Dixie reminded Ye Feng at this time and said, "you forget that Zhiying once said that our chariot still has standing laser weapons!"

Ye Feng certainly remembered this sentence, but what he thought was that he could not use a weapon without a last resort.

After all, they don't know what the character of the stone cochlea is. Once the fire enrages the whole stone cochlea group, the consequences may not be tolerable.

So Ye Feng in as long as there is no hope, will not want to use the car's weapons.

But now, after Dixie reminds himself, Ye Feng has to consider whether to use the weapons on the car. After all, they are completely trapped here now.

Now the situation is that either they start the car all the time to see if they hope to rush out, get in touch with the sun as soon as possible, finish charging and then take off.

But the consequence of doing so is that they may not drive the car out after they run out of energy. In the end, they have to wait here to die.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately opened the weapon options, but did not immediately start, but to solicit the opinions of the public, "it's easy to fire, but the consequences after firing, no one can guarantee, are you ready for this kind of psychological preparation?"

The cat face man immediately said, "I've been reckless since I was taken away as a slave by the stirlings! What's the psychological preparation? If everything has to be psychologically accurate, I'm still a slave on the colonial star of stele! "

The tree face man nodded and agreed, "now all our fates are one, even if we die, we all die together. With so many of you, what can I worry about?"

Scarlett sat on Ye Feng's side. She just took a look at Ye Feng and said, "I don't have any ideas or strategic vision. I only know that I support whatever decision you make. That's right!"

Monica also nodded to Ye Feng and said, "according to your opinion, I believe your judgment!"

Dixie Si also just nodded toward Ye Feng. Although he didn't say anything, his expression and eyes had already told Ye Feng that no matter what kind of decision Ye Feng made, Dixie Si would stand on his side without hesitation.

Ah Nan also said to Ye Feng, "there's nothing to think about. Time is passing. I only know that every second more time goes by, our danger may increase by one point. When we stop, we'll stop!"

The shameless man also said, "let's listen to ah Nan! Ah Nan's decision will not be wrong! "

Zhuo wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, don't ask for our opinions after these things. Since we all believe in you, you are our spiritual leader. All actions and emergencies in the future will take your decision as the final decision. We all believe in your judgment and decision Ability

When the audience said this, Ye Feng nodded, looked around at the crowd, and then said thank you in a deep voice. Then he turned to the monitor in front of him, took a deep breath, and immediately pressed the button of the laser gun.

As soon as Ye Feng pressed the button, people heard a tinnitus in their ears, and the chariot body suddenly vibrated, with a great amplitude. Even everyone in the car could feel that the chariot body was obviously backward.

At the same time, one of the monitors showed a circular space, but although the circular picture could vaguely see the outside situation, it was also vague, as if there was some liquid flowing on the monitor.

At this moment, Ye Feng immediately lowered several other buttons. When he pressed the buttons, the whole chariot trembled. He even felt that the body of the chariot would turn over for a moment, and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

At the same time, on all the monitors, there was some sticky liquid. The cochlea that had been pressed on their bodies had already disappeared. Everyone knew that this should be the power of the laser gun on the chariot. The cochlea that was pressed on their chariots had already been blasted into slag by their laser gun, and the mucus that was seen on the monitor should be the cochlea The liquid left in the body after being blasted into dregs.

Ye Feng then found that there was a button on the monitor to clean the surface of the chariot. He immediately pressed it, and then all the monitors seemed to be in the rain. Water kept coming out and washing the whole chariot body. Of course, there were several cameras outside. It seemed that the monitor had been eroded by the liquid of the cochlea, but in fact, it was just the outside camera It's just like a head.

After the cameras have been cleaned, Dixie reminds Ye Feng, "it's time! Time will not wait for me

Ye Feng smell speech a nod, immediately pressed the chariot start key, chariot immediately galloped out.

When they saw this, they could not help cheering, and the chariot finally rushed out of the predicament. However, just as they were cheering, they saw that the chariot did not move again.

Everyone was surprised to see Ye Feng, and Dixie asked Ye Feng directly, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng doesn't know what's going on. At this time, he can see from all the monitors that there are stone cochlea wriggling around, and occasionally there are sharp billed owls diving down. However, there is still a certain distance from their chariot, but the reality is that their chariot is still in start mode, and then the chariot doesn't move for half a minute.The crowd was flustered, and the cat faced man said, "is there something wrong with the chariot? Just now, I've been staring at the huge cochlea. Will it burn out the engine system? "

Ye Feng pondered for a while, and what the cat face man said was reasonable. However, after checking on the display, he did not find any problem with the engine system of the chariot, and even the whole chariot had no effect. Moreover, after the chariot rushed out, the charge value on the display began to rise again. Obviously, the solar receiving system began to work normally again .

Ye Feng is also a little worried. After all, their chariot has come out, and the solar energy will soon be full, but the chariot is still, and even can't find where there is a problem, which really makes people anxious and angry.

But at this moment, Dixie suddenly said, "look here!"

Ye Feng looked at the display in front of Dixie, but saw that the display showed one side of the chariot, but he couldn't see any difference.

Dixie immediately manually pressed on the monitor to share the picture with all the people present, so that they can watch it synchronously on the monitor in front of them.

At this time, Dickens began to enlarge the picture, and finally stayed in a corner, saying, "look under the wheel!"

Ye Feng stares at the picture. At this time, his heart suddenly turns cold. He already fully understands what's going on.

However, not only Ye Feng, all the people who saw the picture knew what was going on. The cat face immediately took a picture of the monitor in front of him and said in a loud voice, "was he stuck by the yellow mucus?"

Just as the cat face man said, just when Ye Feng started the chariot and drove out, he didn't notice the yellow mucus on the ground at all, but the chariot suddenly started and rushed out, just after it re entered the mucus, the wheels of the whole chariot were stuck with the yellow mucus, so no matter how Ye Feng started the chariot, the chariot didn't move, and the yellow mucus was good It's like 502 glue, holding the wheels of the chariot firmly.

Now we have another way

Ye Feng nodded and said to Dixie, "do you mean to start the flight mode directly after the solar energy is full?"

He just conjectured. He didn't know if there was a way to talk to Dixie, but after he didn't want to say it himself, Dixie immediately nodded and said, "after starting the flight mode, the chariot must have a boost system. No matter how advanced the civilization and technology are, we can't escape this setting. As long as we start the flight mode, there must be a boost force under the body, Maybe we can get rid of the mucus down here

Ye Feng nodded, then glanced at the charging value on the display, which had reached 99%. Just wait a while, you can start the flight mode.

At this time, countless owls in the sky swooped down toward the chariot. Ye Feng and others were shocked. However, they immediately thought that since their chariot was covered with the yellow liquid, there must be cochlear cubs in the middle of the yellow liquid. The real target of those owls who swooped down was the cochlear cubs near their chariot.

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