Ye Feng fully understood what the humanoid light source meant. In fact, it was very simple. He could not find a second planet in the shortest time.

At this time, the humanoid light source body has adjusted the 3D virtual image. After playing with the 3D virtual image for several times, a grayish brown star with irregular shape finally appears in front of Ye Feng and others.

While waving his hands on the virtual screen, he explained to Ye Feng, "now there is no time to think about anything, no matter it's OK or not, we have to do it!"

Then he pressed a virtual button on the virtual display, and immediately felt the ship vibrate. After a few loud noises, people looked out of the window and saw seven or eight rocket like things flying away quickly.

The humanoid light source body said faintly at this time, "these missiles are the products of low-level civilization, and I don't know if they are powerful enough. Through my calculation, I have launched all the missiles on the spaceship, and the results are up to fate!"

After hearing this, everyone could not help looking out of the window and staring at the far away missile.

And the humanoid light source body reminds Ye Feng, "I advise you to sit well by yourself. After the shock wave comes, maybe the vibration of the spaceship is much stronger than the previous pulse. I'm afraid you may not be able to bear it!"

After listening to what the humanoid light source said, they all sat back on the metal chair and fastened their seat belts. Ye Feng stared at the far away missile, but did not sit back on the chair.

Zhuo wanqiu thought Ye Feng didn't hear it, and immediately reminded Ye Feng, "brother Satan, don't you sit down?"

Ye Feng took a look at Zhuo wanqiu. He said that he would wait and then looked out of the window. After the missiles hit the planet, there was a huge fire, and an orange and yellow fire came.

Ye Feng immediately sat on one side of the metal chair, just fasten the seat belt, the spaceship immediately began to tremble, just a moment, the spaceship came to a 360 degree rotation, several people turned dizzy.

And the rotation did not turn a circle immediately stopped, and kept spinning towards the front.

At this time, Ye Feng and others heard crackling sound. Ye Feng took a look at it, but saw that countless planetary debris were hitting the window, but he didn't know what the material of the window was, and it was intact.

The spaceship keeps spinning in the space, drawing an arc on the periphery of the space-time crack, and it is passing quickly in front, just like a meteor.

It seems that the humanoid light source is not affected by this impact at all. He is still standing on the ground. Although Ye Feng feels that the upper and lower parts seem to be reversed, it does not affect the standing of the humanoid light source. In fact, Ye Feng knows that in space, there is no difference between the upper and lower parts.

At this time, the humanoid light source was still standing in front of the virtual light and shadow picture, but it could see that the planet marked on the light and shadow had already disappeared, and a red halo was expanding, which was obviously the demonstration of the power of the planet after the explosion.

After staring at the virtual image for a long time, the humanoid light source said faintly, "the spaceship should have broken away from the gravity of the space-time rift!"

Ye Feng and others can't help but feel relieved when they hear this, but Ye Feng is still spinning when he looks at the spaceship, but the speed is far from the beginning, and if he doesn't look out of the window, he can't even feel the rotation.

At this time, Dickens tried to unfasten his seat belt and wanted to stand up, but he couldn't do it at all. Although there is no gravity in the control, the gravity field that has been artificially created in the spaceship is on the ground, so Dickens can't accept the influence of spaceship gravity as well as the humanoid light source.

Seeing that Dixie is about to be pulled away by gravity, Ye Feng immediately reaches out his hand, grabs Dixie and holds her tightly in his arms, so as not to be pulled away by gravity.

After a long time, the rotation of the spaceship stopped completely, and Ye Feng released Dixie. Dixie's face turned a little red. After standing up, he said thank you to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng shrugged, then unfastened his seat belt, stood up and asked the humanoid light source, "is it out of danger now?"

The human body shook its head, pointed out the window and said, "look out!"

Ye Feng and others can't help looking out of the window, but see countless planets are flying towards the space-time rift in the distance.

Zhuo wanqiu asked the figure, "what do you mean?"

The humanoid light source body immediately explained, "there is a certain relationship between gravity and mass. We can temporarily break away from the gravity of the space-time rift because the mass of our spaceship is small, but look at the gravitational field of these planets that are still in the space-time rift outside. In addition, the space-time rift is not static, which indicates that its gravitational field is likely to expand. Will the spaceship still be affected The influence of gravity depends on whether our spaceship can completely break away from this side before the gravitational field of the space-time rift expands to an impression of the spaceship's mass! "Zhuo wanqiu, after listening to them, looked at the humanoid light source body, only Ye Feng understood what the humanoid light source body said.

In other words, with the expansion of the gravity of the space-time rift, the spaceship has not yet been completely out of danger. The only way to get out of danger is to stay away from this right and wrong place before the gravity of the space-time rift can not produce gravity on the spaceship's hull.

Ye Feng thought and immediately said to the humanoid light source, "is the speed of our spaceship now, and the speed of the gravitational expansion of the space-time rift in the safe area?"

The humanoid light source body immediately said, "it's hard to say. To be exact, it may be in the intersection of death!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said excitedly, "cross of death? what do you mean? Do you mean we could die? "

The humanoid light source explained, "now the speed of our spaceship just offsets the speed of the gravitational expansion of the space-time rift. In other words, the ultimate speed of our spaceship is just enough to make our spaceship always at the edge of the gravity of the space-time rift. If we are not careful, we may be in the gravitational field. Of course, we may also be wandering in the gravitational field On the edge of the force field, it's hard to say! "

Scarlett was puzzled and said, "you are so high civilization, even this error can't be calculated? You're not even sure? "

The humanoid light source said to Scarlett, "the calculation is accurate, but many things in space are unpredictable. For example, countless planets are attracted by the gravity of space-time cracks. Every time these planets pass by our spaceship, they will produce more or less gravity on our spaceship. It is impossible to calculate the gravity Come, because the size of each planet, has been running track is not fixed, so the error part is here! Can only calculate an approximate value, and this approximate value is death cross! Life and death are just a line! "

Monica then said, "that is to say, we still have to leave our life and death to God to decide?"

After a long time, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "the probability is half, the danger is only possible, not necessarily. We thought we were doomed several times before. In the end, we didn't all overcome the difficulties. What's good is here? This time, I think we will be able to overcome the difficulties.... "

Just then, the ship suddenly shook, and the humanoid light source body immediately said, "don't worry, the shaking is caused by the gravitational influence of three planets passing by from three directions of the spaceship at the same time!"

At this time, Dickens immediately asked the humanoid light source, "just now there were three, which had little influence on us, but what if next time there were thirty at the same time?"

After hearing this, the humanoid light source body could not help pondering for a while. After a long time, it said to Dickens, "this probability does not necessarily exist, but it does not deny that it will not appear. If it is true, there will be no more than 30 planets. As long as more than six planets pass by our spaceship at the same time, it will affect the flight speed of our spaceship, resulting in the spaceship's final stop, If we stay in the gravitational field of the space-time rift, our spacecraft will be completely involved by the gravity of the space-time rift, just like those planets. "

When people heard that, they all looked at it with a sigh, and then looked out of the window.

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