The tree face man then said, "don't mention it. I refitted it. I'm really a tripod craftsman! I'm sorry! "

At this time, Zhiying said, "the three legged cat can handle all three spaceships without any problems, which means that your craft is OK. Did you do this before?"

The tree faced man immediately said, "yes, I used to be a spaceship repairman in munculster!"

Zhiying nodded and said, "that's no wonder. Ah Nan then said," but I've seen these three spaceships No, I mean, I've seen the same ship! "

Ye Feng and Zhiying look at a Nan in surprise. Ye Feng immediately asks, "do you mean you saw it before you were enslaved?"

But a Nan shook her head and said, "no, I saw it on the enslaved spaceship. At that time, it seemed that the spaceship that kidnapped us had docked with this kind of spaceship after it stopped, and the metal man of our spaceship had been to that spaceship, but only once!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Zhiying, "that is to say, this kind of spaceship exists in the reality of civilization, and it is really related to the stele civilization!"

Zhiying nodded and said to Ye Feng, "that's right. What's the purpose of digging three spaceships on that planet? Why are those three spaceships on that planet and buried underground? These are all questions! "

Speaking of this, the tree face man immediately took out something and said to Ye Feng and Zhiying, "every spaceship has a flight log. I think this can help you!"

Ye Feng and Zhiying look at the tree face man, but they see that he is holding three black nail sized things in his hand. Zhiying recognizes them at a glance. This is the flight log of the three spaceships.

Tree face continued, "at that time, I was worried that there would be something like a tracker in the flight log, so I removed it! Your question should be here! "

Zhiying immediately took over the three flight logs, and then a virtual picture appeared in front of him. On the virtual picture, the last journey of the spaceship was played.

In the beginning, the picture was still in the starry sky. After a while, the ship began to vibrate violently. In an instant, the ship was sucked away by a powerful force, and then there was the picture of the ship crash.

The next picture is the last moment of another spaceship, which is almost the same as before. It is also the last picture of the crash. The last picture is the last picture of the crash of the last spaceship, which is similar.

Finally, the virtual picture in front of him disappeared, and Ye Feng said, "from the picture, there is nothing special at all!"

Zhiying then asked them, "did you find any remains after you boarded the spaceship?"

Ah Nan shook her head and said, "no, I didn't find any!"

Ye Feng said to Zhiying, "have you ever been cleaned up?"

Zhiying shook his head and said, "not necessarily, these three spaceships are quasi cosmic, which indicates that the intelligent life form of this civilization may not be physical, but also virtual!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding his head when he hears the speech, saying that he agrees with Zhiying. Just like Zhiying, he is just a group of consciousness. It is because they want to let themselves see what they look like that he specifically shows it. If they don't want to be seen by others, no one present can see him.

Zhiwin is like this. If the opponent's civilization level has reached this high level, their life form may be similar to zhiwin's, so it's normal for them not to see it.

When Ye Feng thought of this, he immediately looked at Zhiying and said, "in other words, the life of this civilization may still be on those three spaceships?"

Zhiying didn't speak, and even his whole body didn't move. Ye Feng believes that Zhiying may have started searching three spaceships for the existence of virtual life.

Seeing that Zhiying didn't speak, they all looked at Zhiying in surprise. At this time, Zhiying suddenly moved and said to them, "I searched for it. There are indeed three consciousness bodies, but these three consciousness bodies are dead, just some scattered consciousness drifting in the spaceship!"

Ye Feng frowned at Zhi Ying and said, "can consciousness also die?"

Zhiying pondered for a while, but didn't answer Ye Feng's question. At this time, he said, "it's meaningless to tangle in these questions now. I think it's time for us to start!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ship began to shake, and the spaceship began to accelerate slowly. After a while, things around the window kept passing by the window, and the spaceship began to maintain its rapid speed.

At this time, a Nan looked out of the window at the three completely out of shape spaceships linked to this spaceship. She couldn't help but say to Zhiying, "you keep this speed, aren't you afraid that the three spaceships will fall off?"

Zhiying said to Anan, "we are not afraid. Our technology is strong enough to hold the three spaceships, and the science and technology of the three spaceships are transferring to our spaceship. After our spaceship is completely upgraded to quasi spaceclass, our speed will be faster! And those three ships will fall off by themselvesYe Feng didn't say anything about it all the time. He was very upset that Zhiying didn't answer his question about whether the body of consciousness could be killed.

However, from this point of view, Ye Feng realized that the consciousness body can be killed, otherwise why would the consciousness bodies of the three spaceships die, and why did zhiwin deliberately avoid this problem? It's just that I haven't found a way yet.

At this time, she looked at Ye Feng and asked, "what is the appearance of Esther? Why are you looking for this civilization? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is the paradise of our earth civilization. No one alive has ever been there, but they all yearn for it!" Then his voice sank, "as for whether heaven is what he imagined, or even heaven or hell, it's not sure."

After hearing this, she murmured, "it seems that there are many similarities between your civilization and mine. We also have the theory of heaven and hell!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at a Nan curiously and said, "by the way, is your civilization the same as you?"

A Nan said, "of course, it's all the same, but when I was on our planet, I heard a legend that in ancient times, we immigrated from another planet to the present one! It's just that the legend is too old and there is little evidence left, so it's just a legend! "

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved when she heard that. Does it mean that in fact, the planet where she lived was the place where the earth people immigrated?

But it's impossible to think about it carefully. I've only heard of alpha planet on earth, never heard of alpha planet, and I don't know how many light years it is from the earth. Now the earth's civilization, science and technology can't even get out of the solar system. It takes several years to go to a Firestar that is very close to the earth, and it hasn't realized human interstellar migration, let alone to go How many light years away is alfat.

However, Ye Feng soon thought of another legend on the earth, that is, on the earth, their generation is not the first generation of civilization on the earth. There have been several generations of different civilizations before them. If ah Nan really emigrated from the earth to have alpha characteristics, they should have nothing to do with their generation of human beings Relationship.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, she said to Ye Feng, "are you the same as I think? In fact, we are all human beings, from a civilization?"

Ye Feng nodded to ah Nan and said, "it's possible, but it doesn't rule out other possibilities, because there is another legend on our earth, that is, we earth people are actually alien immigrants. That is to say, even if your ancient legend says that it's not the earth, you're not the immigrants of the earth, it's also possible Our earth and your planet alpha are both immigrants from the same planet

A Nan listens to Ye Feng say so, immediately nodded, but Ye Feng is looking at a Nan for a long time silent.

Zhuo wanqiu saw Ye Feng staring at ah Nan on one side, and immediately whispered to Scarlett, "you see, I'm right, brother Satan has a crush on this girl?"

Scarlett didn't speak yet, but she felt a little uncomfortable when she saw that ah Nan was also seen by Ye Feng. She couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "what are you looking at?"

Ye Feng recovered and said to her, "Oh, I'm sorry, you're wearing a spacesuit. I can't see what's going on in your body. Maybe there's any difference between us!"

On hearing this, ah Nan said to Ye Feng, "Oh, there is no surprise. I have two arms and two legs, which is no different from you! You can rest assured of that! "

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