For a moment, the whole spaceship was silent, and no one spoke. After a long time, the cat faced man said, "it's better to go out and have a look at what's going on. It's better to have a number in mind than to think about it here!"

Ye Feng also has this idea. After all, Zhiying says that he has to wait here for a long time, and he doesn't know what the concept is. Instead of sitting here and not knowing anything, it's better to go out and see what's going on on this super planet.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng then stood up and said, "well, let's go out for a few people to see the situation, and the others will stay on the spaceship!"

After hearing this, Dixie immediately stood up and said to Ye Feng, "I'll go down with you!"

Scarlett also immediately got up and said to follow, Zhuo wanqiu hesitated to go down.

Ye Feng then looked at a few women and said to Dixie, "you go down with me!" Then he said to Scarlett and some of their women, "you stay on the ship!"

At this time, a Nan immediately stood up and said to Ye Feng, "I'll go too!"

The cat faced man also stood up and said, "I like to take risks. Of course I can't do without them!"

The ugly man didn't say a word all the time. At this time, he patted his chest and raised his head to several people, saying that he would go too.

As soon as the tree face man stood up, a Nan said to several people, let the cat face man and the ugly face man follow them out, and the Faceless Man and the tree face man stay at the spaceship.

After the decision, several other people have no meaning, Ye Feng and a Nan, they have several started to wear space suits.

After they are all dressed up, Ye Feng asks Zhiying to open the hatch. Ye Feng and others immediately walk past, but the hatch is double-layer.

Wait for Ye Feng after they walk past, the cabin door behind immediately closes after, a cabin door in front just opens.

As soon as the cabin door was opened, a hurricane came. Several people couldn't open their legs, and it was dark outside. They couldn't see anything clearly.

This situation lasted more than ten minutes, so that everyone had the intention to give up, and the hurricane finally passed.

After the hurricane passed, Ye Feng and others stepped out of the cabin door. Although it was dark outside, fortunately, Ye Feng's spacesuits all had lighting equipment. When they went out, they found that they were in a deep pit.

After Ye Feng and other people climbed out of the pit, they looked back and saw clearly through the lighting equipment that the spaceship was rowing all the way on the ground of the super planet. Fortunately, the ground was loose soil, there was not much rock and so on. In addition, the material of the spaceship was estimated to be very hard, so they rowed a deep pit, which was not caused by the hull of the spaceship What's the impact.

Ye Feng and several other people climbed out of the pit, and then looked at the distance. The lighting on his body was ok, and he could shine on the situation a few miles away.

Ye Feng stood there and looked around by the light. He found that it was a plain and there was nothing around it. In addition to the occasional strong wind, the soil on the ground was flying around, which made it very desolate.

At this time, Dixie stood on Ye Feng's side, looked at the situation, and said to Ye Feng, "it seems that there is no sign of life on this planet, right?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "where is this? We can only confirm that there is no life on the planet at present!"

The cat face man was the last one to climb out of the pit. At this time, he stood on the side of the pit, bent over, supported his knees, and gasped, "I'm dead!"

After looking around, she went in one direction. The ugly face immediately followed. The cat face immediately called out to wait for me, and then quickly followed.

Ye Feng said to her, "where are you going?"

A Nan said to Ye Feng in the wireless device, "don't you come out to see the situation? If you stand here, you can see clearly. Of course, you have to look around! "

Ye Feng smell speech then toward a Nan way, "the circumstance here, we still don't understand very much, can't act rashly!"

A Nan then says to Ye Feng, "you two a group, we three a group, have a circumstance to keep in touch!"

At this time, the cat faced man said with disdain, "my friend, you need to be adventurous! We may be the first to step into this super planet! "

Ye Feng was speechless, and then he took a look at Dixie and said to her, "let's go to another direction to have a look!"

Dixie nodded to Ye Feng, and then they walked in the other direction. After walking for a long time, they found that they were still on the plain.

Dixie then said to Ye Feng, "this super planet is so big, maybe we've gone so far, and we haven't even walked a few millimeters on the earth!"

Just as he was saying this, he suddenly heard the voice of the cat faced man coming from the wireless device, "my God, what are those? Is it Kyoho? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately stops and asks a Nan, "a Nan, a Nan, what have you found?"A Nan's voice came from the wireless device and said, "we found some huge peaks in front of us, but the specific situation is not clear..."

Ye Feng immediately uses technology to find out where they are, and displays them on the virtual screen in front of her eyes. Then he says to her, "you wait for us in the same place, we'll rush there now!"

After that, without waiting for her reply, she immediately said to Dixie, "let's go to meet them!"

Dixi Si smell speech also didn't speak, after nodding a head, immediately toward the direction of a Nan they walk past, Ye Feng also hurriedly followed up.

However, walking in space suits is totally different from walking in light clothes. It's very slow. I don't know how long it took. Ye Feng looked forward with a searchlight and saw that there were many peaks in front of him. But I don't know if it was because the light was white, so it seemed that these peaks were all white, forming a sharp contrast with the gray brown ground The contrast between the two.

Soon, Dixie found a few of them, who were standing under a mountain, and immediately informed Ye Feng.

Ye Feng and Dixie immediately walked towards ah Nan. When they got to ah Nan, they looked up and found that these peaks were high and low, some were only tens of meters high, some were 100 meters high, some were hundreds of meters high, and even could not see the height clearly.

At this time, the cat face man stepped back several times, and then said to the crowd, "these mountains seem to be hollowed out!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the speech. At this time, he heard Dixie say, "it's hollow. I just found it in the distance, and I don't think it's a mountain peak!"

A Nan asked, "what is not the peak?"

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, then he reached out and knocked on the mountain peak. After knocking, he said to the people, "maybe it's a fossil!"

When they heard this, they were surprised and said, "fossils?"

But Dixie nodded and said, "I think it might be a fossil, too!"

The cat faced man immediately said, "do you know what fossil means? It means that these are the bones left by some living bodies after death, and the stones formed after weathering thousands of years later... "

A Nan looked at the cat and said, "since they can name fossils, they must know the formation of fossils. You don't have to explain it again!"

The cat faced man said to her, "I mean, on this super planet, do you mean that there are living things?"

Ye Feng corrects the wrong way, "it may have been..."

Ah Nan was surprised and said, "if these peaks are fossils, how big will the creatures on this planet be? If there is any life now, maybe one foot can turn us into flesh mud! "

Ye Feng looked at the face of a Nan hiding in the astronautic cap and said, "how? Scared? "

Without waiting for her reply, the cat faced man immediately said, "what are you afraid of? That's interesting. I really want to see how big the animals on this planet can be! It's better for me to meet a few. I'll go back later and brag! "

Just as he was saying this, he suddenly heard a rustling sound in the distance, and everyone could not help but look at the voice.

Under the light of the searchlight, we can see that the soil on the ground in the distance is automatically forming a mound.

Ye Feng's face suddenly moved, the ground will not automatically form a mound, which shows that there is a living body moving rapidly in the ground, and the width of the mound is definitely not narrower than that of the earth pit carved by the previous spacecraft on the ground, which shows that the underground things will never be too small.

In fact, not only Ye Feng can see it, but all the people present can see it. They can't help but hold their breath and stare at the flying mound.

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