After listening to Ye Feng's words, the humanoid light source body immediately pondered for more than ten seconds and said to Ye Feng, "I admire your courage, but I hope you can understand that I am a conscious body. For me, life and death are not so important, and not all civilizations have ways to eliminate consciousness, so it has little influence on me whether they land or not, but it has no influence on me For you, that's very dangerous! "

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, toward the humanoid light source body way, "you said I understand!"

The human light source body "Oh" after a sound, looking at Ye Feng way, "so or so decided?"

Ye Feng didn't answer immediately. Instead, she turned her head and looked at Dixie and Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu and Monica, as if they were asking for their opinions with her eyes.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "you are the master, everything is based on your choice!"

Scarlett could not help nodding and said, "well, I'll do the same. Listen to you!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "I think so too. In a word, brother Satan, you just decide to live with me and die with you."

Monica didn't say a word, but nodded to Ye Feng. Although she didn't say anything, her eyes had already told Ye Feng the answer. Like Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, she listened to Ye Feng.

See four women so, Ye Feng can't help but gratified after nodding, toward human light source body way, "I decided, let them land!"

Hearing the speech, the humanoid can't help looking at five people. In terms of their civilization level, they really don't have to consider the issue of life and death at all. But it's hard for him to understand that a race with a very short life is so fearless of life and death. According to his understanding, isn't it true that the more short life is, the more precious life the race is?

But a moment later, the humanoid light source body immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I respect your choice!" Said immediately the spacecraft completely flameout, stopped in the empty space, and at this time just a moment, the planet slowly passed through the window of the spacecraft.

As time goes by, the three spaceships behind are getting closer and closer to Ye Feng's spaceship. They all hold their breath. Although they have made a decision, they don't know what kind of problems they are going to face next.

The humanoid light source body suddenly said to Ye Feng, "my name is Zhiying! Well, you can call me that! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but side head surprised to see to human form light source body, mouth murmur say, "wisdom win?"

Zhiwin nodded and said, "yes, it means the God of wisdom. If we translate it into your language in our language, zhiwin is the best one."

Ye Feng looked at Zhi Ying and said, "why do you tell me your name?"

Zhiying then said to Ye Feng, "maybe this is the last moment for us to get along with each other. I think I should tell you my name!"

Ye Feng stares at Zhiying for a long time. Although he can't see Zhiying's facial expression, he can feel Zhiying's admiration for himself. Maybe it's just because he's not afraid of death?

Thinking of Ye Feng nodding to Zhiying, he said faintly, "Satan, the meaning of the God of death!"

Wisdom wins a listen to this words, can't help but consternate ground saw a leaf maple.

And at this time, the hull of the spaceship shakes and makes a few metal contact sounds.

Zhiying said to Ye Feng, "they have surrounded our spaceship and are completing orbit alignment with our spaceship!"

Ye Feng just nodded and didn't say anything. At this time, they all began to breathe deeply.

After a while, the shaking motion of the spaceship completely disappeared, and soon a voice of frustration was heard. At this time, a door on one side opened and five life bodies in spacesuits came in from that door.

The five creatures look different in height, stature, fatness and thinness. The tallest one is two or three heads higher than Ye Feng, and the shortest one is less than Ye Feng's knee.

Zhuo wanqiu instinctively hides behind Dixie and Scarlett. Dixie and Scarlett stare at the comer.

The five creatures stood at the door and took a look. Then they all took two steps to the front. After the door behind them closed, the space caps on their heads opened automatically.

After the astronautical cap was opened, people could see what they looked like. The tallest head looked like a tree.

And the shortest one looks like the head of a cat, and it looks cute. At this time, he is looking at them with a pair of eyes.

One of the other three had a grayish brown face, a lot of flesh on the other side of his chin, like a beard, and a pair of eyes like an octopus.

After the last spacesuit was opened, there was nothing in it, just like the spacesuit standing on its own.

At this time, the person standing at the back came up. Ye Feng and they saw that the head in the astronautic hat was the same as their human head, and looked like a woman.Just when they were surprised, the tree head suddenly gave out a hoarse voice, but no one could understand what he was saying.

Wisdom won a moment later, toward Ye Feng they said, "he is asking, here who is in charge!"

Ye Feng smell speech then saw one eye wisdom to win a way, "you are not?"

Zhiying says to Ye Feng, "isn't it you?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but take a look at him. Then he immediately steps forward and stands not far away from them, staring at them with his eyes.

Seeing this, the aliens also looked up and down at Ye Feng. At this time, Zhiying said with his consciousness and Ye Feng's brain, "look at them, they should come from different civilizations, they should be a United Fleet."

At this time, several extraterrestrials were talking about something, and looking back at the woman with a human head behind them.

Although Ye Feng didn't understand what they were saying, looking at their appearance, he seemed to feel that they should be saying that they were very similar to the woman.

They are saying that you and that woman should come from the same civilization, at least a similar one

Ye Feng a listen to this words, see oneself conjecture of incredibly eight or nine don't leave ten, can't help but see to that woman.

At this time, the woman came out from several aliens, stood in the front, only two or three steps away from Ye Feng. After standing still, her eyes continued to look at Ye Feng.

When they saw that there were human beings among these aliens, they were surprised.

Zhuo wanqiu then poked her head out from behind the two men, and said to the woman, "are you from the earth, too?"

The woman took a look at Ye Feng, and then looked at several women behind Ye Feng. After a slight eyebrow pick, she said a word, but Ye Feng didn't understand.

Judging from the woman's only exposed head, her skin is wheat. If she is a human on earth, she should look like South America, but her words are not like the language of South America at all, but a bit like the language of the Middle East.

Zhiying then translated, "she asked where you came from!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "earth!"

Zhiying then translated it to her in the woman's language. After listening, the woman shook her head and said something. Zhiying immediately said, "he said you and he don't belong to the same civilization!"

Ye Feng immediately asked the woman, "what kind of civilization are you?"

After Zhiying translated, the woman didn't speak, but the cat at her feet said a word.

Zhiying immediately said, "that guy is a little impatient. He said that they are here to plunder, not to recognize their relatives!"

Ye Feng's heart moves when he hears the words and stares at the aliens, but he thinks in his heart that these people are star pirates. Before, they wanted to be star pirates, but they didn't expect to meet the real star pirates?

Just thinking about it, the woman went to Ye Feng's side. After looking at Ye Feng, she walked behind Ye Feng and went to Dixie and others.

Zhuo wanqiu immediately hid behind Dixie and Scarlett, and did not dare to show her head, while Dixie and Scarlett just looked at the woman coldly.

The woman turned around the four women and returned to Ye Feng. After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, she said something.

Zhiying immediately translated, "he said you don't look scared at all?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "what's to be afraid of?"

After Zhiying's translation, the woman stared at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she took out a metal thing, only the size of a nail, and then pasted it on her neck. Then she said to Ye Feng, "are you not afraid that we will kill you?"

Listening to the pure English that the woman said, Ye Feng was curious, but then he thought that it should be related to the nail size metal object she had just taken out.

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