At this time, Ye Feng turned back and nodded to the tree face man. The tree face man immediately held the rope tightly, while Ye Feng said to the tree face, "you try to tighten up. A Nan, pay attention to the situation on the monitor and under the car body. As long as I compare the" OK "gesture, you will let him release one third of a meter. If I don't compare the gesture, don't put it!"

A Nan and tree face person smell speech all can't help nodding, and Ye Feng this time again toward Dixi Si say, "you also listen to a Nan, she just say take off, you immediately will take off engine to push full, don't mind me!"

A Nan then asked Ye Feng, "how do I know if I can take off?"

Ye Feng said to a Nan, "as long as I put out my fist to knock under the car body, you will immediately issue the order!" At the same time, he said to the tree, "when you hear the order from a Nan, you start to pull the rope back!"

The tree face and a-nan can't help nodding to Ye Feng to show their understanding. Ye Feng then said to Scarlett, "don't sit there. You stand in the direction of the door. As long as you see me, just help me and pull me up. When I enter the cabin, close the door immediately!"

Scarlett smell speech immediately got up and walked to the door, random toward Ye Feng nodded, "don't worry!"

Zhuo wanqiu could not help asking Ye Feng, "brother Satan, what about me? What can I do for you? "

Cat face people didn't wait for Ye Feng to reply, immediately toward Zhuo wanqiu said, "you don't do anything, is to help the biggest help!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately glared at the cat faced man. However, she saw that the cat faced man was so proud that her whiskers on both sides of her mouth were up, and she was not even angry.

At this time, Ye Feng also said to Zhuo wanqiu, "just make sure you don't have an accident!"

When the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "am I right?"

Ye Feng didn't wait for Zhuo wanqiu to get angry with the cat faced people. He said solemnly, "everyone is ready. Success or failure depends on this!"

People listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but toward Ye Feng solemnly nodded, said let Ye Feng rest assured, they will do their duty.

Zhuo wanqiu at this time also gave up ridiculing cat face man, is toward Ye Feng said, "brother Satan, be careful!"

After Ye Feng nodded to Zhuo wanqiu, he immediately nodded to the tree face man, and then jumped out of the door.

The tree face man immediately held on to the rope tightly. After he fell, Ye Feng immediately felt that there was wind all over his body. He couldn't open his eyes because of the wind. Moreover, the wind didn't blow from one direction to another, but came from all directions. He couldn't predict when it was big or small. He hung on the rope and was shaken by the wind. He was stable I can't make up my mind.

A Nan at this time a pair of eyes staring at the monitor, from the monitor she can see Ye Feng in the wind outside, at this time can't help but hold his breath, silent, feel heart almost to the throat, can only secretly for Ye Feng refueling, pray ye Feng will be OK.

At this time, Ye Feng was almost dazed by the wind in all directions outside. Since he jumped down, his body has been in a state of swaying. His whole body is always in the same situation, and he can't even distinguish the southeast and northwest.

Ye Feng knows that it's not a way to go on like this. He must find a way to solve the current predicament in the shortest time. Otherwise, he is just wasting his time.

At this time, Ye Feng tries to adjust his breathing and let his mood calm down first. Otherwise, as long as his mood is still ups and downs, he can't do anything. Only when his heart settles down can he complete the next task.

After Ye Feng adjusted his breathing, Ye Feng gradually discovered the wind around him. It seemed disorderly, but in fact, he could find some rules. After all, these winds were not blown by those owls around him, but when they flapped their wings from a distance, combined with the laws of nature, they gradually formed this irregular wind.

Ye Feng gradually began to relax his whole body, so that he did not use a little strength to compete with the wind, to drift with the wind, no, to be exact, to move with the wind. In this way, Ye Feng gradually found the feeling, slowly opened his eyes, and found that the situation under his eyes was much better than when he just came down.

Although the wind is still strong, even if ye Feng opened his eyes, it is difficult to see clearly, but Ye Feng still kept opening and closing his eyes to try all kinds of possibilities.

After all, although the wind comes from all angles almost all the time, there are also some times when the wind only comes from one angle.

If the wind comes from only one angle, Ye Feng is just facing the wind. Against the wind, he still can't open his eyes. Even if he opens his eyes, he can't see clearly.

But after all, when the wind comes from one side, there is a certain probability that it comes from the side or the back. In this way, when Ye Feng opens his eyes, he will not be affected by the wind at all.

Ye Feng's eyes open and close again and again, constantly trying, and the girl in the cabin has been staring at Ye Feng's every move on the monitor.Zhuo wanqiu also sat on one side and looked at her. At this time, she couldn't help asking her, "how's my brother Satan? Why haven't you asked for the rope yet? "

A Nan didn't pay attention to Zhuo wanqiu. She continued to look at the monitor. However, the cat faced man said to Zhuo wanqiu, "our a Nan has a sense of propriety. Don't rush her. Besides, urging her can't solve any problems!"

Zhuo wanqiu can't help but stare at the cat face man. At this time, a Nan sees Ye Feng suddenly make an "OK" gesture. She immediately says to the tree face, "put the rope!"

Tree face man's whole nerve has been tense, for fear that he didn't hear a-nan remind himself, and from time to time he looked at a-nan's monitor. However, he didn't see ye fengbi's gesture several times. At this time, he felt a little worried. At this time, listening to a-nan's call, he immediately released his hand and began to put the rope.

Did not know that the tree face person is too nervous, this puts down a little more, after the leaf maple straight line falls, immediately by a gust of wind blows directly installed in the car body below.

Zhuo wanqiu was staring at the monitor. Seeing this, she immediately said to the tree face, "be careful!"

The tree face man also knew that he had made a mistake here, so he immediately took back the rope a little, and Ye Feng on the monitor was dragged back a little.

Ye Feng was also in shock at this time. Just now, he seemed to feel the heat of the gas emitted from the booster under the car body, and even felt that he was going to be steamed directly by that thing. Fortunately, the tree face man immediately pulled the rope back.

After a sigh of relief, Ye Feng immediately began to adjust his mind. After his mind was calm, he continued to use the previous method, waiting for the wind to come from behind.

After waiting for a moment, Ye Feng finally waited, immediately opened his eyes, quickly looked at the surrounding situation, and then he took out the laser weapon in his hand, trying to aim at the position recorded before.

But at this time, Ye Feng's body is still shaking in the air, he can continue to identify the previous position in the shaking, but this is only the left and right coordinates, but when he is swayed by the wind, there are also up and down coordinates. If he shoots out and hits the wrong number, he may not hit the yellow mucus, but directly hit the body of the chariot, which is not enough It doesn't matter. If you hit the booster below, even if the chariot doesn't explode immediately, it may immediately fall from mid air.

Ye Feng takes a deep breath. He has a certain confidence in his shooting skills, but in this special environment, no mistakes are allowed. So Ye Feng plans to go through two rounds of observation and form a fixed consciousness of the coordinates in his mind, so that even if his body swings again, he can find the essence as much as possible The exact coordinates.

If it was in the past, Ye Feng would not hesitate to shoot, but now he did not dare, not because he was afraid. After all, there were nine other lives in the car. He could not play with their nine lives, just to prove how accurate his shooting was. In the past, as long as he could achieve more than 50% accuracy, he could judge the shot, but this time, he was very happy Only when there is no mistake can we do it.

Ye Feng adjusted his breathing several times, kept brewing his emotions, but also with the brain to recall the previous coordinates, while waiting for the next time the wind.

In the chariot, at this time, all the people held their breath like Ye Feng, waiting for Ye Feng to shoot.

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