After seeing that everyone was silent for a while, Ye Feng continued to say, "so now I need to ask for your opinions!"

After taking a deep breath at this time, a Nan immediately asked Ye Feng, "besides this method, is there a second choice?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward a Nan said, "the purpose so far, there is no second choice, this is I combined with the actual situation, just summed up, at present it seems that the car way!"

As soon as she heard this, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "since there is no second choice, I accept support unconditionally!"

The cat face man immediately echoed and said, "yes, since there is no other choice, our choice is just like this. If we want to ask for any advice, just do it!"

Tree face people and faceless people have also expressed their acceptance of this proposal. Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu also said to Ye Feng, "in a word, I believe that brother Satan's choice, as long as it is your choice, it must be the best!"

Scarlett then reminded Zhuo wanqiu, "didn't you listen to him? If we follow this method, we are in the car body, because the chariot is out of control, there is a high probability that we will have it or even die! "

After hearing that, Zhuo wanqiu said to Scarlett, "I know, but it doesn't mean it must be like this. Besides, if it's really such bad luck, it's just fate! Anyway, I still support brother Satan unconditionally

Ye Feng nodded to Zhuo wanqiu and said, "in fact, in the process of inertia, we can take some measures to minimize the risk as much as possible. However, I don't know how to explain the details of this operation to you. In short, I will do my best to ensure your safety. You must rest assured about this..."

Dixie Si interrupts Ye Feng's words and says, "you are trying your best to protect everyone's safety, but the consequences are still unpredictable, right?"

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's such a situation. The consequence is Look at the will of heaven... "

After taking a long breath, Dixie said to Yefeng, "no problem, I agree with you too!"

Scarlett agreed as soon as she heard that, and said, "all agree. I have no reason to object."

"I'm the same," said Monica, who didn't say much. "Anyway, now I'm just doing my best to depend on the fate of heaven. When the time comes, who's unfortunate and died, don't blame heaven and others!"

After seeing that everyone agreed, Ye Feng took a deep breath, looked at them with grateful eyes, and said, "thank you for your unconditional trust in me. You can rest assured that I will do my best to ensure that all of us can reach our destination alive as far as possible!"

All of them took a look at Ye Feng with the most firm eyes, and each of them affirmed and supported Ye Feng with their eyes.

Ye Feng then took a deep breath and reminded everyone, "everyone fasten your seat belts!"

Everyone began to check their seat belts. Ye Feng reminded everyone, "put all weapons in the warehouse to prevent accidents after the car body is out of control!"

A Nan and tree face immediately began to put away all the weapons they showed. After locking the weapon storage box, they sat back and fastened their seat belts.

Ye Feng saw that everyone was ready and nodded with satisfaction, while Dixie on one side reminded Ye Feng, "where's your own seat belt?"

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately looked down at himself, found that he really did not fasten the seat belt, immediately will also fasten his seat belt, this just toward the people's voice, "are you ready?"

Listening to everyone say that they are ready, Ye Feng immediately increases the flight speed to the fastest, and presses a button on one side at the same time.

After Ye Feng pressed the button, from the surface of the chariot, there appeared a series of intertwined currents. At the beginning, there were still two intertwined currents. It was only a moment before the intertwined currents reached the surface of the chariot. The whole chariot body seemed to turn red.

At the same time, due to the electric current generated on the surface of the car body, the interior of the car body is almost sealed, which makes the interior of the car cabin gradually warm up, and people can obviously feel the temperature change.

This situation is Ye Feng also unexpected, he can't help but ask people at this time, "can withstand the temperature?"

The cat faced man said, "it's very hot, but it's tolerable in a short time." After all, he is different from others. Besides his clothes, he has a layer of hair in his body.

Ye Feng reminds people, "now the current outside has not reached the limit, if it reaches the limit, the indoor temperature may also rise!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said, "I guess I can't stand it! I feel very hot now! "

The tree face man was surprised and said, "is it hot? I can't feel it at all

The cat face man looked at the tree face and said, "you can't feel that bark! My skin is tender. Can I compare with you? "

He said with a long sigh, "it seems that I would be the first to sacrifice!" He said to Ye Feng, "don't worry about me, just take care of other people!"At this time, Ye Feng pondered, this is the first step, is it necessary to sacrifice the cat face man? Is this sacrifice too fast and too cheap?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately operated on the monitor for a while, and then said to Dixie, "you can turn on the air conditioner here to cool down. Although it can't reach the ideal cooling state, it can be a little cooler, which is also good!"

Dixi Si does not understand ground looking at leaf maple way, "since have this cooling system, why not?" Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately understood what was going on and said, "do you mean that once you start the cooling system, it will also speed up energy consumption?"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng nodded to Dixie and said, "yes, the cooling system will not only speed up energy consumption, but also consume a lot of energy!"

After pondering for a while, she immediately looked back at the cat's face and said, "can you hold on?"

The cat faced man took a look at him and said, "no problem!"

"If you can't bear it, shout it out, but it must be your ultimate moment, or don't cry!" said Dickens

Although the cat face man didn't quite understand the meaning of this, he even thought that his body temperature would drop after he yelled. Although he didn't quite understand it, he still nodded to him.

Ye Feng has understood the meaning of Dixie, looked at her and said, "are you going to take him as the zero boundary point, as long as he can't bear it, start the cooling mode?"

When he heard the words, he immediately nodded and said, "the one who is most afraid of heat here is him. If he can't bear it, of course, he should turn on the cooling mode! After all, it's just the beginning. We can't start at a loss! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but also toward the Dixie nodded, this time loudly said, "then I continue to increase the power!"

Everyone snorted. At this time, the hair on the face of the cat face man was about to drip. The erect beard was also towering, and it seemed that he had no strength at all.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately pushed up the current on the surface of the chariot. At this time, not only the whole chariot was burned red by the current, but also the current around the chariot was flashing from time to time.

And not only that, the chariot was flying towards the mosquito group in front at this time. Occasionally, one or two scattered giant mosquitoes had been greatly destroyed by the current around the chariot before they got close to the chariot body.

Seeing this scene, Dixie thought that Ye Feng's strategy was right. Once the chariot flew into the mosquito group, it was almost devastating to the mosquito group. The only disadvantage was energy consumption. Moreover, the current high temperature was not the final test. The real test was that Ye Feng cut off all the engines, which was the ultimate test for them.

Sitting on the side of the cat face man, a Nan is staring at the cat face man all the time. She finds that the spirit of the cat face man has been a little dispirited.

Even Zhuo wanqiu had been observing the cat faced man. Seeing him like this, she immediately said to Dixie, "I don't think he will be able to shout out at that time. You see, even if he is so hot, he won't be able to hum out!"

At this time, it's not just the cat face man. As the current on the surface of the chariot increases, the temperature of the chariot body rises again. Everyone is already sweating. Even the big beads of sweat are flowing down his cheeks. The cat face man seems to have been in the water for a long time, and he has already been in a weak posture.

Hearing what Zhuo wanqiu said, Dixie couldn't help looking back at the cat face man. His heart also moved. The cat face man's posture was exactly the same as that of heatstroke. Could he still shout out after heatstroke?

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