The mound is coming towards Ye Feng quickly, and what scares them most is that there is not only one. At this time, the same situation appears from all sides, and countless mounds are constantly approaching them.

At this time, Ye Feng and others instinctively stepped back and leaned their backs together. The cat faced man immediately said in a voice of excitement and fear, "so much? It's going to be fun

Dixie then asked Ye Feng in a deep voice, "it's too late for us to go back to the spaceship now! I don't seem to have any weapons on me. What should I do now? "

Ye Feng didn't know what to do for a moment. The speed of the other side was too fast. Even if they started to turn around and run back now, they couldn't have time to run back to the spaceship. Besides, they were still wearing spacesuits. When they ran, they didn't have the speed at all.

And at this time, zhiwin's voice came to several people's ears, "your spacesuit cuffs have laser weapons!"

As soon as they heard this, they immediately began to check their sleeves and found that there was a small black device on both sleeves. Even if they saw it at that time, they never thought it would be a laser device. Now they all stood up to the moving mounds in front of them.

But Ye Feng immediately said, "don't shoot for the moment, wait and see. If their target is not us, we will take the initiative to attack, but it is easy to provoke them!"

The cat faced man then snorted coldly, "what's the size of this area? Besides us, what else will they have? It must be for us

At this time, Dixie snorted, "our goal is not to fight with the other side, but to return to the spaceship as soon as possible!"

Ye Feng nodded. That's what he meant. It's only so long since the super planet is so big that there is a crisis. I don't know what will happen next. Now the safest thing is to go back to the spaceship.

A Nan said to Ye Feng at this time, "look over there, there are more coming!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward the direction of looking to see, but see the open space over there, gray brown soil dust, countless road mounds are rapidly forming.

At this time, the cat face man suddenly yelled, saying that the ugly face man had disappeared. When people heard this, their faces were all moving, and they began to turn their bodies to find the whereabouts of the ugly face man.

At this time, Ye Feng used the searchlight to look at the distance, but saw that the ugly man was being dragged to the front by something, which seemed to be hidden on the ground and didn't show up at all.

A Nan also saw it. After a big drink, she rushed to the other side. The cat faced man followed closely. He took the lead in shooting at the underground mound.

With a bang, the dirt on the ground was blown up, but it didn't seem to hit. The underground things continued to go towards the cat faced man.

Ye Feng and Dixi see this, immediately also ran toward the front, cat face man's legs are short, slow, just ready to shoot a second shot, immediately feel something on the leg trip, just fell to the ground immediately feel foot entangled by something, immediately dragged by that thing to the front, that speed is far faster than cat face man's countless times.

The cat face man suddenly yelled, "it's got me, it's got me..."

Ye Feng saw this and immediately speeded up. After all, his body had been transformed. Although he was also bound by the spacesuit, his foot distance was much faster than that of Dixie. He soon ran parallel to the cat face man.

Seeing Ye Feng catching up, the cat faced man immediately yelled at Ye Feng, "he's got me. Shoot..."

Ye Feng squints and stares at the feet of the cat faced man. However, he sees that the legs of the cat faced man seem to be entangled by several branches. However, because he has been moving, he can't see clearly.

Ye Feng didn't say much. He immediately fired a shot one meter in front of the cat face man's leg. An aurora passed, and suddenly the mound was blasted into a mud pit. Ye Feng even heard a creaking sound. Then he saw the mound running away quickly, but the cat face man stopped.

Ye Feng immediately went to pull up the cat's face, "see clearly what?"

The cat faced man said, "I didn't see it clearly. When I see it clearly, I'll blow its head!"

The girl in front couldn't catch up with the ugly face who was dragged away. She stopped and couldn't help panting.

At this time, the ugly man was dragged by the gap between the two fossils. He immediately stretched out his arms, grabbed one, and let out a dull hum.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately ran towards the ugly man. At this time, the ugly man felt that his body was about to be pulled off, and his hands gradually lost their strength.

At this time, Ye Feng rushed over and held out his hand to the ugly face man. One hand grabbed the ugly face man's arm, the other hand started the laser weapon, and quickly shot at the gap between the two fossils. After a loud bang, the ugly face man was finally saved.

The ugly man rolled on the ground and stood up. He immediately started his laser weapons and started shooting at the nearby mound.It took a long time for Dixie and a-nan to come here. After a long time, the cat faced man came panting. After several people met again, they found that they were completely surrounded by those mounds. From their perspective, the height of those mounds had completely exceeded them, at least two or three meters high.

All of them were close to each other, each with his own arms up, facing those still creeping mounds, but no one shot again, just staring at these mounds in front of him.

At this time, the cat face man said angrily, "these shady guys only know how to hide in the ground and have seeds to come out. Show me what they look like and see if I don't blow their heads."

A Nan then said to the cat, "don't talk and pay more attention to the situation. Now we are surrounded!"

But the cat faced man said with disdain, "encircle, encircle, we just break through!"

At this time, she couldn't help but look at the cat faced man. She wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything. In fact, she was just curious, how could this short man get such self-confidence? In this case, she still felt that he was invincible?

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng asked Zhi Ying, "can you find out what these underground" mice "are?"

Zhiying then said to the crowd, "we are still checking. The address of this planet is a bit special. It seems that there is something in the earth that can block all kinds of signals, so it is difficult to check it!"

The cat face man immediately said, "what's good to investigate? No matter what it is, there's no amnesty for killing!"

At this time, Dixie snorted coldly, "so many, can you kill them all?"

When the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said, "why? Are you scared? Then you really shouldn't come out with us, you should hide in the spaceship! "

Dixi Si Wen Yan Leng hum a way, "should hide in the spaceship is you, you see you can't run, in addition to talk big, what can you do?"

"What are you talking about?" said the cat faced man in an angry voice

At this time, Ye Feng and a Nan said in one voice, "shut up

A Nan scolded cat face, "is this the time to quarrel?"

Ye Feng also said to Dixie, "needless to say so much, now we should think about how to leave here!"

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "we don't even know what the other side is, and we are outnumbered. What else can we do?"

The cat face man then said, "no matter how much he comes, how much he comes, how much he kills..."

A Nan said to Ye Feng immediately, "what can you do?"

Ye Feng a while pondering, looking at the situation in front of them, they have been surrounded by the water, want to run back to the spaceship is almost impossible.

But Ye Feng has no idea what and how many of these underground things are. Their only weapon now is a laser weapon device on one person's two arms. But at present, they have no advantage at all.

At this time, I saw that the soil on a mound was constantly falling towards the ground, and the mound was getting higher and higher. I felt that the underground things were about to break out of the ground.

At this time, even the cat faced man who talked the most could not help holding his breath and staring at the mound without saying a word.

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