Everyone can't help laughing when hearing the words. Ye Feng just glanced at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "the next danger must be greater than once. How? Scared? "

Zhuo wanqiu's face moved slightly, and then said to Ye Feng, "I'm not afraid. As long as I have brother Satan by my side, I'm not afraid!"

Ye Feng also laughs and doesn't say a word. After all, it's just out of danger. No matter how big the risk in the future is, there's no need to give Zhuo wanqiu a preventive injection now, which makes the little girl feel uneasy all the way.

When Ye Feng looks back, she sees that a Nan is staring at her side. However, when Ye Feng looks at her, she finds that a Nan immediately deliberately avoids Ye Feng's eyes, and even her whole cheek turns red.

Seeing this, the cat faced man couldn't help saying, "what's wrong with your face? Is it almost red to the neck? "

A Nan smell speech suddenly face more red, embarrassed to say, "which have? You are wrong! "

The cat faced man was surprised and said, "how can I be wrong!" Then he touched the tree's face and said, "look, isn't ah Nan's face red?"

After looking at it, the tree faced man nodded and said, "it's very red, isn't it hurt?"

Zhuo wanqiu took a look at a Nan and then said, "where is she injured? I think it's Hanchun..."

A Nan was so said by Zhuo wanqiu that her face turned more red, and she was even embarrassed to turn back.

Zhuo wanqiu wanted to say something more. Scarlett pulled her and motioned her not to talk nonsense.

And at this time, suddenly the whole chariot suddenly trembled, but soon returned to normal.

Zhuo wanqiu suddenly felt a chill in her heart. She thought that she was in danger again. She screamed, "what's the matter?"

Dixie comforted Zhuo wanqiu and said, "it's nothing. It should be air flow!"

When Zhuo wanqiu heard this, she was a little relieved and said in a low voice, "it's the air flow. I thought it was something..."

Seeing this, the cat faced man said to Zhuo wanqiu, "what do you think it is?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately glared at the cat face man again, hummed coldly, and didn't answer.

But Ye Feng didn't say anything. Just now he saw a shadow flying straight towards the chariot path in the monitor. The speed was very fast, so he didn't see it clearly. However, Ye Feng knew that he couldn't read it wrong, and he also knew that the shaking of the chariot body must have something to do with the shadow.

Ye Feng quickly put all the video cameras on his monitor and looked around, but he still didn't find anything and didn't know what the dark shadow was. However, since he couldn't see it on the car body, he probably just hit the car body. There should be no follow-up, so he didn't point out the words of Dixie.

But at this time, Ye Feng suddenly saw a shadow flying over on the monitor. After a flash, the body of the chariot was shaking again.

But this time, Zhuo wanqiu was not as nervous as before. After all, Dixie told her that it was the influence of air flow. In addition, she had never been a plane before and felt the air flow, but that was the feeling.

The only difference is that the fuselage of the plane will shiver for a while when encountering the airflow, but here it is just a shiver.

Although the feeling is a little different, Zhuo wanqiu still tells herself in her heart that maybe it's because their chariots are flying much faster than planes, so they are fleeting when encountering air currents, so when they react to the car body, they just end up shaking, so they don't think much about it.

Ye Feng is sitting in the driver's seat with his eyes fixed on the display in front of him, while Dixie is sitting behind Ye Feng, and he also notices Ye Feng's abnormality.

Dixie immediately patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "what do you find?"

Ye Feng this just returned to God, immediately shrugged a way, "Oh, nothing!"

After a dubious look at Ye Feng, Dixie said nothing more.

At the same time, Dixie also saw a black shadow on the display in front of him flash away, and then the chariot's body trembled.

To tell the truth, she did not know what caused the shaking of the chariot body, and there was no other abnormal discovery, so the inertial man was just the airflow.

But now that she saw the shadow on the screen, she knew that the shaking of the chariot body was not as simple as the airflow.

Scarlett saw that Ye Feng and Dixie were staring at the monitor in front of her. She thought it was abnormal and couldn't help staring at the monitor in front of her.

After a while, Scarlett also saw the shadow, and naturally felt the bumping of the chariot's body. She immediately said, "do you see the shadow just now?"

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help but look at Scarlett when they hear the words. Ye Feng secretly says that Scarlett also notices it, which shows that the shadow is definitely not an example. Maybe she will encounter it in the future.

Zhuo wanqiu asked Scarlett in surprise, "what shadow? Why didn't I see it? "

Dixie said to Scarlett, "don't be nervous for the time being. There's no problem yet." Then she gave Scarlett a wink, indicating that she would not make a fuss, which would cause Zhuo wanqiu's worry.Scarlett saw the look in the eyes of Dixie, and she immediately got angry and said, "I'm not sure. Maybe I'm wrong!"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately patted Scarlett on the shoulder and said, "you know I'm nervous, and you scare me!"

Scarlett quickly apologized to Zhuo wanqiu, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm nervous for a long time, it's inevitable that I'm wrong!"

Zhuo wanqiu sighed for a long time and said nothing more.

But Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. He felt that the shadow must be famous. The shadow ran into the chariot very fast, but it didn't mean it was the shadow's fast speed. It was very likely that the chariot's flying speed was too fast, so this happened.

But at this time, ah Nan suddenly said, "look, what's the black area in front of you?"

As soon as they heard this, they immediately looked at the monitor in front of them and adjusted the picture on the monitor to the one that a Nan saw. They were all shocked.

Ye Feng also saw the scene in front of him. Far in front of him, there was a mass of black things. He didn't see it very clearly, but it was as if countless black spots gathered together to form a mass. He couldn't see what it was.

But at this time, the chariot's body was trembling again. Ye Feng's heart was suddenly shocked. Maybe the black mystery in front of him was the same object as the shadow of the chariot's body.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng listened to Dixie say at this time, "enlarge the picture, it seems to be some kind of insect!"

When people heard the words, they turned up the picture one after another. At this time, they could vaguely distinguish the individuals in the black group, which were indeed worms.

Ye Feng looks like a mosquito, but it's n times bigger than the mosquitoes on earth. Besides, the abdomen is bulging, and there are many lines on the wings. It looks black on the whole.

When you think about the shadow you saw before, Ye Feng artificially fixed it in his mind, and then found that it should be 80% or 90% similar to the shadow, which is to make sure that the shadow is the mosquito in front of you.

Before the chariot hit these mosquitoes, it must have been one or two individuals around the black mass. Now the overwhelming black mass is still far away, so it seems to have this feeling. If the spaceship flies into it, it will be more frightening than now.

Zhuo wanqiu suddenly said, "it looks disgusting. I have a phobia!"

Cat face person then toward Zhuo Wan Qiu way, "what dense phobia?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately explained, "I get goose bumps when I see a lot of similar things gathered together!"

The cat faced man continued to say to Zhuo wanqiu, "what are goose bumps?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately white cat face person, she has been too lazy to explain.

At this time, Scarlett said to Zhuo wanqiu, "if you have a phobia, don't look at it!"

But the tree faced man said, "now what are you afraid of? After the chariot rushes in, it's called fear."

When they heard this, they could not help sighing and thought, yes, if the chariot flies in, can it?

At this time, Dixie said to Yefeng, "why don't we make a detour to avoid these insects?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and didn't speak, but his eyes kept staring at the monitor. After a long time, he said, "no, the black ball formed by these guys is too big. It will waste a lot of energy to avoid it. We can't change the channel!"

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