At this time, the woman and the four outer faces suddenly burst out a few blue lights, directly from the ground, one by one, just like the railings, surrounded several people in the middle, all the way to the top of the spaceship cabin, forming a circular cage.

At this time, the tree face man reached out to touch the light. He didn't want his gloves to touch the blue light. Suddenly, there was a hole in the glove, and the smoke was still rising.

Fortunately, the tree face man retracted his hand faster, otherwise it would not be his gloves, at least he would have been knocked off a few fingers by the light beam.

Several people's faces changed when they saw this. They didn't expect that they were here to plunder other people's spaceships, but they all became prisoners. They were locked up here by the blue light beams that didn't know where they came from. They were in a dilemma.

The woman's face suddenly changed. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng did not know that Zhiying would suddenly trap these people. At this time, he looked at Zhiying and asked, "what do you mean?"

Zhiying then said to Ye Feng, "they are our enemies. The purpose of their coming here is to rob our spaceship and even kill you. I'll trap them here. What's the problem?"

Ye Feng smell speech at this time look at that woman way, "he said you heard, you want to rob our spaceship, before also clamour to kill us, now we trap you, what's the problem?"

The woman was stunned and said anxiously to Ye Feng, "we are not what you think, we are not star pirates, we are star drifters, we just want to go back to our own planet! That's why we wander among the stars. When we meet passing spaceships, we will ask them for some energy! "

Ye Feng asked the woman, "what do you want? What did you do just now? Excuse me, I didn't see it at all. In my opinion, it's robbing! "

As soon as the woman heard this, she immediately said, "you're right. At first, we really wanted to, but most of the time, we didn't get there at all. That's why we changed our strategy and started to rob!"

Ye Feng then light a smile way, "so say, you admit is robbed!"

The woman finally sighed, squatted on the ground and said, "it's robbing. How do you like it?"

The cat faced man was looking at his hand and found that he had only been burned. After blowing a few breaths at his hand, he said to the woman, "ah Nan, if you don't talk to them, you will die!"

The tree face man immediately echoed, "yes, the big deal is death. If we can't grab the energy, we're dead. If we stay here, we're dead. Sooner or later, we're dead. It's the same everywhere!"

Zhuo wanqiu was trapped by the light beam cage. After walking a few steps towards the cage, he looked at several people and said in surprise, "I'm very curious. You look so different. You're not civilized. How can you get together?"

Ye Feng also has this question in his heart, can't help looking at several people.

Tree face person cold hum a way, "walk together Bai, have what good to ask, you ask me, I want to answer?"

Zhuo wanqiu snorted coldly when she heard the words, "do you like to say it or not?"

The woman, who was called a girl, then said, "we were all enslaved to a place by the people of stele. We escaped!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately move, immediately go to the light column, squat down the body, looking at the cage of the daughter way, "you say, you are enslaved by the star star star?"

Ah Nan immediately nodded and said, "that's right. The stelians colonized the whole universe. Everyone knows that. What's so strange?"

At this time, the cat face man said impatiently to the girl, "I think their spaceship is a bit like the product of stele. These guys are not the doglegs of stele. What do you say to him so much about doing?"

Ye Feng squatted on the ground and looked at several people. Then he turned back to Zhiying and said, "open the cage!"

Zhiying looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "are you sure?"

Ye Feng said to Zhiying, "they can't use their weapons any more. The cage is unnecessary!"

Zhiying listens to Ye Feng's words, and then nods. At the same time, the twenty light pillars disappear in an instant.

As soon as the cat faced man saw that there was no light pillar, he immediately ran towards the door, but when he got there, the door didn't open.

Seeing this, Ye Feng said, "I believe you, I can give you the energy you need!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, everyone can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. Zhuo wanqiu immediately reminds Ye Feng, "brother Satan, they just planned to kill us!"

Dixie Si also can't help but toward leaf maple way, "isn't too hasty?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "I can see that there is no deception in her eyes!"

A Nan didn't expect that they had become prisoners. Ye Feng even promised to give them energy. After hearing this, she immediately nodded and said, "we really escaped. We didn't cheat you!"Ye Feng nodded, then turned to see Zhiying and said, "how long can we use the energy on our spaceship? Is it enough to give them a little?"

Zhiying said, "the energy on our spaceship is nuclear. The energy on their spaceship doesn't match ours. It's useless to give it to them. Besides, we don't know how far our voyage is. How can we give it to them?"

The tree face man then said, "I can transform our spaceship into a nuclear core!"

Zhiying said, "I've checked the origin of your civilization. The nearest one is tens of thousands of light years. Even if we give it to you, you can't go back!"

The cat face man immediately said, "nonsense, you just don't want to give it, so you just make up a lie! You know what civilization we come from just by looking at us? Who believes that? "

But Zhiying said, "you are zhiduokela civilization!" Then he looked at the tree face and said, "you are the mother of Gilst civilization!" Then he looked at the ugly face and said, "you are the muklala civilization!" Then he looked at Xiang Wumian and said, "you are Changke Wuhao civilization!"

Finally, he looked at the girl and said, "you are of the alpha civilization!" Finally, looking at humanity, "am I right?"

Ah Nan, they all looked at Zhi Ying in amazement when they heard that.

The tree faced man whispered, "how did he know?"

The cat faced man was both surprised and angry. "How do I know what he knows?"

Zhiying then said to them, "this is the suppression of civilization! Your civilization is lower than that of stele, so you will be enslaved. Your civilization is not as good as mine, so I know everything about you! But you don't know anything about me. Isn't that normal? "

A Nan didn't speak. She kept staring at Zhiying. After a long time, she said, "are you the intelligent life of higher civilization?"

Zhiying takes a look at the girl and says, "you are the smartest among them!" Say to see to leaf Feng way, "but compare with you, still can't!"

"Can you help us go back to our own planet?" she said immediately

Zhiying refused and said, "no, we have more important things to do!"

Seeing that she couldn't find anything here, she immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "can you help us?"

Ye Feng did not speak, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "help you? In a dream, what did you do to my brother Satan just now? Didn't you point a gun at his head with a great air? Do you still need to ask for help for people like you? "

On hearing this, she sighed, "yes, we are not worth helping!"

The cat face man immediately said, "if we don't help, we can help ourselves."

But Zhiying sneered, "do you think of a way? What can I do? "

The cat face man immediately said, "either you will kill us, or you will let us go. We will do something for ourselves."

Zhiying said, "it's OK to let you go, but you three spaceships can't take you away!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he was stunned. A Nan also immediately said to Zhiying, "without a spaceship, how can we leave?"

Zhiying said faintly, "that's your business. Don't you think you can do it by yourself? Your spaceship was originally quasi space class, and it was not as good as the star class. It happened that our spaceship needed something to upgrade, so your spaceship was detained! "

The tree face man heard this and said angrily, "it's too deceiving!"

Ye Feng at this time but toward a Nan way, "otherwise, you stay with us together!"

Hearing this, everyone can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. Ah Nan also looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "what do you say? Shall we stay? "

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