At this time, people felt that there was a little more light around. They immediately looked out of the window, but they saw that the light really came in from the window.

They immediately ran to one end of the spaceship and looked out of the window. But they saw a fist sized bright spot rising in the sky far away from the window. They could not open their eyes, just like the sun in space.

Zhuo wanqiu said in surprise, "is that the sun?"

A Nan sighed, "I haven't seen this kind of light for a long time!"

But from this point of view, we can't see anything at all

Ye Feng at this time, immediately returned to the virtual screen in front of, and then fiddled on the screen, and finally found the live control button.

After Ye Feng pressed the button, he immediately launched two missile like things from the top of the spaceship and flew to the sky. He could not see them all the time. He entered the atmosphere of the super planet. After flying out of the atmosphere, the propeller at the tail automatically dropped.

At this time, on the virtual screen immediately appeared a complete picture, you can see all the surrounding conditions with their spaceship as the center.

Zhuo wanqiu was surprised and said, "what's the matter? Can we see the earth on this planet? "

Ye Feng explained, "it should be the satellite system on the spaceship, which can help us understand the planet. However, the receiving range of the satellite could completely cover the whole planet for ordinary planets, but it is a super planet after all. The coverage is too small, so we can only see the range with our spaceship as the receiving point It's less than a hundred miles round! "

At this point, Ye Feng continued to say, "maybe this distance can be adjusted in practice, but the error will not be very big. At most, it can be expanded about a hundred miles!"

From the satellite video, the bright spot outside is also slowly rising towards the atmosphere of the super planet, and every time it rises, its volume will be a little larger, and the range of illumination will be a little larger.

At this time, Ye Feng's focus is not on the artificial sun. Since zhiwin can be built, there is no problem with the civilization level of zhiwin. It's just a matter of time.

He is now operating the screen, constantly expanding the screen, to see what the situation is like on the landmark of the super planet with his own spacecraft as the center.

As the picture gets bigger and bigger, it gets closer and closer to the ground. When it gets closer to a certain distance, Ye Feng sees a polyhedral ant eater standing there, looking up at the sky. It's like seeing the sun for the first time. Even his eyes are squinting.

However, this polyhedral ant eater looks no different from the strange animals on the earth, but the shock is that the spaceship is not far away from the polyhedral ant eater's side, and the spaceship is about the same size as the polyhedral ant eater just from its size.

Fortunately, the polygonal anteater's perspective was completely attracted by zhiwin's artificial sun, and did not find a dark metal near it. Otherwise, I don't know if the polygonal anteater would have any special interest in this novel thing.

Ye Feng looked at it carefully on the screen, but he saw that there was another one whose head was a little smaller than this one not far from the polyhedral ant eater. It was almost the same as him. He was looking up at the sun, but he scratched his eyelids with his claws from time to time. It seemed that he didn't adapt to the brilliance of the sun.

Ye Feng continued to expand the video, and soon expanded to see only one foot of the ant eater. At this time, he saw that there were many crawling ants at its feet, which should be the ground beetle they met before.

At this time, the ground beetle ants are constantly drilling toward the ground. In a short time, many ground beetles on the ground are all drilling to the ground.

The cat face man then stares at the ground beetles on the video and says, "it's just these guys. It turns out they're just a bunch of worms!"

Zhuo wanqiu suddenly said, "if there are people like us on this planet, aren't they big giants?"

When they heard this, they were all moved. Ye Feng thought to himself, "yes, according to this ratio, the ground beetles are several times bigger than them, and the polyhedral anteaters are even bigger than them. If there are human beings, they are several times bigger than the polyhedral anteaters. Wouldn't it be better to meet the human beings on this planet Did you meet centian giant?

Zhuo wanqiu even remembered the story of Lilliputian kingdom in fairy tales. Her group of ten people were just like the people in Lilliputian kingdom.

If you think about it, you don't think it's right. The villains in the Lilliputian kingdom in fairy tales are not as big as ants. They are not only as big as ants, they are even smaller than ants. Maybe people on this planet will see themselves as a smaller insect, or even just bacteria.As time went by, the brightness of the ground outside became brighter and brighter, while the size of the artificial sun in the sky disappeared, as if it had not changed.

However, Ye Feng knows that if it doesn't seem to change, it means that the man in the sun is actually getting bigger and bigger. After all, the man-made sun is getting farther and farther away from the surface of the super planet. If the mass doesn't change, it will only look smaller and smaller. Now there is almost no change, indicating that its volume is still expanding.

Ye Feng took advantage of this time, and the video began to shrink, looking towards his destination, to see what other animals he might encounter on the road.

Soon Ye Feng saw one. He thought it was the stones on the surface of the planet one by one, but when he saw that one was moving, Ye Feng immediately stopped the video and stared at the moving stone, but he thought it was just a stone.

In order to see more clearly, Ye Feng immediately pulls the video closer. After a closer look, there are countless long whiskers creeping on the surface of the rock, and the speed is not slow.

Coincidentally, when a polyhedral anteater passed by the stone, Ye Feng found that the size of the stone was not much smaller than that of the anteater.

Ye Feng then went to look at the nearby stones and found that they all had the same long beard as the moving stone, and they were also moving slowly, but the stone like body didn't move.

Ye Feng can't help but wonder whether this stone is the body of this animal, or is there another animal under the stone carrying this stone?

However, these lights can't be seen from the video. At this time, Zhiying appeared in front of the public and said, "the artificial sun has been successful!"

Ye Feng and others turned around and looked at Zhiying, but heard Zhiying say, "the existence time of artificial sun is limited. When the elements in its body are burned out, it will automatically go out!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Zhi Ying, "how long is it?"

Zhiying then said to Ye Feng, "I made it according to the rotation formula of this super planet, that is, the next time you set out plus 100 hours to come back!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "why don't you make it longer?"

Zhiying said to Zhuo wanqiu, "now making artificial sun has a great impact on the ecology of this planet. With our technology, it's very good that we can make one in 100 hours! It's not impossible to manufacture for a longer time. It just needs to consume more elements and the manufacturing process. It can't catch up with your departure time in a while! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng said to Zhiying, "OK, one hundred hours is enough. If we go this time, we can't come back in one hundred hours to make the longest sun. It doesn't have any practical significance for us."

Dixie nodded and said, "yes, a hundred hours is absolutely enough!"

Ye Feng asked Zhi Ying at this time, "where is our chariot? And is our chariot amphibious? "

But Zhiying said to Yefeng, "amphibious? What kind of civilization is that? Your chariots are used for water, land and air. In principle, they can even enter space, but the only disadvantage is that they need solar energy! "

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