"Cat face person hears speech to immediately toward leaf maple scold a way," what do you say? If you want us to stay, we'll stay? " During the conversation, the beard on the side of the mouth was raised, and it seemed that he was really angry.

Ah Nan looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you want us to stay? What are you doing? "

Ye Feng said to a-nan, "first of all, you have to go back. Now, it's almost impossible. Second, you think that you are meeting us now. If you encounter other advanced civilizations than you, you rashly board the ship and rob. Do you think you can survive?"

After that, without waiting for a nan to reply, she immediately said, "besides, you also heard that Zhiying said that our spaceship needs your three spaceships to make parts and upgrade our spaceship. You don't have any spaceships, so you can't go. You only have one choice, that is to stay!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, a Nan immediately a while ponder ground looking at Ye Feng, for a while also didn't say a word.

At this time, the cat face man immediately said, "you said that if we want three spaceships, we will give them to you?"

When she heard the speech, she immediately looked back at the cat's face and said, "do you have the ability to get it back?"

Cat face people listen to such a Nan said, suddenly surprised, he is habitually tough for a while, at this time the heart is also very anxious.

Tree face man then went to the window and said in a loud voice, "come and see our spaceship..."

Ah Nan, they immediately went to the window and looked out of the window, only to see that their three spaceships seemed to be compressed by vacuum, and the whole hull began to take shape.

Cat face man's stature is too short, can't see the situation outside completely, keep jumping body, shout a way, "what's the situation, show me!"

At this time, the tree face man picked up the cat face man and put him in his waist. Then the cat face man saw the situation outside. He suddenly changed his face and looked at the old man with a long mouth. He couldn't say a word.

Tree face man at this time lamented, "finished, our spaceship was destroyed, we can't go back!"

Zhiying said, "your spaceship is not destroyed, but is upgraded with our spaceship. Secondly, even if your spaceship is still there, you can't go back!"

Ye Feng said immediately at this time, "yes, it's better to stay here and join us than to be like this."

The cat face man immediately broke away from the tree face man's arm and jumped to the ground. He said angrily to Ye Feng, "come on, it's impossible!"

A Nan then said to Ye Feng, "we can stay, but we must know where you are going after we stay."

But Zhuo wanqiu said to a Nan, "you don't even know the level of civilization. What's the use of telling you?"

A Nan doesn't pay attention to Zhuo wanqiu, but looks at Ye Feng.

Seeing this, Ye Feng said, "we're going to eisf!"

Ah Nan, they can't help but look at me when they hear the words. I'll see what you've heard for the first time.

The cat faced man then said, "what's the place, Esther? A new planet? What is there? Is there energy? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "eisf is the top civilization in the universe, but it has always been a legend. I believe not many people have really seen its true face!"

Then Ye Feng looked at ah Nan and said, "how about it? Are you interested? "

Ye Feng can see that a-nan is the leader of the group of five who robbed them. She is the only one in the other four. As long as she nods, other tree faced people and cat faced people will not agree. I believe that a-nan has a way to persuade them.

Ye Feng thought and added, "this should be an interesting adventure!"

After staring at Ye Feng's eyes for a long time, a Nan asked Ye Feng, "we can stay, but I have to ask a question!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "as long as I know, I will say everything!"

Ah Nan said immediately, "why should we stay? In your words, we don't even know the level of civilization, and our civilization is far lower than yours. Your journey doesn't need us at all, and we have nothing to help. What's the use of leaving us? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath after hearing the speech, and then said to a Nan, "to tell you the truth, I don't know, but I think you know nothing about the vast universe. You dare to drive three spaceships to rob. Do you have courage?"

Ye Feng said here, and immediately added, "secondly, I want to know about your enslavement by the stele people. Finally, I'm very curious about how you can get a quasi space class spaceship, and finally the star class spaceship transformed by you is not the same!"

Speaking of this, after taking a deep breath, Ye Feng stares into a Nan's eyes and says, "after all, it's because I'm curious about you!"

Zhuo wanqiu hears that she wants to stop Ye Feng from leaving a-nan. However, as soon as she steps forward, she is stopped by Dixie. Dixie doesn't understand why Ye Feng is interested in a-nan. At this time, she fully understands Ye Feng's intention.As Ye Feng said, there are too many curious things about a-nan. Secondly, they are flying in the stele spaceship now. By coincidence, a-nan is enslaved by the stele people. Like Ye Feng, she also wants to know more about the stele civilization. After all, what the Star River says may not be the truth, at least not the matter It's all real.

A Nan pondered for a long time, eyes have been staring at Ye Feng, see Ye Feng's eyes without the slightest Dodge, looks very sincere, immediately nodded, "OK, I promise you!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said to her, "are you crazy? You don't want to go home? "

Tree face man also advised a Nan, "or discuss it again? Is it too hasty to make such a decision? " Then he pushed an ugly face, "what do you say?"

The ugly man turned white and said nothing. The tree man immediately said, "forget you can't speak!" Then he immediately pushed the Faceless Man's shoulder, "what do you say?"

The shameless man said, "ah Nan saved the lives of several of us. What she said is what she said!"

Listen to shameless person say so, tree face person sighs a way, "you say so, seem also right!"

The cat face man looked at the tree face angrily, "are you too independent?"

Ah Nan then said to her four companions, "what they said is right. It's not the way for us to wander in the universe. In fact, we know from the beginning that our hope of returning to our own civilization is slim, but none of us has said anything about it!"

The cat faced man then said, "although we say so, we can go wandering by ourselves. There's no need to rely on others, right?"

But a Nan said to the cat, "go wandering by yourself? How to wander? Do you have a spaceship? Even if those three spaceships are still there, how long can we still roam? This time, we failed in the robbery. We didn't die. But next time? No one can say for sure what will happen in the future. It's better to stay here and take one step at a time! "

Tree face person smell speech immediately also help a Nan advise cat face humanity, "a Nan said right, we have no choice!"

In fact, we should be glad to meet them at this time point. If we don't meet them, our spaceship doesn't know where it will stop. Maybe it will float there forever

The shameless man then said, "don't explain so much, I agree to stay!"

The tree face man immediately nodded and said, "I agree, too!"

The ugly man immediately put up his hand and hammered his chest. He didn't know whether he agreed or not.

Cat face man looked at a few people, a long sigh, "you all agree, I have no reason to oppose, right?"

On hearing this, she immediately said, "that's OK!" Then he turned his head to look at Ye Feng and said, "we all agree to stay!"

But Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help saying, "just agree? Do you want to ask for our opinions as well? "

Scarlett pulled Zhuo wanqiu for a moment and said, "Satan has agreed. What else to say?"

Zhuo wanqiu said to Scarlett in a low voice immediately, "you're stupid. You didn't look at them. The one named Anan looks like a person, and his beauty seems to be pretty good. I'll bet that brother Satan just looks at people's beauty, so he'll leave them when he's moved!"

Scarlett can't help but be shocked. She didn't expect that what Zhuo wanqiu objected to was actually because of this reason. She couldn't help looking at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "can you be a little promising?"

Ye Feng said at this time, "that's how it's decided!" Then he couldn't help looking at her and said, "now, can you tell us about your enslavement?"

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