Now let's not say that we have to wait until the charging value is full to start the flight mode. Just because of the countless sharp billed owls diving down from the sky and the wind stirred up by all the wings together, the chariot on the ground can feel like it's tottering and may be fanned away by the hurricane at any time.

The body of the whole chariot was shaking at this time, just like a typhoon of more than ten levels. The interior of the chariot was like a cradle, shaking irregularly from front to back, from left to right. As long as the wind was a little stronger, the chariot could overturn immediately.

A group of people who had already seen the hope began to be extremely nervous at this time. However, it seems that everyone is aware of a problem, that is, on this super planet, it seems that this tense state has gradually become normal. After all, there are too many unknown things, unknown animals and unknown dangers on this super star Now this is pediatrics.

If you look at it from this perspective, it seems that what happened in front of you is not so tense. In addition, now everyone is full of confidence in Ye Feng and knows that Ye Feng will come up with a way to deal with the crisis. In the end, they will be able to leave safely.

At this time, Ye Feng is really staring at the display, watching the situation outside and the charging value in the upper left corner of the display. As soon as the value is full, he immediately presses the flight mode starter.

And Ye Feng is not as nervous as others. For one thing, there is still one percent of the solar energy, which is only a matter of a few minutes at most. For another thing, the wings of the pointed billed owl can incite the fluctuation of their chariot, which shows that the viscosity of the yellow mucus adhering to the wheels of their chariot is not as great as expected.

From another point of view, maybe the hurricanes that these owls incite will be the crucial factor for them to get out of the danger.

Thinking about it, one side of the Dixie reminded Ye Feng again, "attention, charging value is full!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, corner of the eye immediately toward the corner of the monitor to see a look, but see that the value has just reached 100%, Ye Feng immediately said a, everyone is done, then press the flight mode start key.

Suddenly, the chariot made a huge roar, and the whole chariot body began to lift off gradually. Under the body, two circular booster engines appeared, and they were spraying blue flame like gas to the outside.

Under the jet of this gas, the yellow liquid adhered to the body of the chariot gradually began to melt. The yellow mucus gradually began to turn into yellow colloid, and began to fall towards the ground. Moreover, there was hot air on it. After the hot mucus dropped on the ground, some baby cochlears immediately rolled and fell to the ground The whole body seems to be scalded.

At this time, the owls in the sky were rushing down one after another. Seeing the baby on the ground, they immediately picked it up and flew away. Some even didn't pay attention to whether the baby was alive or burned to death by the mucus.

There are a few owls flying to the sky with the scalded cochlear cubs in their arms. When they raise their heads and start to swallow them down, they suddenly croak and scream. They want to spit out the cub, but they can't spit out. The scalding temperature of the cochlear cubs makes their throats connected with the hard shell behind the cochlear cubs.

The sharp billed owls fluttered their wings, and soon fell down from the air and hit the ground heavily.

However, this does not affect other owls to continue to rush down for food, which is enough to show that this owl is on this super planet and belongs to a lower intelligent animal. As long as it has a little wisdom, it will not be unable to see the current situation clearly.

And Ye Feng's attention at this time is obviously not on the cochlea and the owl, but when their chariot can really become flight mode and completely get away from here.

At this time, Ye Feng was staring at the display, looking at the situation under the chariot, and looking at the yellow mucus still sticking under the chariot. After all, the area of the two boosters was limited, and there was a lot of mucus around, which was the place where the gas of the booster could not reach. At this time, he still stuck to the chariot's body like chewing gum, and did not let them leave.

At this time, Ye Feng had jumped the power of the chariot's flight mode to the maximum power. The two boosters under the chariot still kept emitting blue gas, but the whole chariot's body was still up and down. He had just been pushed away by the booster, and was immediately dragged back by the mucus under the body.

Ye Feng saw that this was not the way to go on. He immediately sighed. Then he moved his heart and said, "you come here and continue to start, observe the surrounding situation. I'll go down and deal with it manually, or I'll spend endless time here!"

When she heard this, her face could not help but move. She naturally knew what Ye Feng meant by manual treatment. He planned to go out and remove the yellow mucus under the car body by himself.

Thinking of this, Dixie asked Ye Feng, "what are you going to do with it? You can't even handle the high temperature of the booster. Can you pick it manually? "A Nan immediately vetoed, "that's definitely not good. What's more, you can't bear the high temperature under the boost. You can't get close to it, and you'll be baked right away!"

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu quickly advised Ye Feng, "brother Satan, there must be other ways. You don't have to take this risk!"

Ye Feng said solemnly, "at present, there is no other way. If you want to leave here as soon as possible, there is only one way!"

Then Ye Feng left the driver's seat and motioned to Dixie to sit there. Then he found a laser weapon in the car and held it in his hand. "Besides, how can I pick it with my hand? I don't believe that it can be more powerful than laser no matter how sticky it is? I just need to use a laser to break all the mucus that connects it to the car body! "

People listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately feel some truth, the mucus even if again sticky, it is impossible to use laser also hit constantly.

While looking at the monitor in front of him and learning how to operate the flight mode, he said to Ye Feng, "even if it's OK, how can you get out? Our present chariot is flying in mid air. After you go out, do you want to jump down? Don't say that you may not be able to jump at this height, and even if you are allowed to jump, do you know what is below? Don't fall into that mucus and drown you! "

At this time, Ye Feng found a rope and quickly fastened it to his waist. Then he gave the rope to the tree face man and tied it around his waist. Then he said to the tree face, "no matter what happens, don't move or let go of the rope. Can you do it?"

The tree face man looked at Ye Feng and said, "I can do it, but what do you mean by that?"

Seeing this, a Nan immediately understood Ye Feng's meaning and said after a while of pondering, "since there is no choice, just listen to him. As long as we drag him and don't let him fall, he can see the situation below, so as to use the laser weapon in his hand!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded to a Nan. Dixie was already familiar with the flight operation. After looking back at Ye Feng, he nodded and said, "if you don't want to go, you won't give up..." After pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "be careful!"

Ye Feng smell speech also toward the Dixi Si nodded, randomly went to the door, took a deep breath, immediately pressed the door switch, the door instantly opened.

Looking out from the door, you can see that the chariot is in the middle of the sky at this time, and there are huge owls flying by from time to time. And every time they fly by, the wind from their wings is enough to blow off Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng was blown by the sudden wind and almost fell directly from the door. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and grasped the door frame, so that he would not end up dead before he finished.

However, this sudden hurricane also reminds Ye Feng that he will encounter such a wind from time to time when he probes down. That is to say, the longer the rope is, the greater the swing range will be. The more likely he will be blown directly into the gas of the booster under the car body by the hurricane, and be roasted directly It's too late.

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