When she heard this, she couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "if you don't change the channel, do you want to go through them directly?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "in addition, there should be no better way!"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "we can land now, walk from the ground, wait to avoid these guys, and then take off. At the same time, when we are on the ground, we can replenish the energy consumed at present!"

Ye Feng nodded to Dixie, then said, "your idea is very good, but the actual situation does not allow it!"

Hearing this, Dixie could not help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "the actual situation is not allowed? Why? "

Ye Feng immediately adjusted the display in front of him and showed him, "look at the area these mosquitoes occupy in the air!"

Hearing this, Dixie couldn't help staring at Ye Feng's monitor. First, he saw the group of mosquitoes from their point of view. Although they looked dense, they were seen on the monitor after all. Moreover, the chariot was still a long way away from there, so it didn't look very intuitive.

At this time, Ye Feng pressed on the monitor, and then on the monitor, a red dot appeared on the two edges of the black mosquito group, and a number appeared between the red dots.

Seeing that the number showed "12501239", he asked Ye Feng, "what does this mean?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "this is the diameter distance, the unit is meter!"

Dixie's face suddenly moved. 1250129 represents a diameter of more than 1000 kilometers. How big is it? There wasn't even any idea in his head.

At this time, the upper and lower edges of the group of mosquitoes on the display also show a red dot. The number in the middle is 986548, which also represents the appearance of more than 900 kilometers.

There was a moment of silence when Dixon arrived, which meant that the mosquito group was beyond her imagination.

However, this is not the end. Ye Feng continues to press the button on the display, and suddenly a number appears. The reality is only 105000, which also means 105km.

However, what this value represents is not very clear to Dixie, and Ye Feng explained to Dixie, "at this time, the depth of the mosquito group, that is to say, the mosquito group has continued to our destination!"

Dixi Si can't help but sigh, but Ye Feng immediately operated the monitor, and the camera directly pulled to the bottom of the mosquito group.

Looking at the things displayed on the monitor, Dixie didn't understand Ye Feng's meaning. She looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's next?"

Ye Feng asked Dixie, "you shouldn't ask what's below, but you should ask, what's below?"

There was nothing under the mosquito group, only the gray brown soil. It was because there was nothing that she thought Ye Feng wanted her to see. But after Ye Feng's reminding, she still didn't see anything.

When Ye Feng saw that Dixie still didn't see it, he said to Dixie, "you said to land the chariot and walk directly from the ground. The reason why I said it didn't work is that the mosquito group is almost the same as our goal course. We need to drive directly from the ground to the destination!"

After hearing the words, Dickens nodded and said, "if so, it may be so. Only when we get to the river in front of us can we find a way to lift off..."

Before Dixie finished speaking, Ye Feng immediately interrupted, "I haven't finished speaking, followed by..." After a pause, he continued, "second, as I said just now, what do you find missing under the mosquito mass? You don't see it. I'll tell you straight away, without sunshine! "

As soon as Dixie heard this, his face suddenly moved. Then he looked carefully at the display in front of Ye Feng, and found that there was indeed a shadow below. The reason why he could see it clearly was that the sunlight in other places made it not very dark, but overcast. He didn't notice this problem before. After listening to Ye Feng's reminder, he found it That's the point.

But Ye Feng continued to explain at this time, "that is to say, once we land, we can only use the energy we have now, and it is impossible to be supplemented at all!"

Then he pressed the button on the monitor, and after a value appeared, he corrected his statement, "to be exact, it can still be charged on the ground, but compared with charging completely in the sun, it's only about 0.7%. Such charging speed is almost the same as no charging, don't you think?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie was silent for a long time. However, Dixie now understands that landing is definitely not the best way. It's even more unrealistic to make a detour after landing. His transverse diameter and width are hundreds of times of their journey. How far does it take to get out of the shadow of this mosquito group? It's better to drive straight to the destination.

Dixie thought and then said to Ye Feng, "but if we rush in directly, the collision probability between our chariot and those giant mosquitoes will be greatly increased, no It's supposed to hit every second, and after we rush into the mosquito group, our chariots are in the same shadow. Will it be different then, or will we have no chance to recharge? "Ye Feng said to Dixie, "I found that the chariot has a function, but you can have a try!"

"What's the function of it?" she said

Ye Feng immediately said to Dixie, "you can electrify the surface of the chariot, but after the current reaches a certain degree and the speed reaches the limit, our chariot is a shot, but the defect is that the function consumption is about twice as much as before, that is to say, the rest of us may not support us to get to the destination!"

But Dixie said, "it's impossible, isn't it? Our current energy consumption does not support us to go directly to the destination, and we still need to recharge at that time! Now that the power consumption is twice as high as before, our journey will be shortened again! "

After Ye Feng nodded, he said to Dixie, "it's a normal calculation, but if it's not normal, the process is going up!"

Dixis didn't quite understand Ye Feng's meaning. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise. He didn't seem to be able to understand what the abnormal situation was.

Ye Feng also looked at all the people present at this time, and then said in a deep voice, "this is also a way for me to ask for your opinions!"

Everyone had been listening to the argument or discussion between Ye Feng and Dixie. At this time, listening to Ye Feng's words, they all looked at Ye Feng and said, "what can we do to ask for our opinions?"

Zhuo wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan's idea must be the best one. I support it unconditionally!"

Did not wait for other people to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "this method may be dead!"

When Zhuo wanqiu heard this, her face suddenly moved, and she looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way. She didn't say anything for a long time.

And other people are almost the same look at Ye Feng, for a moment, the whole tank was silent, no one spoke.

Finally, for all of us, Dixie asked, "what's the way? Let's talk about it first!"

Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath, then continued, "our current speed, after the energy is about to run out, we immediately turn off all the engines, what will this cause?"

Zhuo wanqiu asked, "what caused it?"

There was a moment of silence in the crowd, and when he was in his head, he said, "do you mean inertia?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, it's inertia. As long as we make good use of inertia, inertia can send us to our destination, and even pass the 20 or 30 Li River smoothly, but the disadvantages As I said just now, under the action of inertia, the chariot is not as controllable as it is now. Its state will be completely out of control at that time. No one can predict what will happen if it is out of control at that time. If we are lucky, we will all be safe, but if there is any accident, it may lead to injury or even death! "

After listening to Ye Feng's explanation, people generally understood what Ye Feng meant. He wanted to use the inertia to continue to send the chariot forward when the chariot suddenly lost all its power. But just as Ye Feng said, if all the engines of the chariot were shut down, then the chariot was out of control. What would happen at that time was not expected.

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