Ye Feng thinks, a pair of eyes but stare at that woman's eyes to see a way, "you won't kill us!"

On hearing this, the woman frowned slightly. She immediately picked up a weapon that looked like a pistol from her leg and stood against Ye Feng's skull. "You guessed wrong, I'll kill you!"

Ye Feng did not blink at the woman, and then said with a smile, "are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

His rhetorical question surprised the woman and the four aliens in front of him, and then burst out laughing.

The woman is also a long time later to return to God, but her face is no smile to look at Ye Feng way, "you kill us?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "subdue you, I only need less than five seconds!"

The woman narrowed her eyes and sneered, "but it only takes less than a second for me to pull the trigger!" Said hand to force the muzzle of the gun toward Ye Feng's skull on a push.

They all hold their breath, especially Zhuo wanqiu, looking at Ye Feng nervously, for fear that if ye Feng doesn't say a word right, the other party will really pull the trigger.

At this time, the tree face man sneered, and then the words came out from the translation machine on the woman's neck, "don't talk nonsense with them, kill them, take what we need, and evacuate quickly!"

At this time, the cat face man immediately said, "yes, don't waste time here!"

The shameless man could speak, but his voice was very dull. "I just checked this spaceship. It should be a product of galactic civilization, but it was obviously upgraded, but the upgrade was not very complete!"

In addition, the strange looking alien did not speak all the time, just quietly looking at Ye Feng and several of them.

The woman was still staring at Ye Feng, but at this time, she saw a flash in front of her eyes. She didn't even see clearly, and Ye Feng disappeared.

When the woman came back to her senses, she felt a pain in her wrist. The gun in her hand was in Ye Feng's hand. Ye Feng strangled the woman's neck and pointed the muzzle of the gun at the woman's temple.

Seeing this, several aliens immediately took out their weapons one after another. The strange looking alien didn't do it, but a small machine gun like weapon popped up on his shoulder, facing Ye Feng.

At this time, the woman didn't look alarmed at all. Instead, she said with a smile, "it seems that your hand is really good! You can take my weapon

Ye Feng is forced to muzzle the gun against the woman's temple, tone coldly said a way, "now I can kill you?"

Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help clapping her hands and exclaiming, "brother Satan, good job!"

The woman then restrained her smile and said coldly to Ye Feng, "you can kill me, but there won't be any survivors here. Do you think there are only five of us who will drive three spaceships? We still have companions on the spaceship. As long as any of the five of us is injured, your spaceship will be blown to pieces immediately! "

But Ye Feng was not nervous at all. Instead, he said with a smile, "that's just right. Anyway, I'm tired of wandering aimlessly in space. It's OK. We'll die together. It's over!" With that, my finger moved on the trigger.

As soon as Ye Feng looked like this, the four aliens immediately pointed their guns at Ye Feng's head one after another. Tree face said in a loud voice, "if you shoot, I will blow your head away immediately!"

The tree face man was carrying something similar to a steel gun. It seemed that his power was really great. If Ye Feng's head was really blasted by him, there would be no dregs left.

But Ye Feng was still unmoved and looked at the tree face man and the other three aliens, "if you don't put down your weapons, you may be your companion who has lost his head first!"

Several aliens smell speech all facial expression move, of course, except that faceless person.

The woman took a deep breath, then slowly raised her hand and said, "OK, let's surrender!" Then he said to the four companions, "put down your weapons!"

The cat faced man immediately said, "put down your weapons? Are you sure? "

The woman immediately yelled at the cat faced man, "what? Are you going to watch me die? "

Cat face man shrugged helplessly, immediately put down the gun in his hand and said, "what do you say is what, who calls you the boss?"

When the other three aliens saw that the cat faced man had already laid down his weapons, they also laid down their weapons one after another.

The woman just said to Ye Feng, "my people have put down their weapons. Now it's your turn. You also put down your weapons. Let's have a good chat!"

Ye Feng smiles at the woman and says, "do you think I'll listen to you?"

The tree face man said angrily, "what do you want?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't want anything, just want to know what you want?"

The woman immediately said, "our goal is energy. The energy systems of our three spaceships are almost exhausted. We have to supplement them, or we will stay in the universe forever!"Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward wisdom win way, "what they say is true?"

Zhiying then said, "she's right. I've checked their spaceship just now. It's true that, as she said, their energy is almost exhausted!"

But Ye Feng frowned, "isn't their spaceship quasi cosmic? How can energy be exhausted? "

Zhiying immediately said, "their spaceship is indeed quasi cosmic, but it has been modified by these idiots. Now it's not even galactic!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help a burst of surprise, immediately toward that woman way, "you will space class spaceship refit even Galaxy class all inferior?"

The woman said to Ye Feng, "cosmic? I don't know. It's just that the previous operation of the spaceship was too high-end. We couldn't use it at all. We had to refit it into something we could use. Isn't that normal? "

Ye Feng heard the woman say so, then relaxed a way, "that is to say, you are not quasi cosmic civilization?"

But the woman said, "what cosmic, quasi cosmic, what are you talking about?"

Zhiying then said, "they come from different civilizations. I have a look at them. Their highest level is Galaxy level."

Ye Feng smell speech immediately put down the pistol in the hand, push that woman toward the front, immediately cold hum a way, "that has nothing to worry about!"

The four aliens saw that Ye Feng suddenly released their companions. They were all stunned. Then they raised their guns to Ye Feng one after another.

But the woman put out her hand and stopped the four people. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "did you let me go? Are you not afraid of my revenge? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders, then threw his pistol to the ground and said, "your civilization is so low-end that you can become a predator in the universe. I'm really curious!"

"What do you mean?" the tree faced man said angrily? What kind of civilization

The cat faced man would pull the trigger and say, "stop talking to them, kill them and take their energy!"

The woman immediately stopped the crowd, but after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she asked, "who are you? Where are you going? "

Ye Feng then shrugged to them a way, "said you also may not know!" Then he said to Zhiying, "do you have a way to solve the weapons in their hands?"

Zhiying shrugged his shoulders and said, "little problem, the most high-end weapons in their hands are just laser weapons. I only need one idea to make all their weapons invalid!"

The cat face man immediately said in a angry voice, "what kind of cosmic big pen do you want to blow? I'll shoot now..." Said immediately to Ye Feng pulled the trigger.

"Bang" after a sound, everyone's heart is a Lin, even Ye Feng want to scold wisdom won, not to say an idea called the other party's weapon failure, how the other party or open out.

But then I thought that it was wrong. If the other side fired, I would be shot. Why didn't I feel anything on myself.

When Ye Feng fixed his eyes on the cat faced man, he saw that the gun in the cat faced man's hand had already fallen on the ground, emitting blue smoke, and his spacesuit hand had been blown black.

The cat faced man looked at his hand in surprise and looked at the weapons on the ground. Then he cried out and immediately covered his hand and cried out for pain.

Zhiying then said to the others, "do you want to have a try?"

The tree face people couldn't help taking a breath of air. Fortunately, the material of the spacesuit was special, otherwise the cat face people's arm would have been blown off.

The woman also looks at Ye Feng in surprise and asks, "who are you?"

Seeing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately came out from behind Dixie and Scarlett, and said with a smile, "Hey, you're done!"

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