After listening to Ye Feng's words, she fell into a deep meditation and didn't speak for a long time.

But the cat face man said, "what's the point of the past? I feel angry when I mention it. What else can I say? "

The tree face man then sighed, "he's right. It's an inhuman life. There's nothing to say!"

Ye Feng said, "what I wonder is that the stele civilization is clearly a galaxy level civilization. Why can it almost begin to expand the whole universe?"

This is actually a question that Ye Feng has been hanging in his heart since he understood the whole universe and divided various civilizations into different levels. Of course, he did not ask Xinghe.

For one thing, Ye Feng feels that if he asks, Xinghe will not answer, even if the answer is not necessarily true. Secondly, he has always been full of distrust in Xinghe and stele civilization. If he asks, maybe it is just to let Xinghe know that he is doubting them, which is not good for him.

So Ye Feng just kept this question in his heart until now, but obviously he also knew that those people who could not even distinguish the civilization level could not answer this question.

On the other hand, Zhiying said, "maybe the Celtic civilization is not as low as we think!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Zhiying, "but this spaceship has already proved that they are only Galaxy level?"

Zhiying pondered for a moment, then said to Ye Feng, "the spaceship can't represent the level of civilization. Before they came, we just found that three spaceships were following us. My judgment of them was quasi cosmic, but in fact?"

When Ye Feng heard Zhiying say that, he immediately fell into a deep meditation. Zhiying was right. When they first appeared, Zhiying was such a high-end civilization. Judging by the three spaceships, the conclusion was quasi cosmic.

However, after their official appearance, they found that they are almost planetary, the highest is the star level civilization, which is totally opposite to the judgment of zhiwin.

Taking this incident as evidence, we can actually judge that the spaceship used by the stele people may not be the true civilization level of stele. Maybe they are just deliberately reducing their civilization level to show other civilizations in the universe?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, the spaceship can't represent the whole civilization level!"

Zhiying said at this time, "but in my judgment, although the civilization of the stele people may not be planetary, it is still not high!"

Listening to Zhiying's words, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Zhiying in surprise and said, "why do you make such a judgment?"

Zhiying said, "a truly high-level civilization will only plunder resources, not enslave people."

Ye Feng is still puzzled to look at Zhiying way, "advanced civilization does not enslave people?"

Zhiying nodded and said, "don't you see that there are not many people at the beginning of our civilization?"

Ye Feng sighed, "is there a small number of people who have reached the cosmic civilization? In my opinion, the largest number of you is 100, right

Zhiying said, "in fact, it's much more than that. You just don't see it, but it's still not a lot. Because when we really reach our civilization level, population will be a burden. Many things can be solved by technology, so we don't need so many people!"

At this point, Zhiying continued, "but when you say that the stelians are expanding, colonizing and enslaving people everywhere, it's not a high civilization practice in itself!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Zhiying added, "of course, it's just my personal understanding. Maybe there is something different in the universe, but I don't think it's the mainstream way of doing it!"

Ye Feng has a good reason to listen to Zhiying. When civilization has developed to a certain extent, people do not have technology sometimes, and even machines are useful. However, the practice of stele enslaving people everywhere is obviously an old practice, which is indeed an undeveloped practice of science and technology.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help but say to Zhiying, "I have another idea!"

Zhiying looks at Ye Feng and says, "what do you think?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "I've heard Xinghe say before that the appearance of the stele robot I saw before can't represent the mainstream of stele. In fact, the real stele is not an intelligent robot. Is there such a possibility?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "the so-called stele civilization is just a vassal civilization of advanced civilization?"

When Zhiying heard this, he was stunned and looked at Ye Feng. He didn't speak for a long time.

And Ye Feng then continued to say, "you think, the star civilization is an intelligent robot world. Their civilization level is not too high, but they can complete the expansion of the universe. If their civilization level is really not high, how can they do their star trek? I can't imagine it without a higher civilization behind itHearing what Ye Feng said, Zhiying nodded and said, "you're right. Even if the development of Galaxy level civilization is above the galaxy level, it's still very difficult to achieve Star Trek. It really needs the support of higher civilization and technology to do this!"

Ye Feng then asked her, "where you are enslaved, is your manager a robot?"

A Nan immediately nodded and said, "yes, they are all black metal men, but the number is not very large. A concentration camp is only guarded by a metal man, but he has great power and powerful weapons. As long as anyone wants to escape, he will be killed immediately!"

Ye Feng nodded, then said to Zhiying, "this guess shows that the route is not wrong. The robot is just their worker. The real boss is actually someone else!"

Zhiying corrected, "there is another civilization!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "the question is what is this civilization?" Then he immediately asked Zhiying, "don't you find any clues from this spaceship?"

Zhiying said, "I tried to check, but Xinghe cleared most of his consciousness before I incorporated him, so it's hard for me to have any clues!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately move, Dixi Si they a few also facial expression some not right.

Ye Feng of course knows that Xinghe's consciousness has not been cleared, but has been cut and pasted to them. Thinking of this, Ye Feng is also surprised. Why does Xinghe want to do this?

The most important thing is that when Xinghe transfers these consciousness to him and Dixie, let him have a feeling that zhiwin's civilization is not good for those who come. Therefore, although he is now living in peace with zhiwin, Ye Feng's heart is still on guard against zhiwin all the time.

After pondering for a moment, Zhiying looked at a Nan and said, "right, since you just said that the robot guarding you is so powerful and powerful, anyone who wants to escape may be killed immediately by him, but you escape. Isn't that very suspicious?"

Ye Feng also looks at a Nan at this time. When a Nan said that before, Ye Feng has doubts in his heart. However, he believes that nothing can be felt. Since a Nan can escape, they must have their way.

At this time, she said, "our purpose of being enslaved by them over there is to dig out these three spaceships. At that time, we made a careful plan. If we want to escape, we have to hijack these three spaceships, so that we can have a chance. Finally, we did it. Of course, we could have escaped with only one spaceship, but we know they caught us to dig out this Three ships, these three ships must be very important to them, so we didn't leave any for them! "

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said to Zhiying, "maybe these three spaceships have the information we want. These three spaceships are quasi cosmic. Maybe they are the civilization behind the stele civilization!"

However, Zhiying said to Ye Feng in a slightly angry tone, "when I read the data, I was already looking for the information of the civilization. Unfortunately, these three spaceships have been refitted, or some tripods who don't know much about technology have cleared the information, so I didn't get any information!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said to Zhiying, "we just wanted to run for our lives at that time. How can we know these things? It's good that we can escape!"

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