Outside the window, there are planets or meteors constantly flying towards the rift of time and space. Every time a meteor or planet passes by, it will have a certain impact on the hull.

However, since there have never been many planets passing at the same time, although the spacecraft is affected by the gravity of the planets, the impact is small.

Seeing the rift of time and space getting farther and farther away from the spaceship, people could not help but let go a little, but they did not let go completely. After all, uncertainty still exists.

At this time, none of the five people in the whole spaceship said anything. Their eyes were always looking out. I don't know how long later, the humanoid light source body said, "you can rest assured that we have completely broken away from the gravitational field of the rift in time and space. According to the speed of our spaceship, we can now go back to the channel, completely unaffected!"

When they heard this, they were completely relieved. They sat on their own chairs, still no one spoke, just looked at each other.

The humanoid light source body then said to Ye Feng, "this time it is far away, but the next formation is still very long, and there are many dangers. The space-time rift is just a very common phenomenon in the universe!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the humanoid light source and said, "what's the problem?"

The humanoid light source said to Ye Feng, "many phenomena in the universe, even those of our civilization level, can't be explained too clearly. I don't want to talk about these unexplained, just say a black hole that your civilization already knows. Do you know how many times the gravity of a black hole is the rift of space-time? In a sense, the rift in time and space is just a mini version of a black hole. When we really encounter a black hole, even the spaceship of our civilization can't escape! "

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help saying to the humanoid light source, "so you haven't met black holes in your previous cosmic travel?"

The humanoid light source said faintly, "how can we not meet it? Let me tell you, black holes should be a natural phenomenon in the universe next to the cracks in time and space. In the whole universe, the number of black holes may not be much less than that of galaxies. There are either cracks in time and space or black holes near each galaxy. It's just a matter of size. There are some problems The black hole near our galaxy may not be as big as a meteor, so it hasn't been discovered yet! "

As soon as Zhuo wanqiu heard this, she immediately asked the humanoid light source, "do you mean there are black holes near our solar system?"

The humanoid light source body said, "the galaxy I'm talking about is not exactly the one you said. It should be your Galaxy! Our galaxy classification has our standard. It's not that a star must be a galaxy. These classifications will have different results according to different conditions of each galaxy. As far as I know, there are not only black holes in the galaxy, but also more than one. It's just that your civilization of the ball is not enough to find them! "

People can't help but take a breath when they hear that. It turns out that there is more than one black hole in the galaxy they live in.

As we all know, black holes will devour everything in the universe, including stars, planets, dark matter in the universe, and even other black holes. If there are black holes in the Milky way, sooner or later the Milky way will be devoured by black holes, naturally including the solar system on which they live.

The humanoid light source body then continued, "the scene that you saw before is nothing at all, because the star you saw is less than one ten thousandth of the sun in your solar system. There are many stars in the universe, which are ten thousand times, even millions, hundreds of millions of times of your sun. Even if it is mentioned in that way, once you encounter a black hole, you will be able to However, there is no fighting power. When you see that scene, you will know how small your solar system is

Ye Feng muttered at this time, "we don't need to see such a scene. Now we know how small we are!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the humanoid light source body said, "so, have you ever thought that the life form of your civilization is fragile and small, is it a different life form to live?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at the human body for a long time. Then he said with a smile, "like your life form? Only in the form of a light source? "

At this time, the human light source body said with a faint smile, "the light source form you see is not the life form of our civilization. The reason why you can see it is that we give you a signal form that can see us through brain waves. In fact, we are invisible, which you can't see with your naked eyes!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng was shocked. It turned out that the reason why he could see the life of their civilization was that they were willing to see it. If he didn't want to, he couldn't see them at all?

Just thinking about it, the humanoid light source said, "how can I explain it to you? Let's say that our life form is a kind of ideology. No matter how long the life span of any living organism is, it's just a matter of time. Our life form is not subject to these restrictions at all. As long as our consciousness is not extinguished, it will always exist, so our people have lived for hundreds of millions of years! "When Ye Feng heard this, his heart moved. At this time, Dixie asked the humanoid light source, "so how do you breed?"

The humanoid light source body said to him, "what? Didn't he tell you? We don't need to breed! "

Dixie immediately asked, "so your civilization has been so many people for so many years? We can only reduce the number of staff, not increase it? "

The humanoid light source body sighed, "you are right. This is one of the reasons why our civilization is very high, but it has not been very strong. Because we are limited by a lot of population, but we have not never increased our staff..."

At this point, he continued, "a long time ago I have forgotten when we received the existence of other consciousness in the universe. After contact, we accepted them. They are now one of us But this kind of scene is very rare. I have encountered it more than ten times since I consciously started... "

Zhuo wanqiu said with a smile, "I didn't think there were several times, but there were more than ten times?"

But the humanoid light source body said, "you just listen a lot, but it's really less than the time of our civilization."

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move when he hears that. But when he thinks about it carefully, what the humanoid light source says is right. Their civilization may have existed for hundreds of millions of years. In these millions of years, they have absorbed more than ten new people, which is really rare for them.

But at this time, he said, "is this kind of ideological life rare in the universe?"

But the humanoid light source body said, "it's not rare, and it's very common. Now I can capture the conscious existence around us!"

Dixie did not understand the way, "in this case, why so long, you only absorb a dozen new people? Or is it because your civilization has certain requirements for the new people? "

The humanoid light source body says, "it's natural. Our civilization takes the elitist route. We don't absorb all our consciousness. We also choose them. Only when we meet our requirements, we will absorb them. Otherwise, we will absorb all our consciousness. Will our civilization become a place to hide filth, and it's impossible to do so High level of civilization

"What's your standard then?" he asked immediately

After hearing this, the human body could not help staring at Dixie for a long time, and then said, "are you very interested in our civilization?"

Dixie shrugged and did not answer, but Ye Feng understood why Dixie asked these questions. She actually wanted to know whether their civilization would have a chance to meet the consciousness of Dante Emma, so as to absorb the consciousness of Dante Emma and become a member of their civilization.

Ye Feng has already understood the intention of dicks from the beginning of his question, but he is not very worried about it. After all, their civilization has already belonged to the top level in the universe. Dante Emma is just a common consciousness of the lowest civilization. Even if he has some consciousness of stele, it is at best a galaxy culture It's just Ming's consciousness, and their civilization will not take a fancy to Dante Emma's consciousness.

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