At this time, Scarlett, sitting on the side of Ye Feng, suddenly said, "look ahead, there are more and more snails in your mouth!"

Everyone's heart moved when they heard the words, and immediately began to change the picture in front of them to the front of the chariot. As Scarlett said, there were countless "snails" in front of them, which were slowly creeping in front of their chariot.

Moreover, after such close contact with these "snails", we found that each of these "snails" stood in front of the car like a hill, and even their wriggling tentacles were about to catch up with the waist of the ground beetle before, and they were almost as tall as their chariot at this time.

Just imagine, if such tentacles start to attack Ye Feng's chariot, what will happen? This is what everyone is worried about and does not want to see.

But fortunately, at present, these "snails" look really as gentle as snails, and there is no exception.

And their chariots are also intelligently bypassing these huge "snails", circling between their wriggling tentacles, almost without any abnormality.

At this time, the cat face man saw these "snails" in front of him at a close distance, and could not help sighing, "these guys are too big, which is countless times bigger than those ants before!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "there may be many creatures like this on this planet. In a word, we only need to understand that they are our enlarged planet, and everything can be understood. Their planet is countless times larger than ours, and the atmosphere is thicker than ours, so the life forms here are bigger than ours, and they are all normal!"

Zhuo wanqiu sighed at this time, "if only all the animals we meet were as gentle as these snails, don't meet the fierce animals like ground beetles again!"

After all, that kind of animal has no brain, and it's also the animal at the bottom of the food chain of the planet. It doesn't have a great impact on us. If you think about it, what would it be like if there were an animal on the planet like the elephant on the earth, let alone fierce movement Even if it's a herbivore, we can't imagine the crisis it will cause us! "

Ye Feng agrees with Dixie's point of view. After all, if such an animal is really encountered, his chariot seems to be inferior to a fly in their eyes. It's just a larva smaller than a fly, or even a bacterium. Maybe that kind of animal's normal roar is a great threat to them.

Fortunately, these animals have not yet appeared, but these also remind Ye Feng of the fossils he saw yesterday. They look like peaks one by one. It can be seen that such animals do exist on this planet, but they have not yet appeared. However, the crisis always exists, so we should not take it lightly.

At this time, the chariot suddenly trembled, and then the whole chariot stopped. Ye Feng found that it was several "snails" in front of him that formed an ellipse. Their tentacles under the boulders had been intertwined, and there was no way out at all.

Ye Feng immediately calls up the back of the screen to see, want to turn back from the original road, but found that the road behind is also blocked by the "snail" tentacles, they are now trapped in the "snail" encirclement.

Ye Feng stares at the picture without saying a word. There is no better way now. After all, their chariots have not enough energy to take off here. At the same time, he is not like a strong intruder. After all, the "snail" is docile. But who can be sure that once they have a physical collision with their chariots, they can still keep what they are now.

"What are they doing?" the cat faced man said

Zhuo wanqiu could not help staring at the screen in front of her, but saw that after the "snail" tentacles contacted, they produced a thick yellow viscous liquid, and it was flowing down their tentacles. She frowned and said, "how disgusting

She asked, "what are they doing? Do you mean to stop us? "

Ye Feng pondered for a while and said, "I personally think that they may be breeding by mating. Look carefully at the sticky yellow liquid, and see if there are grains of things. Those should be their offspring."

At this time, Zhiying's voice came back and said, "you're right. These" snails "in your mouth, to be exact, should be called stone cochlea. Their mating season is usually when the super planet begins to rotate!"

Dixie could not help but wonder, "well, not very soon, didn't you say that the rotation interval of the super planet is about 100 hours, that is to say, 200 hours later, when the super planet spins again, then it's time for them to meet again?"

Zhiying explained, "what you said is right. It's true."

A Nan then asked, "if so, then this planet should have been full of such snails, or stone cochlea!"

Zhiying said, "although the time interval for them to give birth is relatively short, they have not been able to do so. They are everywhere on this planet. The main reason is that their survival rate is very low!"Hearing this, Ye Feng said, "the survival rate is very low? What's the reason? Is it climate? "

Zhiying said, "it has nothing to do with the climate. The main reason is that their natural enemies are those who like to eat them. Generally, the survival rate from this rotation period to the next stop period is only less than 5%, or even lower!"

When they heard this, their faces could not help but say, "natural enemies?"

In everyone's head, there is a huge monster with different shapes, but unified terror. Some are wild animals, some are raptors. In a word, they all feel that this kind of thing is about to appear.

However, Zhiying said at this time, "you don't have to worry about it for the time being. Now that their larvae have just come down, they are not enough to arouse the interest of the natural enemies of the cochlea. Only when they hatch out will it be the best time for them to hunt and kill."

The cat faced man immediately asked, "how long is the incubation time of these cochlea?"

Zhiying pondered for a while and then said, "about 40 minutes!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately is a move, forty minutes, on the current situation, it is a blink of an eye.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately asked Zhi Ying, "how long will it take for our chariot to take off?"

Zhiying immediately said, "according to the current solar replenishment speed, it will take at least an hour or so. After all, this is only an artificial sun, not a real sun. If it was a real sun, you would have been able to start flight mode long ago!"

The cat faced man sighed, "that is to say, we can't miss the time when the natural enemies of the cochlea appear!"

Dixie asked Zhiying, "what are the natural enemies of the stone worm?"

Zhiying said, "the beaked owl!" Then, on the display in front of everyone, a huge bird appeared, with round eyes and fluffy feathers, making its body look more bulky, a bit like an owl on earth.

Seeing this, Scarlett sighed, "is the natural enemy of the cochlea birds? Well, even if we take off, we may not be able to escape! "

When people heard what Scarlett said, they all sighed. They all had the same idea as Scarlett. They expected the chariot to take off and avoid the battle between the stone cochlea and the pointed billed owl. They didn't expect that the pointed billed owl was a bird, which means that they could meet the pointed billed Owl after taking off. The crisis has not been eliminated.

However, Zhiying said, "I've calculated that pointed billed owls are low flying birds. Their flying altitude is not very high. In addition, they have always been used to living without the sun, and now they are exposed to the sun. Their flying altitude may be greatly reduced, but once your aircraft takes off, it can be higher than staggering their flying altitude!"

Even so, our take-off time overlaps with the arrival time of the beaked owl. That is to say, even if we can take off, we will definitely meet the beaked owl. Whether we can escape the claw of the beaked owl is still a question mark

People who had been relieved by Zhiying's words suddenly began to hang up again.

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