Humanoid light source said at this time, "the formation of our civilization is a special case, even we don't know how our civilization is formed, so we can say that our civilization height is so high at the beginning. As for the development behind, we have hardly made any breakthrough over the years! This is also the reason why our civilization has been tangled for so many years, and the main reason why we still can't find our own position in the universe! "

Ye Feng said to the humanoid light source, "in fact, our earth civilization is not, but the development of our earth has a goal, that is, since the past can not be pursued, then look to the future, maybe the future is too far away for us, in your opinion, we are not worth mentioning, but at least we are working hard!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the humanoid light source Wen Yan said, "in fact, you are right. Sometimes, although our civilization seems to be much higher than other civilizations, in the final analysis, it may not be much better than lower civilizations. Perhaps, in the universe, we can use the current rules to judge the level of a civilization Is it true that it is defective? "

At this point, the humanoid light source looked out of the window at the deep space of the universe and said with a sigh, "in the vast universe, in fact, any civilization, no matter how high or low, is just a drop in the ocean. In the end, there is an unknown force dominating. Looking at the height of the whole universe, what is the difference between any civilization and ants No? It's just like a man has many different kinds of animals in captivity. In one place, there are advantages and disadvantages between the animals, but from the point of view of the breeder, they are all lower animals. Maybe we have a pair of eyes here, who are looking at us with the eyes of the breeder, and feel that everything we have is so young Childish and ridiculous

Ye Feng can't help but take a breath when he heard about the human light source. In fact, he deeply understood the meaning of the human light source. In fact, it's more than the human light source. He doesn't think so. Anyone, matter or thing, from his own point of view and from the angle of the universe, can come to two completely different conclusions.

At this time, the humanoid light source sighed, "so our civilization must be changed. This time, helping you to find the civilization of eisf is an opportunity! An opportunity to change the future direction of our civilization! "

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng could not help looking at the humanoid light source body, and then asked, "do you really have no idea about eisf?"

The humanoid light source body listens to Ye Feng so to ask, can't help but side head to see to Ye Feng way, "why so to ask?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "as far as I know, no matter how high the level of civilization is, there is a natural fear of the unknown, which is in line with human nature. Stele civilization is determined to find the eisf civilization. They must have mastered some information about the eisf civilization. Otherwise, no one can tell whether the eisf civilization is friendly or malicious, and no civilization will know You two civilizations are looking for the civilization of eisf, which is enough to show that you have a certain degree of understanding of the civilization of eisf. Although you may not know much about it, it is absolutely impossible that you do not know at all. For example, in the era of great navigation of our earth civilization, Columbus only dared because he heard about what was in the new world Take risks and finally find a new world! It's impossible to dare to take the risk without knowing anything! Do you think so? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words and pondering for a moment, the humanoid light source said to Ye Feng, "since you have asked, I can tell you, I don't know if your civilization has ever heard of the Utopia of the universe!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "Utopia of the universe?"

The humanoid light source body immediately nodded and said, "yes, it can also be said to be the garden of Eden of the universe!"

Ye Feng looked at the human body for a while. This was the first time he heard these two words. Even if Xinghe instilled all his consciousness and knowledge into himself, he didn't have these two words in his mind.

But at this time, he heard the human figure say, "in legend, is this such a place?"

Ye Feng asked the humanoid, "what does the legendary utopia or Eden look like?"

The humanoid light source body says to Ye Feng, "the legendary eisf is a comprehensive new world that can integrate all civilizations, all races and all life in the universe. There is no distinction between high and low levels of civilization, and even all life forms are equal. There is no death, no fear, only joy and laughter, all races, All live in harmony

Ye Feng listened to the figure light source body so a say, can't help but frown a way, "this isn't reasonable?"

The humanoid light source body was surprised and said, "what's unreasonable?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "if there is such a place, it's normal for the stele civilization to find it, because their civilization is not at the top of the food chain of the universe, but your civilization is almost at the top of the food chain of the universe. Would you like to be equal with some lower class races? It's not human! "

The humanoid light source said to Ye Feng, "that's the attitude of your earth civilization towards all things in the universe. It's different from our civilization. What you believe in is natural selection, survival of the fittest, but what our civilization believes in is peace, equality and compatibility of all things! So the starting point of our two civilizations is different. Besides, the human nature you mentioned can only represent your earth human beings, not all the intelligent life in the universe! "Ye Feng couldn't help pondering after hearing the speech. He didn't speak for a long time. Maybe the humanoid light source body is right. He is indeed a little self-centered. He naturally thinks that the nature of intelligent life in the universe is the same, but the universe has contained all things. The intelligent life of the earth can't represent the consciousness of all intelligent life. Life is diverse, and intelligent life is one If there is diversity, then ideology is naturally and inevitably diversified, which is beyond reproach.

Then the humanoid continued to say, "maybe you can't understand what I'm talking to you now, but one day, you will understand it completely!"

Ye Feng smell speech but toward human form light source body say, "I can understand!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he sighed, "I now understand why the people of STEL civilization want to take you to find eisf. Your consciousness and thinking really don't look like the product of an earth civilization!"

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the humanoid light source and said, "but you and the stele civilization have made the same mistake!"

Humanoid light source body can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, "what's wrong?"

Ye Feng continued to say to the humanoid light source, "first of all, I want to tell you that what you know about eisf and stele civilization is not of the same nature. Secondly, what I want to say is that you have only heard about it. No one can be sure what the real eisf really looks like before you find it. You have never thought about a problem If we really arrive at the aesf civilization and find that it is totally different from your imagination and the legend about aesf that you have heard, what will you do? "

The humanoid light source body immediately said, "this is adventure. If it's totally different, then at most I'll sacrifice one of them. That's what the stele civilization should think..."

Before the human body finished, Ye Feng immediately said, "but you have overlooked a problem. Although the legends of the two civilizations about the civilization of eisf are different, one thing is clear. Eisf is the representative and symbol of the ultimate civilization. What does the ultimate civilization represent? No one has seen it, but it must be stronger than your civilization. Can you guarantee that eisf civilization will not find your civilization by virtue of some characteristics of you, so as to completely destroy your civilization? What you pursue with all your heart may be counterproductive in the end, causing an irreversible disaster to your own civilization? "

After pondering for a long time, the humanoid light source said to Ye Feng, "after you left our warship, our discussion actually focused on this point. Finally, we decided to take this risk! Sometimes, in addition to the fear of the unknown, there is also yearning. This is the same as your earth civilization, which clearly knows little about the universe, or constantly wants to explore. Sometimes, this is inevitable and doomed! "

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