In fact, we all understand what Dixie said. That is to say, the incubation time of the cochlea is more than 40 minutes, and the charging time of their chariots is more than one hour. In this way, there is a 20 minute overlapping period, just when the pointed billed owls begin to prey on the cochlea cubs, and their chariot cubs are in the cochlea group, so it is easy for the pointed billed owls to be in the colony In the process of predation, it poses a threat to them, and the threat is immeasurable.

Everyone understood this, so everyone fell into a deep meditation. So far, no one can think of a better solution. After all, the reality is in front of us, and this reality exists objectively.

Ye Feng saw everyone was a negative look, immediately clapped his hands, and said, "we should not be pessimistic, although the situation is such a situation, but this is the problem of probability, the risk coefficient is only 50%, not necessarily when we take off, we will encounter the threat of the beaked Owl."

Zhiying Wenyan also said to the crowd, "what he said is not wrong. This situation is relative, not absolute, so you still have a chance. Besides, I always think that you are the elites of various civilizations. It's also a time when you can show your ability. You are a star adventurer, and you should have the spirit of adventure. This is just the beginning of a hundred ways It's just the end. This difficulty can't be solved. I don't think it's necessary for you to go on even if you get out of danger this time. After all, these threats are just one of the smallest among many threats, which should be second only to the threat of ground beetles! "

When people listen to Zhiying, they all know that the tone of Zhiying's words is a little provocative, but the truth is that it makes sense, and the actual situation is also true. They still have a long way to go. The problems of the pointed billed owl and the stone cochlea are really no problems.

After thinking about this, everyone can't help but feel relieved. They all inspire themselves in their own hearts and tell themselves that it's nothing. Besides, now that everyone is together, as long as they are all together, their mind goes to one place and their strength goes to one place, there is really no difficulty to defeat them.

Ye Feng then added, "Zhiying is right. Now we have to consider the wrecked spaceship more than 100 kilometers away, not the snails and owls in front of us. These are not problems!"

Ah Nan also encouraged the people there to say, "that's right. If we want to look far away, there are no difficulties in front of us. At most, there are just some small troubles. We can even escape from the colonial stars, but we are not dead. It shows that we are lucky and lucky, and any problem is not a problem!"

At this time, the cat faced man snorted, "yes, yes, I'm afraid of a ball. Isn't it just a few stone beetles and a few birds? I haven't hunted for a long time. If I'm in a good mood, I'll let them go. If it annoys me, I'll give you more food today! "

Zhuo wanqiu can't help but look at the words and mutter a boast in a low voice.

But Ye Feng immediately said to Zhuo wanqiu, "we can't do anything now. It's better to take advantage of this time to rest and wait for a moment!"

"Dixie said," but also pay attention to the charging situation, as long as the energy is full, immediately take off, can't delay a minute and a second

Ye Feng can't help nodding when she hears the speech. At this moment, Scarlett stares at the screen in front of her eyes and says, "look at the sky, are these sharp billed owls?"

After listening to Scarlett's words, everyone's eyes could not help looking at her monitor. At the same time, Ye Feng immediately adjusted the picture to the upper left corner of the monitor in front of everyone.

At this time, there are many birds hovering in the sky. At first, there are only three or two birds, but the more they gather, the more they look, and the target is something on the ground.

Ye Feng quickly zoomed in on the video. At this time, he saw that the big bird's eyes were round, and its mouth was long and thin, with a certain downward arc. This should be the sharp billed owl in Zhiying's mouth.

After seeing the appearance of the owl, people can't help but know that there is an error between the appearance of the owl on the monitor and the actual size. After all, the cochlea is so big, how can the owl be so small as it looks on the monitor.

However, although I know that the volume of the other party must be very large, I used to guess what it looks like, but now I know how much I know when I see it.

As time goes by, Ye Feng is always staring at the solar charging meter on the screen. As long as it reaches the standard, he can start the flight mode immediately.

But at this time, Zhuo wanqiu suddenly called again, "look over there!"

Everyone immediately looked at the video screen in front of Zhuo wanqiu. Ye Feng took a look and found that the black spot in the mucus on the ground had become bigger and bigger at the moment, and was wriggling in the mucus.

Ye Feng immediately adjusted the video screen to the upper left corner of the display in front of the crowd. They were all watching carefully. At this time, the cat faced man said, "it seems that they are a bit like some cochlea!"

In fact, Ye Feng also noticed that, as the cat faced man said, the black spots wriggling in the yellow mucus can be seen as long as they are magnified, that is, the mini version of the cochlea, but the tentacles look much shorter, much thinner, and even rarer than the adult version. In addition, the stones on the back seem to be translucent, so it's OK Music saw the existence of meridians in the back stone.At this time, there are more and more owls circling in the sky, and they are flying lower and lower. When they see these young cochlea begin to grow, their excitement is no less than that of the adult cochlea.

The adult cochlea has begun to wriggle and surround the cubs one after another. They seem to realize what they will face in the near future. Now they are trying their best to protect their cubs.

What's more nervous than these adult cochlears is Ye Feng, who is sitting in the chariot. They know that there will be a most common food hunt in nature on the super planet soon.

Sitting here, Ye Feng even has the illusion that they are not the invaders of the planet, but a group of scientific researchers sitting in the car, or a group of program recording groups about the animal world. They are waiting for the ordinary and wonderful scenes in nature to capture such pictures.

Dixie's eyes are not too much to pay attention to these, her eyes are staring at the display on the value of solar charging, she has been waiting for the moment of the chariot to take off.

Although Ye Feng didn't pay as much attention as Dixie, he also glanced at it from time to time. Like Dixie, he was also waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

At this time, Ye Feng also noticed the picture of the cochlear cubs in the upper left corner of the display in front of him, and saw that they were trying to get rid of the mucus under their feet. At the same time, Ye Feng also noticed that some cochlear cubs were eating the yellow mucus, and their bodies seemed to have grown up a lot. Ye Feng realized that the yellow mucus, It's actually the food that cochlear exists to feed its young.

Every time the cochlear cubs grow up, it means that the hunting time of the hovering owl is getting closer and closer.

However, there is no concept of time here. The time depends on their own heart to estimate. At this time, Ye Feng estimated that the time should be more than half an hour, which means that a super planet animal fight will soon be staged.

And it's clear to all that this is not just the moment when the owls prey on the cochlear cubs, it's probably the last moment of their existence on the planet.

Ye Feng's eyes have been staring at the top left corner of the picture in front of him. At this time, he saw that the cochlear cub had broken away from the yellow mucus and fell to the ground.

At the same time, there was a shrill cry in the sky. A sharp billed owl had already dived from mid air and headed for the baby with a stone cochlea who had just fallen to the ground.

At the same time, the cochlear cubs gradually broke free from the yellow mucus and fell to the ground one by one. The owls in the sky also dived like fighters, which indicated that their hunting time had come.

Before Ye Feng regained his consciousness, a sharp billed owl rushed down and caught a baby with its slender sharp beak. Then it fluttered its wings toward the sky.

In the process of flying towards the sky, the stone cochlear cub in its mouth rolled down its slender mouth into their throat, and then the sharp billed owl dived down again, repeating the hunting process.

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