While she was talking, she stood up and untied her spacesuit. Her body was completely exposed. She was wearing a black tight one-piece suit. Her figure looked concave and convex, which made her look very fit.

Ye Feng can't help but look a few more, but Ye Feng doesn't look a few more because of a Nan's figure, but he is making sure whether a Nan is really no different from himself, or in some details.

However, after a close look, Ye Feng found that there is no difference between a-nan and women on earth, but she may have a better figure than most women.

Standing not far away, Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help staring at a-nan's figure. Seeing a-nan's figure, she couldn't help looking down at her chest and feeling defeated.

However, Zhuo wanqiu still looked disgusted and said to Scarlett, "look at her. She's so nice. She's wearing a bodysuit. It's like she's afraid that men can't see her figure!"

Scarlett didn't say a word, but listen to a Nan at this time he pulled tight clothes, toward Ye Feng said, "this is the work clothes they sent us!"

While talking, the cat faced man and the tree faced man also took off their spacesuits, revealing their body parts. They were all wearing the same tight clothes as ah Nan.

The cat face man has short arms and short legs. His hands are just like cat's paws. They are hairy. The tree face man's arms are just like tree trunks. The ugly face man's hands are just like crocodile's paws. The strangest thing is that the Faceless Man, after taking off his spacesuit, only sees a bodysuit. His sleeves are hollowed out, and his arms can't be seen at all.

At this time, Ye Feng could not help looking at the Faceless Man in surprise and asked, "are the people of your whole planet transparent? So how do you see each other? "

Don't want to shameless people at this time toward Ye Feng said, "we are not transparent, just some special skin color, you can't see us, but our planet people can see each other's existence!"

Ye Feng suddenly nodded, then clapped his hands, then stretched out his hand toward several people, "anyway, welcome to join!"

A Nan is the first to extend her hand to Ye Feng. After shaking it, she immediately releases it. Then several other people shake hands with Ye Feng. Ye Feng and this group of people don't know each other.

The cat faced man then asked Ye Feng, "the civilization of eisf is just a legend. Have you ever thought about it? What if you can't find it? Or do you already know where it is? "

Ye Feng shook his head at the cat faced man and said, "I don't know where it is yet!"

The cat faced man said immediately, "isn't that harder than we go home?"

The tree faced man said to the cat faced man, "what? Regret it? "

But the cat face man said, "I regret a ball. I'm just curious about what to regret."

No matter whether we regret it or not, we have no choice. If we want to go home early, we must work together to help them find Esther first, and then they can help us go home again

Then he looked at Ye Feng and continued, "you will help us go back, right?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can only say that if it is possible, I will try my best, but in this universe, anything can happen, and I can't guarantee what will happen!"

A Nan smell speech can't help nodding, toward leaf maple said, "understand!" Then he glanced at the women behind Ye Feng and said, "are these your friends? What do you want to introduce? "

Ye Feng immediately answered, and then turned around and looked at some of them. Then he walked towards some women and introduced them to ah Nan.

When she got to know Zhuo wanqiu, Zhuo wanqiu held a Nan's hand, but looked at others' chest. She was a little embarrassed and quickly retracted her hand.

After introducing each other, Zhuo wanqiu looked at the cat's face and said, "are you a cat? So you're the meow star? "

The cat faced man frowned and said, "what meow? I am who I am. We are the most intelligent creatures on our planet. We are no different from you

Zhuo wanqiu said with a smile, "is your whole planet like you? Isn't that lovely? "

Cat face person impatiently looked at Zhuo wanqiu, muttered a way, "where lovely?"

At this time, Zhiying said, "the technology of the three spaceships has been fully used by our spaceships, and our spaceships have been upgraded!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, but looked around, also did not find any substantial changes in the appearance of the spacecraft.

Zhiying said to Ye Feng, "the upgrade is internal, there is no difference on the surface..." Then he saw Zhiying and immediately said, "wait a minute, I seem to have found something..."

After saying this, Zhiying stayed in the same place for a long time.

Seeing this, the cat faced man couldn't help jumping around in front of Zhiying, and he cried, "what are you doing? What have you found?"Ye Feng reminds cat face humanity, "he must have gone to observe what he found!"

At this time, Zhiying suddenly moved and immediately said, "everyone, get ready. We have found a super planet in front of us. We are already in his gravitational range!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but frown a way, "super planet?"? What do you mean

Zhiying reminds Ye Feng, "you'd better sit down and tie up the whole belt!" As soon as the words fell, ten metal chairs popped out of the wall.

Ye Feng immediately goes to sit down and fasten her seat belt. Dixie, Scarlett, Zhuo wanqiu and Monica also sit down and fasten their seat belts.

Ye Feng saw that several of them were still standing in a daze, and immediately reminded them to come and sit down. Only then did they react and come and sit down one after another, learning from Ye Feng and fastening their seat belts.

At this time, Zhiying said to Yefeng, "super planet, as the name suggests, is a super large planet!"

Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help asking, "how big is it?"

After pondering for a while, Zhiying said to the crowd, "you may not have any idea about the numbers. Let me tell you this. The super planet in front of you is 90000 times larger than your sun That is equivalent to 100 billion times of your earth! Now you should have a concept? "

People can't help but look at zhiwin in dismay. It's 100 billion times bigger than the earth. What's the concept?

But this kind of concept is completely that Ye Feng and Dixie, the five of them know better. After all, a Nan, they have no concept of the sun and the earth in the solar system.

But although there is no real concept, when they hear the value of 100 billion times, they can't help but look surprised.

After a long time, Zhuo wanqiu returned to her senses and said to Chao Zhiying, "when you see that planet, it's all that planet?"

Zhiying nodded, pointed out the window and said, "it's really overwhelming!"

As soon as they heard this, they immediately looked back and saw that there was something like a wall in the distance of the starry sky, but for example, it seemed that they were still far away and could not see clearly.

Even sitting on a metal chair, the cat faced man's head was just under the window. He couldn't see the situation at all. He said anxiously, "what do you see?"

The tree face man then picked up the cat face man, held him up and said, "look, look carefully!"

After seeing the scene in front of him, the cat faced man was completely shocked, "my God, it's totally I don't know what word to use! "

Ye Feng pondered and said to Zhiying, "is it possible for us to get rid of the gravity of this planet?"

Zhiying then said to Ye Feng, "in principle, his gravity is not smaller than the previous space-time rift, but his mention is countless times of that space-time rift, so even if we can get rid of its gravity, we can't get around it!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the words. The secret way is yes, the planet is too big. Even if he goes around, he doesn't know what happened after monkey years.

Zhiying said at this time, "but I have detected that this planet has an atmosphere!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately replied, "I see. The atmosphere means that there may be life on this planet!"

Zhiying immediately nodded and said, "that's right, so my suggestion is that after we land on this planet, we can find a way to set sail on this planet again!"

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