Feng and others all sat on the metal chair, and a metal tie similar to the safety belt immediately popped up on one side of the chair, which automatically tied all five people to the metal chair.

After the five people were seated, the humanoid light source nodded to the five people and asked, "are you ready? So here we go? "

Ye Feng and Dixie, the four women, could not help but take a deep breath and then nodded.

The humanoid light source disappeared immediately, and just as he disappeared, there was a loud noise, and the whole body of the spaceship was shaking.

Ye Feng looked out of the window, but saw another spaceship at the stern of the ship. At this time, there was a big fire, which almost filled the whole window.

The spaceship they were in was far away from the blazing fire, and the blazing fire was flying quickly in the direction of the rift of time and space.

After waiting for the flame protoplasm ship, the whole ship's hull returned to stability, and at this time, there was a loud bang. The original flame seemed to be much bigger, and even the whole eye of the starry sky appeared a stain, and the stain was getting bigger and bigger. When Ye Feng saw clearly, his heart suddenly moved, and it was a golden streak coming from the sky The pulse of the wave.

The previous time wheel pulse, between the former and the latter, is very difficult. However, the density of this kind of artificially produced pulse is obviously much higher than that of the previous one.

Ye Feng did not wait for their hearts to be ready, suddenly the ship's hull is a violent shake, everyone has seen that the golden impersonation has filled the entire cabin.

Immediately leaf maple they are full of golden, in front of a golden.

However, the duration of this is very short. Before they react, the golden pulse passes. Ye Feng immediately glances at Dixie, but sees that her clothes have changed color again.

And Ye Feng just saw that the color of Dixie's clothes had changed, and he didn't even see what color it had become. The second thin pulse wave came immediately, and everyone's eyes were filled with gold.

But this time, Ye Feng didn't even have time to look at the Dixie beside him. The next golden pulse came, and the next golden pulse came one after another.

After the last golden pulse passed, everyone instinctively held a heart and felt that the next golden pulse was coming soon, but after waiting for a long time, they were completely relieved.

Ye Fengchang breathes a sigh of relief, and then he looks at the women around him. He finds that they are all looking at the people around them. Obviously, they are all looking at whether they have returned to their own time and space.

At this time, Ye Feng sees that Dixie's clothes are back to the original white, and then goes forward a little. Looking at Scarlett on Dixie's side, he finds that Scarlett seems to have returned to the original color. Looking down, Ye Feng feels as if he has forgotten what color Zhuo wanqiu and Monika were wearing before, and he is not sure.

Dixie and her four women were all looking at the four people around them in surprise. They seemed to be confused after several time pulses, just like Ye Feng. They didn't remember what their time and space companions should be like.

At this time, Ye Feng untied the shackles of his chest, stood up and looked at the four women. The only thing he could be sure was that his clothes must be white before. But white clothes alone, he did not dare to guarantee that the present Dixie was the original Dixie of his own time and space.

Dixis and others see Ye Feng untie the shackles, also have to untie the shackles, stand up, staring at the other people around.Zhuo wanqiu then said to Monica, "are you..."

Scarlett also looked at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "is your brother Satan yours?"

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu turned red and said, "what are you talking about?"

Scarlett immediately asked Monica, "are you Satan's fiancee?"

Monica looks at Scarlett with a puzzled look on her face. "What fiancee?"

At this time, the humanoid light source body also appeared in front of the five people and said, "Congratulations, you are back to the original time and space!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately move a way, "are you sure?"

"But it's not 100%," he said

As soon as they heard this, they suddenly felt a sense of awe, not a hundred percent, which means that some of them were confused?

Just thinking about it, the humanoid light source said, "you all belong to the same time and space! Don't worry about that! "

Ye Feng is surprised to see to the human form light source body way, "that you say is not 100%

The humanoid light source body said to Ye Feng, "although you all belong to the same time and space, you five and I don't belong to the same time and space, so I'm not 100% accurate!"

People can't help but sigh with relief when they hear that. They are not too familiar with humanoid light source. As for whether they come from the same time and space, it doesn't matter.

And Ye Feng asked the humanoid, "is your mission to go with us to find eisf civilization?"

Knowing what Ye Feng meant, the humanoid light source immediately said, "my purpose in any time and space is the same! So whether I'm in your time and space has little influence on you! "

Listen to humanoid light source body so a say, leaf maple this just thoroughly loosened a mouthful of air way, "that has no problem!"

Humanoid light source body way, "your luck is good, such a small probability has been met by you, it seems that you are really lucky!"

Just then, the ship was shaking again, and everyone could not help looking out of the window nervously, thinking that there would not be another time wheel pulse, right?

However, the humanoid light source body said to the crowd, "because the explosion of the spaceship in a short distance just now has a great impact on the spaceship, the gravity of the spaceship caused by the spaceship crack is also changing, and the time to tear our spaceship may be greatly shortened!"

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said nervously, "what should I do then? Are we going to die here? "

The humanoid light source immediately said to the crowd, "so the previous plan will be carried out now! But the problem is that in my previous calculation, I did not take into account the impact of the artificial time wheel pulse on the time-space rift, so there may be some errors in time, which may eventually lead to the failure of all plans! "

Ye Feng understood the meaning of humanoid light source body. Before, he did not calculate the change of the gravity of the space-time rift, so he had to detonate the selected planet ahead of time. However, according to the calculation, the planet had to reach a fixed position before it could detonate. Now the time has been greatly advanced. Even if the planet was detonated, the thrust might not reach the previous calculation It's a good result.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked the humanoid light source, "if we start to recalculate now, and then select another planet, is it time?"

The humanoid light source body immediately said, "according to the gravity of the space-time rift on our spaceship, after deducting the time required for my calculation, we should not be able to catch up, so we have no time to choose again! Our only choice now is either to be dragged into the rift of time and space, or to gamble again! "

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