When people heard this, they couldn't help looking at each other. In the civilization of all the people present, there are no vehicles that can be used for three purposes, water, land and air, or even enter space. Hearing Zhiying's words, people feel a little strange, and even can't wait to see what the chariot looks like.

However, Zhiying told several people at this time that it's not the right time, because we haven't yet waited for the rotation period of the super planet. Now the oxygen content in the air outside is still over standard, and we have to wait until the oxygen is thin.

After waiting for another hour, the whole body of the spaceship suddenly shakes. However, Ye Feng noticed that it was not the body of the spaceship shaking, or not just the body of the spaceship shaking, but the whole ground outside shaking. Ground beetles even kept popping up on the ground. After they came out, they began to run in a crazy direction.

Moreover, there are more and more ground beetles on the ground, just like the precursor before the earthquake. Not only can you see the virtual screen full of them, but also when you look out of the window of the spaceship, you can see the feet of countless ground beetles, and even a lot of ground beetles are running towards the spaceship. After a while, they climb up to the top of the spaceship, and the top of the spaceship immediately sends out fire A burst of crackling footsteps, accompanied by the trembling sound of the spacecraft, formed a different Concerto.

Not long after waiting for a group of ground beetles to pass through the spaceship, the shaking of the whole spaceship stopped, and looking out from the window, the shaking of the ground stopped.

At this time, Zhiying said to the crowd, "the rotation of the super planet has started. The shaking just now is the prelude to the rotation. Generally, it takes about 10 to 15 minutes! Now the super planet has started to rotate, and because the rotation has begun to dilute oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases in the air, when the value reaches normal, you can go out. "

The cat faced man said anxiously to Zhiying, "let's see the chariot first?"

Zhiying nodded and said, "it's time for you to start preparing!" As like as two peas fell, the door opened, and behind the door was a device that looked a bit like an armored vehicle. It looked large and looked like the same ship. I believe the ten men would not be crowded when they sat in.

The cat faced man was the first to walk past, and went around the armored car. He didn't even find the door to enter.

Ye Feng and others also walked in the past. When Ye Feng came to the side of the armored car, a door opened automatically. Ye Feng saw that there was a lot of space inside, and there were a lot of sophisticated equipment on both sides, but there were no glass windows around to see the outside.

Ye Feng walked in first and sat in the driver's seat. Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, all the monitors in front of him were turned on. Not only that, but also the monitors in the back. From the monitor, you can clearly see everything outside the armored car, front and back, left and right, even up and down, almost omni-directional.

A Nan and Dixie entered the armored car one after another. After they sat down, the door closed, and the cabin door of the spaceship closed. Then they began to release the air pressure outside. The front cabin door slowly opened to release the air outside the spaceship.

In this process, there are several values beating in the upper left corner of all monitors, which must be the actual detection of some appropriate values in the air. However, at this time, the display is still red and flashing constantly.

After a while, it gradually turned orange. Zhiwin's voice came from the car. It was obvious that he connected with the chariot through wireless means.

But listening to Zhiying, he said, "when the number in front of your monitor turns green, you can start. Besides, there are some light weapons around you for your road use. The car is also equipped with laser guns and some small nuclear devices. Then you can watch and use them. You must pay attention to safety on the road!"

Ye Feng nodded and saw that the value on the display had become dark blue. It was estimated that the next step was to turn green.

at this time, Ye Feng fumbled for the touch screen driver in front of him. It is obvious that all operations of the chariot depend on the screen in front of him.

After a simple exploration, Ye Feng has already understood. After all, he has some knowledge about star instilled in his mind by Xinghe. In addition, this chariot is obviously a product of star, but it may have been upgraded by zhiwin in the system.

At this time, the cat face man said excitedly, "get ready to go. I have some uncontrollable impulses!"

Zhuo Wanqiu could not help but make complaints about what you are excited about. What's the impulse? "

Cat face people disdain toward Zhuo wanqiu way, "I this is the adventurer temperament, you this kind of life in the greenhouse people will not understand!"

When Zhuo wanqiu was ready to refute, Ye Feng saw that the color of the numerical display on the display had completely turned green, and immediately said to the public, "all ready, I'm going to start up!"

Then, without waiting for a reply, he immediately pressed the start button on the screen, and the whole chariot immediately began to tremble, but soon the body returned to normal. Under Ye Feng's operation, the car quickly drove out and drove forward along the earth pit rowed by the spaceship.At the same time, Ye Feng made a positioning aiming at the place Zhiying said on the screen, randomly started the automatic driving mode, and the car immediately climbed up the slope.

Everyone was a little nervous and excited. After all, the adventure on this super planet is about to begin.

Cat face person this time body shape leaf maple way, "that guy isn't say can water land air three use of?"? So it must be the fastest flight in the past. What are you still climbing on the ground? It's a waste of time. "

Ye Feng said to the cat faced man, "it's true that there is a flight mode, but the car is solar powered. Now the energy is only enough to start, and we can't fly at all. In order to catch up with time, we have to start and drive first, and then change to flight mode after the energy is full!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately sneered at the cat's face and said, "my brother Satan is still using you to teach me how to do things? If you don't know anything, don't tell me what to do! "

As soon as the cat faced man was about to refute something, a Nan winked at the cat faced man, then looked at the monitor in front of her and said, "I saw the stones I saw in the spaceship just now!"

Ye Feng side head toward the direction of a nan to see one eye, randomly in front of their own display on a press, immediately in front of a Nan's screen cut in front of their own.

If you take a closer look, it's true that there are several moving stones in the distance that you saw in the virtual video of the spaceship.

Before, Ye Feng saw a stone moving. Although there were tentacles under other stones, they were all motionless. However, the stones in front of him were moving slowly. Although the speed was not very fast, they could still be seen clearly.

Cat face man is also staring at the video at this time, full of curiosity, but found that the car is parallel to those stones, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "why don't we drive the car to see what things are?"

Ye Feng said to the cat faced man, "we came out with a mission, not to do biological investigation!" As soon as you pull and push your fingers on the screen, the picture of looking at the stones moving becomes countless times larger. You can even see that the lower half of the stones are almost devoid of stones. Instead, they are dark brown, similar to the color of the earth on the ground. The tentacles come out of this body.

Previously, on the virtual video screen of the spaceship, it was almost viewed from the perspective of overlooking, and the situation under the stone could not be seen at all. Now, the situation under the stone can be seen just from the angle of view.

Ye Feng also put all these pictures in front of everyone and said to the cat faced man, "if you want to understand it, you can understand it from here. You can see it as clearly as you can!"

At this time, the cat faced man immediately stared at the picture in front of him. He frowned and said, "what's so disgusting?"

Seeing this, she said to Ye Feng, "how do I feel like this is our snail?"

Ye Feng also had this idea for a long time. Looking at the way they moved, it seemed that they were creeping slowly by the dark brown things under the stones and the surrounding tentacles. They were really like snails on the earth.

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