At this time, Zhuo wanqiu looked at Zhiying and said, "is the artificial sun so easy to build? You say build one, build one? Isn't it in space that you make the sun at will? "

Zhiying said to Zhuo wanqiu, "artificial sun needs a lot of chemical elements, which are not found in space. These elements can only be found on the planet. On this super planet, there are all the elements that make artificial sun. Otherwise, do you think artificial sun is so simple? These elements are indispensable! "

Ye Feng immediately said to Zhiying, "don't say so much. Hurry up and make it! Let us know if you need our help

Zhiying answers and goes to help himself, leaving Ye Feng and a Nan in the cabin.

At this time, in the center of the cabin, there is still a large virtual screen, which shows the killing of ground beetles by the polyhedral anteater outside.

From the virtual screen, it's like watching the ant eaters in the animal world eating ants on the earth's TV. There's almost no difference except that the head of the ant eater has three long horns of different lengths. But from the perspective of their presence on the scene, it's just a war between a group of giant animals and a bigger one.

At this time, Ye Feng began to operate the virtual screen in front of him with the knowledge of Star River instilling in him. He wanted to know what other animals were on the planet besides the ground beetles and polyhedral anteaters.

Especially in four hours, they are going to set out from here to the place where a spaceship crashed more than 100 kilometers away. What other animals might they encounter along the way.

However, no information about other animals was found on the virtual screen. Maybe it's because the program of the spaceship has been upgraded after all. Zhiwin may be needed for more advanced operation.

But Ye Feng is still fiddling with the things on the virtual display, trying to understand some relevant information as much as possible.

And here's a Nan. They sat together and were discussing something in a low voice. Seeing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately went over and said to the five people, "what are you secretly discussing? It's not about running away, is it? "

When the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said angrily, "are we such people?"

Zhuo wanqiu shrugged her shoulders and said, "who knows, since there's nothing shameful, why is it so sneaky in a low voice?"

At this time, a Nan stood up and said to Zhuo wanqiu, "we are discussing who is going to the place more than 100 kilometers away."

The cat faced man snorted coldly, "you talk so much nonsense. It seems that you are going there for a while?"

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu said in a loud voice, "what's so great about going there?"

At this time, Dixie is watching Ye Feng operating the virtual screen. Seeing that Zhuo wanqiu says so, he immediately says to Zhuo wanqiu, "don't make a noise. I don't see that Satan is studying. It's not your decision whether to go or not. I'll see how Satan decides later."

Ye Feng is looking at the road map and finds that the road leading to the crash site is almost plain and there is almost no water source, but there is a river just there.

From the map, it's just a curve, but after Ye Feng enlarged the map and saw the numerical mark on one side of the river, he was shocked.

Seeing that Ye Feng's face was different, Dixie came over immediately. After a look, he also said, "Twenty three kilometers? What do you mean, this river is twenty-three Li? "

Zhuo wanqiu also walked over, and said, "what river is twenty-three Li? In our earth, a county-level city does not run through it! "

Ye Feng then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "Twenty three li is not the length, but the width!"

When people heard this, their faces could not help but move. The river, 23 Li wide, is not a river. Even rivers and even lakes are rarely so wide.

A Nan, they all came over and looked at the virtual map. At this time, the cat faced man said, "I don't know if the chariot that guy prepared for us is amphibious!"

A Nan said, "even if it's amphibious, it's hard to get past. Don't you see the ground beetle we met just now? It is estimated that it is one of the smallest animals on this planet. If there is any kind of fish in the river, it may be tens of thousands of times as big as the ground beetle. How big our chariot can be, it may not be enough for the fish and shrimp in the river! "

Everyone could not help but be silent, staring at the 23 Li River. No one spoke any more. Everyone knew that this trip was extremely dangerous, and even there was no return at all.

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. "We can only choose how to go now, but we can't choose not to go, so it's meaningless to say that. Instead of sighing here, we'd better imagine how to do it later!"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "now we are only seeing the numerical value. What really shocked us is that after we came to the scene in person, we saw the river as if it were a vast ocean. It is estimated that the scene will really shake people's hearts."Ye Feng nodded and added, "besides, we can't be sure how many animals we don't know and how dangerous there are on the road to that side, so this may be a near death journey!"

Then Ye Feng turned around and looked at all the people on the scene, "if you don't want to take this risk, you can choose to stay in the spaceship and wait for the news of the people who go! If you choose not to go, no one will laugh at you! "

After taking a deep breath, the cat faced man said, "it looks very scary, but I'd better go. You know, if drifting in this universe has been smooth sailing, what's the difference between it and being dead? It's better to take advantage of your body bone to appreciate how many animals and things we don't know on this so-called super planet. If you are lucky enough to return to your own planet later, isn't it also a bragging capital? "

A Nan smelled the speech and looked at the cat's face. "So, do you decide to go?"

The cat face shrugged his shoulders and said, "when did you see me?"

A Nan immediately nodded, then also toward Ye Feng said, "I also go!"

Dixie Si also immediately toward leaf maple way, "count me one!"

Tree face man quickly said, "before you did not take me, this time I will go!"

The shameless man immediately echoed, "count me! It's boring to sit in this spaceship! "

Monica and Scarlett immediately said, "count us in. We don't want to stay here and wait!"

The ugly man immediately patted himself on the chest and said that he would go this time.

At this time, the cat faced man looked at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "what about the one who talked the most nonsense just now? Yes? What's wrong? Don't want to go? "

Zhuo wanqiu was so excited by the cat face man that she immediately stepped forward and said, "Whoever counsels, go. What's to be afraid of!"

The audience said so, Ye Feng's face showed the color of gratification, nodded to the crowd.

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't find any reason to leave me this time. I'm sure I'll go!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded to Zhuo wanqiu, and then said to all the people, "since we all want to go this time, I have no objection. After a while, Zhiying will raise the artificial sun, let's go together!"

Dixi Si smell speech but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "don't need to stay here?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "the journey this time is too long and dangerous. It may not be possible to come back after going. But if the people who go can't come back, the people who stay can't leave. Instead of this, it's better for us to integrate our destiny and advance and retreat together, so that those who stay don't worry about the people who go and those who go worry about the people who stay!"

On hearing this, Dixie nodded after a while of pondering and said, "that's fine!"

Then she nodded her head and said, "if that's the case, let's all go!"

The cat faced man glanced at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "I'm afraid someone will delay you for a while."

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately glared at the cat face, "you stinking cat, dead cat, why do you always talk to me? What's wrong with you?"

The cat face shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't say you. You're right. What can I do?"

Zhuo wanqiu just wanted to go back, but Ye Feng said, "since everyone has decided to go, then they all sit down and have a rest. After a while, they are afraid that they will have no time and opportunity to have a rest after they are on the road."

When they heard this, they were all silent. Everyone knew the danger of the journey, so no one spoke any more.

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