After that, Ye Feng and he didn't speak any more. The cabin of the spaceship was silent for a long time.

And at this moment, the humanoid light source body suddenly said, "I found another spaceship!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, surprised to see to human form light source body way, "other spaceship?" Then he instinctively went to the window and looked out.

The humanoid light source body said to Ye Feng, "it's far away from us. It's invisible to the naked eye!"

After that, the humanoid light source body went to the open space, and then a 3D dynamic image appeared in front of it. On it were all kinds of nearby galaxy images, which also marked the location of their spaceship.

Ye Feng goes to the virtual map and takes a look at the location of his spaceship. Not far behind, there are three spaceships coming. However, Ye Feng also knows that it's not far from the map. In fact, it's far away in space. In addition, their spaceship is also running faster than light. It will take a long time for the three spaceships behind to catch up Between.

At this time, the 3D dynamic image starts to zoom in until you can see the complete appearance of the spaceship they are in. With a wave of the hand, the image immediately starts to move backward, and the appearance of the three spaceships following them also appears on the virtual image.

These three spaceships all look like eagles. Although they look smaller than their spaceships, they seem to be as fast as them, or even faster, otherwise they would not be able to catch up with them.

The humanoid light source body said at this time, "the civilization level of these three spaceships is not low. They should be second only to our civilization, and even infinitely close to our civilization. At least they are quasi cosmic civilization!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at the humanoid light source body, and then said, "quasi cosmic civilization?"

The humanoid light source body nodded and said, "yes, it has generally reached the cosmic level, or in some aspects it has reached or even exceeded the cosmic level, but there are still many aspects that have not yet reached the standard. This kind of cosmic civilization level is to add an accurate word."

Ye Feng listened to the humanoid light source body say so, immediately heart next a Lin, murmured, "these three spaceships follow us, what do you want to do?"

Dixie didn't speak all the time. At this time, he said to the humanoid light source, "I heard that the higher the level of civilization, the more peaceful and friendly it is?"

The humanoid light source body sneered and said, "in the universe, there is no saying whether there is kindness or not. As far as the prairie of your earth civilization is concerned, the animals on it represent various levels of civilization. Perhaps there will be a food chain. The top animals do not kill herbivores, but can this represent that carnivores are kind? It only means that they are not hungry! "

Ye Feng agrees with the view that there is always a dark forest law in the universe? Where is the absolute difference between good and evil? Everything is just for the benefit of our own civilization.

Thinking of this, the humanoid light source body said, "in this way, it's not good to come!"

Dixie said to the humanoid light source body, "now all the offensive weapons on our spaceship have been used up. If the other side's attitude is malicious, then we are in danger now!"

The anthropomorphic light source body said, "it's too early to say anything now. Besides, it's meaningless to say it now! Only when they catch up, we will know their purpose in the end! "

Ye Feng understood the meaning of humanoid light source body, just like when they met humanoid light source body and their civilization before. In fact, what they say now is conjecture and hypothesis, and there is a great disparity in civilization level. Conjecture and hypothesis are useless, only adding trouble.

Looking at the three spaceships on the 3D Virtual Map getting closer and closer to their spaceships, Ye Feng remembered what Xinghe had done before, when Xinghe got in touch with them.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked the humanoid light source, "didn't the other party send us any signals?"

The humanoid said, "no!"

Ye Feng then immediately asked, "before we think here, say what, you can know there, so now they think, say what, don't you know?"

The humanoid light source body said, "that's the function of the consciousness catcher on our warship. You don't have such sophisticated equipment on your spaceship. How can I know what the other party is thinking?"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "consciousness catcher?"

The humanoid light source body immediately nodded and said, "yes, there is a consciousness catcher on our warship, which can capture all the consciousness within a fixed range. In addition to eavesdropping on other people's ideas, the most important function is to capture some powerful consciousness, and see if we can expand the number of people. After all, we haven't had new people join us for so many years!"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately asked, "don't you catch the consciousness that can make you have the desire to expand

The humanoid said, "not yet!"

As soon as he heard this, he was relieved, which showed that the consciousness of Dante Emma was not within their capture scope. He said that the consciousness of Dante Emma was not strong enough to attract their attention, which also showed that he was worried that this higher civilization would absorb Dante Emma's consciousness, which was just his own will and could not happen at all.Ye Feng didn't think of Dante Emma, but he was thinking that the other party's three spaceships were chasing them, but there was no signal at all, which was a dangerous signal.

After all, in the universe, many civilizations are instinctively on guard against each other. If the other side is kind, they will expect that their actions may have been captured by their own spacecraft, and they will also guess the good and evil judgment of their actions. In order to prevent misjudgment, sending friendly signals in advance is the best way.

But the other party didn't send anything, which means that the other party doesn't intend to send such a signal at all, which completely increases the possibility of danger, because the other party is not afraid, or doesn't care whether you will misjudge, and this kind of action is already very malicious.

The humanoid suddenly said, "they're speeding up!"

Ye Feng and others were all moved when they heard the words. Everyone's eyes were staring at the 3D virtual image. The speed of the three spaceships following their spaceships was obviously accelerated, and they were getting closer and closer.

And then the humanoid light source body says, "they're signaling!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately ask a way, "say what?"

The humanoid light source body immediately said, "they told us to turn off the engine immediately and accept their landing request!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "turn off the engine?"? Accept login? What do you mean

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "do you want to ask? They want to land on our ship

At this time, the humanoid light source body said to Ye Feng, "the words in their signals are quite strong, like warning us that if we don't follow their requirements, they will attack us at any time!"

Ye Feng is toward the humanoid light source body way, "our spaceship has no any attack ability?"

The humanoid light source body said, "before breaking away from the rift of time and space, all the attachable missiles were used up, let alone the attack capability. The spaceship of the Stirling civilization is a decoration in front of their spaceship, and its defense capability is almost zero!"

Scarlett can't help but wonder, "then we can only be bound to die?"

After pondering for a while, the humanoid body immediately said, "I have a way to get rid of them, but the probability is not very high, and if we fail, we are likely to die here! Do you want a bet? "

When he heard this, he could not help frowning and said, "bet again? We've been gambling a few times before! "

Zhuo wanqiu said, "but a few times ago, we won the bet!"

But Dixie snorted coldly, "good luck can't follow us all the time!"

Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "so you mean, let them land?"

Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "at least they didn't attack us immediately. Let's just see what their purpose is after landing!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, and the humanoid light source body said to the crowd, "I'm waiting for your reply. You decide whether to gamble or not!"

Everyone was silent for a while. After a long time, Ye Feng said to the humanoid light source, "turn off the engine and let them land!"

Scarlett, they can't help but look at Ye Feng, but no one said anything.

The humanoid light source body confirms, "have you really decided?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "I'm sure!"

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