As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately said to Zhiying, "this super planet is so big that its gravity will be greater. Once we land, if we want to take off, can we keep up with the power of our spaceship? Can we get rid of the planet's gravity? "

Zhiying immediately said, "I've calculated what you said. Our current spaceship, after the spaceship of our civilization before, plus the two upgrades of these three spaceships, is no longer a problem in terms of power, and can fully undertake the mission of re launching, so you can rest assured about these!"

Ye Feng listen to wisdom win so say, this just nodded a little way, "if you are so sure, then according to what you say to come!"

Zhiying nodded and said to Ye Feng, "since you agree, I'll start to prepare for landing now!"

Ye Feng nodded to Zhiying, then listened to Zhiying and said, "don't come down in your chair. Because the super planet has too much gravity, there may be some unexpected situations in the landing process. In order to avoid some security risks, it's better to sit down."

With that, Zhiying didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak. The whole person immediately disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Seeing that Zhiying suddenly disappeared, the cat faced man could not help looking at the shameless humanity in surprise, "is he of the same race as you? How can you say that if you don't see it, you're gone? "

The faceless man said to the cat faced man, "I am you can't see all the time. He wants us to see, and we can see. If he doesn't want us to see, we can't see. How can he be a race?"

At this time, the tree face man could not help but worry and said, "this super planet is so big, I feel that the whole universe is covered by it. If there is any life on it, is it as huge as this planet?"

Ye Feng was just about to speak, but a Nan said, "according to our previous understanding of the basic knowledge of the universe, it should be like this. One of the forms of life on the planet is to look at gravity. The greater the gravity, the greater the form of life. The other is to look at the atmosphere. The greater the density of the atmosphere, the greater the volume of life!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when she heard that. It's similar to the basic knowledge of the earth's universe. The dinosaurs on the earth mentioned before are huge. It's because the earth's atmosphere density was relatively high at that time.

But when it comes to super life on this super planet, what would it look like? People can't help but worry.

Zhuo wanqiu then said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, will there be a monster like King Kong and Godzilla?"

Ye Feng did not speak, Scarlett immediately said to Zhuo wanqiu, "do not rule out this possibility, even an ant is bigger than our human body!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu took a deep breath and said, "if so, will we not become their food after landing? Aren't we in a trap? "

At this time, Monika said to Zhuo wanqiu, "although this super planet also has an atmosphere, the composition of the atmosphere is still uncertain, and not all planets with an atmosphere in the universe have life. Don't forget that besides air and water, the most important component of life is to have a fixed star. You see, this super planet is already so big. If there is life on this planet, how big a star will it need? "

When Zhuo wanqiu heard this, she was stunned and said, "yes, how big is the sun?"

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move when listening to what Monica and Zhuo wanqiu say. He has the same question as Zhuo wanqiu. For example, how big the sun is needed for the existence of this super planet.

Ye Feng thought and looked out of the window, looking at the huge planet's surface getting closer and closer. It was really like an endless wall blocking in front of him, completely unable to see the edge.

Ye Feng originally thought that because the planet's star was just covered by the super planet, they could not see the light of the sun for the time being, so they wanted to see if there was light at the edge of the super planet, but the area of the planet was too large to see the edge.

Now, from this point of view, no one can say for sure that once you get to the back of the super planet, you don't know if there are stars.

So in the final analysis, whether there is life on this super planet or not, now no one can tell. It's like a gamble. Whether there is life or not is a gamble.

After all, for Ye Feng, they naturally don't want any life. After all, it's not clear what kind of ecological environment is on this super planet. Maybe the weather is extremely bad. It's a headache just to face the weather. If they really encounter any beasts and birds again, they will take care of it.

What's more, for life on this planet, they are invaders. If there is no intelligent life, it's a good thing to say that once there is intelligent life, they will land directly without any notification, which means that there is no difference between the indication and the direct declaration of war.But now that we have decided to land, it's meaningless to think about it. With or without life, they have to land.

At this time, the spaceship they were in was shaking violently, and the cause of the spaceship changed obviously. Originally, the ground under their feet was the force of gravity, but now it has become the back.

Obviously, in fact, the point of force on the spacecraft has not changed, just because the super planet has greater gravity, so the point of force has shifted.

Zhuo wanqiu and some other women looked out of the window, but they saw that the surface of the super planet outside the window was completely clear. It was no longer like the feeling of half covering the face with Pipa before, and it completely showed its true face.

The atmosphere of the window immediately freezes the "glass" outside the window, and you can't see the situation outside. Moreover, due to the friction caused by the collision between the spaceship hull and the atmosphere, sparks are directly scratched on the surface of the spaceship. This is a feeling of ice and fire. The window is full of frost, but the surface of the spaceship is full of flames.

But soon the frost in the window was melted by the sparks, but they still couldn't see anything else. All they could see was the fire on the surface of the spaceship.

Although we can't see the situation outside clearly, everyone knows that the spacecraft has completely entered the atmosphere of the super planet, and the spacecraft may be about to land soon.

However, the time is long. If we calculate the landing time of the spacecraft on the earth, it must be inaccurate. After all, the super planet is hundreds of billions of earth, so the distance between the atmosphere and the ground is not hundreds of billions, but the gap is certainly not small.

I don't know how long it took, even Ye Feng had forgotten the existence of time. The body of the spaceship suddenly made a loud bang, and then there was a feeling of metal rubbing against the stone, and the ship was shaking violently.

After everything calmed down, the crowd looked out of the window, only to find that the window was full of mud. The whole body of the spaceship seemed to be buried in the ground, and they couldn't see what was going on outside.

At this time, Zhiying appeared in front of the crowd and said to Ye Feng, "the spaceship has landed smoothly. I have just checked the situation outside. The oxygen is very heavy and it is not suitable for human breathing on earth, so you must wear spacesuits!"

As soon as the voice came down, a shelf popped up on everyone's side with a spacesuit hanging on it.

Zhiying continued, "if you want to go out, you must wear spacesuits!"

But Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Zhiying, "didn't you say that landing is not the purpose? Our purpose of landing is to take off again..."

Zhiying immediately said, "yes, I was thinking of waiting for the super planet to spin to the other side before we launch. At that time, we would not have to bypass the super planet directly. But now it seems that the rotation of the super planet is very slow, so it may take a while!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately asked Zhi Ying, "how long is the waiting time?"

Zhiying said to Ye Feng, "we can't find out at present. The rotation of this super planet is not very stable! Can't measure the exact time! So we have to wait! "

After all, this strange planet may be dangerous to them at any time.

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