At this time, a group of people began to gather towards the spaceship. When they met the ground beetle on the way, they still used the same method as before, that is, shooting at the abdomen of the ground beetle, which was smooth on the way.

But at this time, the ground suddenly vibrated, as if there had been an earthquake, but Ye Feng knew that even the size of the ground beetle, stepping on the ground is not enough to cause such a vibration.

Just thinking about it, the cat faced man suddenly said, "look at the distance, there's a bigger guy coming!"

As soon as they heard this, they could not help but feel awe at heart. The ground beetles alone had enough for them. How could they bear any other animals.

When Ye Feng looked into the distance, he followed the searchlight on his head and saw that the animal was at least innumerable times bigger than the ground beetle. It was estimated that one sole could crush all the ground beetles. The whole size could only be described as breaking through the sky. He could not see how big the guy was.

Ye Feng even in order to see the animal's appearance, will head almost raised into a 90 degree angle, still did not see what animal that guy is.

But at this time, they saw a few ground beetle ants in front of them suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the people who looked at them were even more awe struck. They didn't know why.

However, Ye Feng seems to have known what the huge animal that can produce the earthquake effect by running. He immediately directed at the humanity, "no matter how many, run to the spaceship immediately, don't hesitate!"

As soon as they heard this, they immediately ran towards the spaceship. Zhisheng's voice on the road said, "what's behind you is a polyhedral ant eater!"

Zhiying's words are exactly the same as Ye Feng's conjecture. They can make the ground beetles disappear out of thin air. They must be polyhedral anteaters. In an instant, they spit out their tongue and touch the ground beetles. The speed of spitting and swallowing is too fast, so they feel that the ground beetles disappear out of thin air.

When others heard this, they were even more nervous. Just looking at the size of the guy, they already knew how big the polyhedral anteater was. If the tongue stuck out and touched them, Zhiying said that the stomach acid of the polyhedral anteater could melt the armor of the ground beetle, not to mention them. It was estimated that they would be gone as soon as they entered the stomach.

A group of people tried their best to run towards the direction of the spaceship, but fortunately, a few people were lucky, and the ground beetle seemed to know that the polyhedral anteater appeared, so they had no time to stare at them, and began to run around.

Ye Feng and others finally got to the side of the spaceship, and then opened the cabin door of the spaceship and went in. After they went in, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Ah Nan was sitting on the ground, breathing heavily.

Several other people also leaned against the cabin for a rest, and then entered the second door and entered the interior of the cabin.

Scarlett they see a few Ye Feng they came back, immediately surrounded up, asked Ye Feng if they have something.

Ye Feng and others took off their spacesuits, then sat on the ground and shook their heads, saying they were OK.

Zhiying then came over and said, "I have bad news for you. Our spaceship can't start for the time being!"

When Ye Feng and others heard this, their faces could not help but move. Ye Feng then said to Zhiying, "what does it mean that they can't start?"

Zhiying then said to Ye Feng, "don't you understand the meaning of not being able to start? I just can't finish the lift off! "

When they heard this, they all looked cold. Staring at Zhiying, Ye Feng said to Zhiying, "there is no other way?"

Zhiying said to Yefeng, "the way is not without, but it's very dangerous!"

Zhuo wanqiu excitedly said to Zhiying, "before, you had to land. Now, we all have to stay here to feed ants..."

Ye Feng stood up and looked at Zhi Ying and said, "as long as there is a way, there is a way to leave!"

Zhiying nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I just checked this super planet, and found that there is a base more than 100 kilometers away from our Northwest. Where is a crashed spaceship, which should belong to the space class, and I found that the engine system of that spaceship is not broken. We just need to bring back the engine system and replace it with ours On the ship, we'll have a chance to get out of here! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately looked at Zhi Ying and said, "that is to say, the engine of our spaceship is broken? Need a new engine? "

Zhiying immediately said, "that's right!"

The cat faced man then said, "that is to say, are we going out?"

Zhiying nodded and said, "in principle, that's it!"

The cat faced man immediately said, "shit, I'm not going! I won't go out if I'm killed! "

Ye Feng is a while pondering, and a Nan stands up and says, "our three spaceships have not been connected to this spaceship by you, can't the engine of our spaceship work?"

Zhiying said, "of course, it can be used, but our spaceship failed only after it was upgraded and integrated with your engine, and it fell on this planet. That is to say, now we have no engine available!"After taking a deep breath, she said, "if there's really no way, you have to go unless you all want to stay here!"

When it comes to staying here, everyone can't help fighting a cold war. It's obvious that no one wants to stay here all day with the ground beetles.

Ye Feng also nodded at this time, toward wisdom win way, "there is no day here, if there is day, action should be more convenient!"

The cat face man immediately added, "and this damn spacesuit, it's too clumsy to wear. If you don't wear it, it's best!"

Zhiying said, "now the oxygen density is too high, your breathing will certainly be affected, but in principle, you can not wear space suits, but you have to wait until the oxygen density goes down a little bit!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately asked Zhi Ying, "when can we wait for the oxygen density to go down?"

Zhiying said, "according to my investigation and calculation of this planet, the Autobiography of this planet turns for a while and stops for a while. When the rotation stops, the density of the air is relatively high, but the density of the autobiography is relatively low. At that time, it is suitable for people who do not wear spacesuits or even need any oxygen equipment!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately way, "that is to say, now this super planet is in non rotation period?"

Zhiying immediately nodded and said, "yes, generally the rotation and non rotation time of this planet are the same, and the interval is about 100 hours!"

Dixie immediately asked Zhiying, "how long will it be before the next rotation?"

Zhiying said immediately, "there are less than four hours left!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately said to Zhiying, "let's start in four hours!"

The cat face man said, "more than 100 kilometers, shall we run? I don't know what I'll encounter on the return route. Once I delay for a little time, I may not be able to come back. The time is not as good as it used to be. After all, it's more than 100 kilometers, and it's twice the distance to come back. "

Zhiying immediately said, "there are chariots on the spaceship. You can go by chariot!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said, "shit, I didn't say it earlier! And we've almost become a dish for ground beetles and polyhedral anteaters! "

Zhiying said, "the chariot has energy, but it has no energy!"

The cat faced man immediately scolded, "can you finish your speech at one time?"

But Ye Feng asked Zhi Ying, "what kind of energy do you need? Can't the spaceship on the spaceship be distributed to the chariot?"

Zhiying said to Ye Feng, "no, and the chariot doesn't need the energy of the spacecraft. It's pure solar energy, and there's no sun here, so it's estimated that the amount of storage is not enough for you to go back and forth!"

Cat face person immediately toward wisdom win way, "I say, I endure you for a long time, you talk can finish?"

Zhiying didn't even look at the cat face, but Chao Yefeng continued, "our first task now is to make an artificial sun within four hours!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a surprised way, "artificial sun?"

Zhiying immediately nodded and said, "yes, it's not difficult, but we have to make sure that there won't be any problems in these four hours, otherwise it's very likely that the sun will explode and there will be no residue left!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Zhiying, "no matter what method it is, you have to have a try. You start to make artificial sun now!"

Zhiying Wenyan said to Ye Feng, "it's already started, but the scale of this artificial sun is not very large. It can shine 200 miles of energy at most, so your time is limited. You must go back to the spaceship before the sun goes out."

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