The prelude of a hunting ground has been opened, but the solar energy of Ye Feng's chariot is only over 80%, that is, it will take at least a quarter of an hour to be full of energy.

Even Ye Feng felt that although their chariot had stopped, its body seemed to be moving. This movement should not come from the chariot itself, but from an external force, which led to their body being forced to move.

Everyone felt this. Ye Feng immediately gathered all the video images in front of him. This is when he saw that some adult cochlea were moving to protect their pups. While they were moving, their tentacles were touching their chariots.

Every time the chariot was touched by the tentacles of the cochlea, it would be pushed and moved by them unconsciously. At the same time, Ye Feng found that when the owls swooped down from the sky and their wings incited, they would form a hurricane, and they could fan their chariot to one side.

This also gives Ye Feng a wake-up call. Although the wind caused by the owls can only slightly move their bodies, their chariots are still on the ground. If they encounter such a hurricane in the process of their liftoff, they may not be able to grasp the direction of the wind and crash directly on the ground.

After all, once airborne, the wind level caused by the wings is not caused by one or two owls. The wings of countless owls in the sky may affect their bodies.

Relatively speaking, these winds are coming from different directions, and they are likely to form a kind of convection in the air, which will have a greater impact on their car body. These are the problems that Ye Feng should pay attention to.

But so far, Ye Feng hasn't seen how much impact this game has had on them.

At this time, Dixie reminded Ye Feng, "pay attention, charging has passed 95%!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng instinctively glanced at the value on the display. It's more than 95% as Dixie said, and it's still rising. It's estimated that there will be about five minutes left before the energy can be full and the flight mode can be started.

Other people have also noticed this value, and everyone prays silently in their hearts that nothing should happen before taking off.

At this time, the body of the chariot suddenly sank, as if the whole body had fallen into the mire. The whole body was still in a downward trend.

Everyone was surprised. They didn't know what the accident was. They were afraid of what they were afraid of. As soon as they got up, there seemed to be an emergency.

Ye Feng quickly checked every video window, and found that all the videos on the left and the video screen on the top were pitch black. He couldn't see anything at all. After a while, all the videos on the right began to turn dark one after another.

Zhuo wanqiu immediately asked, "is the camera equipment outside damaged?"

But Scarlett said, "when the video on the right turns black just now, a black block appears first, and then it turns black gradually!"

A Nan said, "I have noticed that, and you see, in fact, the black is not all black. It seems that there are many yellow spots."

People do not listen and stare at the video in front of them. Indeed, as a Nan said, there are many yellow spots in the black screen, and the yellow spots are also moving.

The cat faced man could not help but wonder, "what is this?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, he also saw this scene clearly, what had been realized in his mind.

At this time, Dixie said, "look, the charging value of solar energy has stopped!"

Ye Feng immediately took a look and said, "there should be cochlea in the process of peristalsis, which rolled our needle car under them, blocking all our camera ports and also blocking our solar receiver!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, but Zhuo wanqiu was surprised and said, "do you mean we are pressed by the stone cochlea?"

The cat faced man said immediately, "then we are finished?"

The tree face man said, "such a big thing is pressing on our body, and the body is not deformed, which indicates that our chariot material is OK..."

But Dixie said, "that doesn't mean that our car body material can bear such gravity. It only means that the tentacle part of the lower half of the cochlea is soft, so that's why. If the back of the cochlea hits our car body, what will happen?"

Ye Feng immediately affirmed Dixie's statement and said, "Dixie is right. It's really the most possible!"

Dixie immediately added, "the biggest problem we are facing now is not that the cochlea is pressing on our car body, so that we can't see the outside situation, but that it blocks our solar receiver, so that we can't continue to charge the sun. Now it's 98% and supports 2%. Now it's a waste of our time "BetweenZhuo wanqiu asked, "don't we just wait patiently for the cochlea to walk away from our car?"

Dixie asked Zhuo wanqiu, "what if it doesn't go away? Shall we wait indefinitely? "

"What do you mean? We have to take the initiative to take action? "

Dixie immediately nodded and said, "yes, it's better than waiting indefinitely. It's a waste of everyone's time!"

The cat face man said to Dixie, "now this big guy is pressing on our car body. Even if we want to get out, we can't get out."

Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "if the lower half of the cochlea is the same software as its tentacles, I don't think it's a problem as long as the chariot has enough power to drive out!"

When discus discussed this problem with the public, Ye Feng was also thinking about it. He felt that there was a certain truth in what discus said. At least for now, their chariot was still pressed by the cochlea. Even if the cochlea was moving, with such a huge body and such a slow moving speed, it would completely move from their roof I don't know how much time it will take to drive. I'd better try to be more active and see if I can drive the car out.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Dixie and immediately started the chariot. After the chariot started, Ye Feng immediately locked a direction and pressed the start button. The car immediately made a roar, and the car body was shaking. But at this time, he could not see what was going on outside. He didn't even have a reference. He didn't even know if the car was there forward.

This lasted for more than a minute, and a Nan said, "look, the energy of solar energy is declining!"

Ye Feng also noticed that in this minute, the energy of solar energy has dropped to 97%.

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "one percent of energy is consumed in more than one minute, that is to say, 100 percent of full energy can support about 100 minutes? This device is too low, isn't it? Can't you stop and recharge the battery after driving for more than 100 minutes? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Zhuo wanqiu, "we can't do that. We've been out of the spaceship for a long time, but our solar energy is always on the rise. It's undeniable that we were receiving solar energy at that time, but the consumption rate is obviously abnormal. According to my personal estimation, one is that we have completely eliminated solar energy Because the resistance of our car body is too great, resulting in excessive energy consumption, so this is the result in the end! "

"This kind of consumption is not just the problem of too much resistance. I think it seems that our car hasn't moved at all. It's just consuming energy in the same place," he said

People can't help but sigh when they hear what Dixie said. If it is like this, it means that they can't take the initiative to attack at all. Maybe their chariot's energy will be exhausted before they drive out of the cochlea. At that time, even if they drive out, they will have to charge under the artificial sun for more than an hour This kind of situation will not happen again. If there is another case of being crushed by the cochlea, let alone for an hour, they will not be able to leave here in their lifetime.

At this time, everyone was silent, even held his breath. Now the situation is particularly severe. They must find the best solution in a short time, or they will be able to return to the flying boat safely.

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