At this time, everyone found that, except for the pile of soil in front of them, all the mounds around them began to do so.

Thinking about this underground time at the same time drilling out so many unknown things, even monsters, people can't help but feel nervous.

At this moment, however, a few long, branch like things suddenly appeared in the front of the mound, just like the thing that pulled the cat face man and the ugly face man before.

Before people could react, they saw two black round things coming out of the ground. Before people could see what they were, a bigger black round body appeared immediately. The two previous circles were on the round body, and the two sides of the big circle had two legs with the same value, which were supporting on the ground.

Just in an instant, a circle came out of the mound behind, which was about the same size as the one in front, and linked together. After two or three circles came out in succession, the last one came out was an ellipse connecting the front. Ye Feng murmured, "giant ant?"

Dixie also can't help but look a few more eyes, and found that the monster in front of him really looks like an ant of the earth, but he looks bigger than an elephant.

Before the cat face man spent a lot of time, he couldn't help taking a breath of air. He was not as tall as the giant ant, and he was looking up at the ant.

A Nan also can't help sighing at this time, "what the hell is this?"

At this time, these giant ants appeared one after another under the other mounds. They were everywhere. When the ants came out, they stared at Ye Feng with their eyes, but they didn't take any further action.

At this time, the cat face man gave a cold hum, and immediately started the laser weapon in his hand. He fired several shots at the giant ant nearest to him. The speed of the laser was also very fast. The ant was huge, and he didn't know whether he couldn't avoid it or he didn't intend to avoid it at all. Just listening to the "boom boom" sound, the ant exploded.

After a few roars, the giant ant was still standing there safe and sound, even shaking its body, as if it was challenging the cat faced man.

Cat face people suddenly stunned, did not expect these giant monsters, even the laser can not penetrate.

Several other people were stunned, staring at the ants in front of them. Ye Feng stared at the ants, only to see that they were painted black. Under their searchlights, they all reflected light, and looked as if they were heavy as armor.

At this time, Zhiying's voice came into people's ears, "I found that this kind of insect is very common on this planet, and belongs to the lowest creature. Its name is translated as the ground beetle ant. Its body shell is very thick, but relatively speaking, it's thick for us, but for their natural enemies, it doesn't matter whether it's thick or not!"

The cat faced man immediately asked, "what are their natural enemies? What does it mean to be meaningless? "

Zhiying immediately explained, "their heaven and earth is a kind of animal called polyhedral anteaters. They take these ground beetles as their main food. When they eat them, they eat them directly. The stomach acid of those polyhedral anteaters can directly digest these ground beetles, so whether their fur is thick or not is meaningless for polyhedral anteaters!"

The cat face man said, "you say these giant animals are lower animals, grandma's, now these lower animals are going to eat us, aren't we lower than the lower animals?"

Ye Feng didn't speak at this time, but he was thinking, it seems that the food chain of this planet is similar to the earth where he lives. The ants on the earth are also the lowest animals, and their natural enemies are also some ant eaters similar to ant eaters.

Now they think that the ground beetle ant in front of them is a giant. The main reason is that this super planet is too big, so the ants that used to be very small on earth are several times bigger than them here.

Dixie then asked Zhiying, "polyhedral anteater? Is it their natural enemy? So we can find the polyhedral anteater and deal with them? "

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "how big do you think the polyhedral ant eater that can swallow these giant ants alive? It may be the natural enemy of this beetle, but if we meet polyhedral ant eaters, they are our natural enemy!"

Zhiying's voice immediately said, "that's right. A polygonal anteater can eat dozens or hundreds of ground beetles with its tongue at a time. Think for yourself, how big it is!"

At this time, the cat face man immediately said, "I'm not interested in that thing. I'd better not meet it in my life. Now I just want to know how we can get back to the spaceship."

Zhiying then said to the crowd, "our spaceship still has some faults, which has just been discovered. Maybe there is something wrong during the landing process. I need to repair it!"

"What do you mean by that?" the cat faced man said immediately

Zhiying immediately said faintly, "it means that you should think of your own way!"The cat faced man immediately scolded, "damn..."

Ye Feng noticed at this time that several ground beetles had been slowly approaching them, and when they moved, the huge teeth of a pair of steel tongs on their mouth were moving. Imagine that if their body was bitten by the steel teeth of these ground beetles, it would be sour for once in their life.

But at the same time, Ye Feng also noticed that the abdomen of these ground beetles is still some distance from the ground, although it is not high, but it is half the height of them.

Ye Feng immediately toward the cat face humanity, "you look at their bottom, now you can play to your advantage!"

The cat faced man couldn't help staring at the lower part of the ground beetle. He soon found the problem and said, "OK, I can run under them! But what do you do? "

Ye Feng is toward the cat face humanity, "their back is thick armor, but not necessarily the abdomen!"

The cat face man immediately understood Ye Feng's meaning. After understanding, he immediately roared and rushed to a ground beetle in front of him. In an instant, he ran under the ground beetle.

However, after the cat faced man ran to the abdomen of the ground beetle, he immediately raised his hands, started the laser weapon on his arm, and fired several shots at the abdomen of the ground beetle.

Suddenly, after a few loud noises, the beetle squeaked twice, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Seeing this, the cat faced man was immediately proud. After whistling, he continued to rush towards the next ground beetle.

After the cat face man succeeded, everyone knew that the weakness of the ground beetle ant was their abdomen. Ye Feng immediately nodded his head to Dixie and a-nan, and everyone knew it and ran under the ground beetle ant in front of him.

However, their height is much higher than that of the cat face man, so they can only bend over and run past. Every time they pass by, they shoot at the abdomen of the ground beetle with their laser weapons.

Just in an instant, more than a dozen ground beetles fell on the ground in front of him. Several people were more and more happy with the Vietnam War. At the same time, Ye Feng also realized that Zhiying was right. These ground beetles are indeed the lowest level animals on the planet. They have no brains at all.

Although the ground beetle ants rely on their huge body, they have no power to fight against Ye Feng, who is flexible. It's just that after a while, dozens of ground beetles have already died in their hands.

However, despite killing so many ground beetles, it seems that new ground beetles are emerging from the ground all around, even if they kill happily. If there are endless new people coming out of the underground, they may not be able to kill all of them when the super planet rotates once.

What's more, Ye Feng knows that on the earth, there may be tens of thousands to 100000 ants in an ant colony, and even the number of ants in some large ant colonies may exceed one million. It's not clear whether these ground beetles are scattered or come from one ant colony. If they come from one ant colony, it's not enough. They really can't be killed.

Think of here, Ye Feng immediately toward has killed hi cat face humanity, "don't love war, our goal is to go back to the spaceship!"

Cat face person at this time is "playing" Hi skin, completely did not hear Ye Feng's words.

At this time, a Nan said harshly to the cat faced man, "when are you going to kill? Shall we all go back to the spaceship and leave you on this planet and play with these ants slowly?"

When the cat faced man heard this, he came back to himself. It was fun to kill the ground beetles, but the devil would like to stay and play with them. He immediately said, "I understand!" Immediately toward Ye Feng, a Nan they there meet.

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