At this point, Dixie knew that she had made some mistakes. Originally, she wanted a nan to pay attention to observe the cat face man, but Dixie immediately thought that she should have the same heat resistance as a Nan. After all, they are all a human species, so it's impossible for a nan to observe the heat resistance limit of the cat face man.

So finally, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "I don't think his heat resistance can be seen..."

Ye Feng fumbled on the monitor and found a data display, that is, the temperature display in the cabin and the temperature display of ten people present.

Moreover, there are graphic differences in the display of body temperature. The graphics of all people have changed to orange. Only cat faced people have big red, and tree faced people have blue. Blue should be equivalent to low temperature, red should be high temperature, and orange should be high temperature warning.

See here, Ye Feng immediately toward the tree face humanity, "you will hold him in your arms, with the low temperature to cool him, maybe also can give him a little time!"

As soon as the tree face man heard this, he just thought about it. Without thinking about it, he immediately picked up the cat face man and put it in his arms. It felt like holding a stove in his arms.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the human body temperature sign on the display and found that the temperature of cat face man was changing from red to orange, while the temperature of tree face man was changing from blue to yellow, which indicated that this method was correct.

At this time, Dixie looked back at the cat face man, but saw that his expression seemed to be a little more comfortable than before.

However, the speed of the chariot did not drop at this time, and the current on the surface became stronger and stronger. The whole chariot was originally made of black metal, and it gradually turned red at this time.

With the passage of time, the temperature in the whole cabin continued to rise. At this time, even the women began to feel a little unbearable. One by one, they were red and sweating. Ye Feng also felt that he was going to get wet all over, but maybe after all, his genes had been reorganized, and he felt that he was just a little hot and dry. He didn't come to them That level.

However, Ye Feng has been staring at the monitor, and found that even the temperature of tree face people began to change to orange red, while others were even more amazing. They turned red one by one. The cat face people, who had cooled down, began to develop from orange to red again.

At this time, Ye Feng took another look at Dixie and said to her in a deep voice, "hold on a little longer!"

While wiping the sweat on her face, she nodded to Ye Feng. At this time, her eyes were a little red, which was eroded by sweat.

But Dixie's eyes have been staring at the monitor to see, then remind Ye Feng way, "attention, in front of the mosquito group!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, but he felt that the breath sucked in, and his chest was more depressed. All the heat was sucked in by him.

But Ye Feng didn't care about it. He was also staring at the monitor. At this time, he saw that the huge mosquitoes in front of him might be about their actual size, which indicated that their chariot was about to enter the mosquito group.

When Ye Feng had this idea, he heard a creaking noise outside the chariot, and all the monitors in front of him had been covered by black, which showed that the speed of the chariot had reached the middle of the mosquito group.

At this time, outside the chariot, all the giant mosquitoes close to the surface of the chariot were immediately destroyed by the high-voltage current, and no trace was found.

There are even some mosquitoes that are still some distance away from those near the chariot, but they are also affected by the current and are directly killed.

The chariot rushed to the depth of the mosquito group without moving forward. It can be said that God blocked the killing of God, Buddha blocked the killing of Buddha, and the road was smooth.

But at this time, the temperature in the chariot is almost reaching the limit. In addition, Ye Feng and Dixie have noticed that the energy of the chariot has started to alarm, with less than 10% left. It can be seen how serious the energy consumption is during this period.

This also indicates that even if ye Feng does not take the initiative to shut down the engine, the chariot will shut down automatically due to lack of energy.

Dixie reminds Ye Feng at this time way, "pay attention to energy consumption!"

Ye Feng nodded, he has been paying attention, he is waiting for energy consumption in the heart is close to five percent below.

But at the same time, Ye Feng also has to pay attention to the cat face man. After all, he can't be so hot. If he can't, he would rather take some risks and turn off the energy consumption immediately.

Ye Feng immediately pays attention to the body temperature map of the cat face man, and finds that his body temperature is even more red than before. Even the body temperature of the tree face man turns light red, which shows how high the body temperature of the cat face man is.

Ye Feng immediately asked tree face, "how is he?"

The tree face man immediately pinched the cat face man's face, and found that the cat face man still moved, indicating that he was not dead for the time being. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "it should be OK, but I don't think it will last long!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "just a few more minutes!" With that, he immediately fixed his eyes on the monitor in front of him.

Everyone held their breath at this time. After all, the temperature in the cabin is too high and it's extremely difficult to breathe. Sometimes it's better to hold your breath.Seeing that the energy consumption of the chariot was getting faster and lower, Ye Feng put his hand on the button to turn off the engine. When the energy storage was less than 5%, he immediately turned off the engine.

As time went by, everyone in the chariot was ready for Ye Feng to turn off the engine. Everyone was staring at the monitor, looking at the giant mosquitoes outside. There were no dross left when they were directly hit by the chariot, waiting for the final result.

Finally, when the energy consumption finally reached the critical point of percent and, Ye Feng immediately said aloud, "ready..."

Everyone is a Lin under the heart of smell speech, each raised enough spirit, Ye Feng immediately pressed the button to turn off the engine.

The moment Ye Feng turned off the engine, the whole chariot trembled, and then the current on the surface of the chariot disappeared.

When the giant mosquito began to hit the chariot, the people in the chariot could feel it.

However, after the current disappeared, the temperature of the chariot was gradually decreasing. In addition, due to inertia, the air cooling also played a certain role in the process of the whole chariot moving forward rapidly. The temperature of the whole chariot cabin gradually fell down, but it was still a little stuffy, but much better than before.

At this time, the chariot in the constant impact with the giant mosquito, the whole chariot can not help but vibrate violently, but the speed did not drop down.

This is also in Ye Feng's calculation range and so on. After the speed of the chariot reaches the limit, even if there is no current blessing, the giant mosquitoes in the mosquito group should not be the opponents of the chariot.

But at this time Ye Feng also noticed that the height of the chariot was gradually declining, that is to say, the chariot was running towards the crash.

At this time, Ye Feng calculated the distance from the destination on the display, but there are still more than 40 kilometers. According to the current inertial speed and the speed of falling height, if there is no special accident, he should be able to reach the destination.

Due to the drop of temperature, the temperature of tree face man gradually returned to normal, which also led to the temperature of cat face man in his arms kept falling.

After a while, the cat face man opened his eyes and looked at the tree face man holding him. Then he frowned and said, "what are you doing?"

Before the tree face man spoke, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to the cat, "don't you remember? You almost died just now! Fortunately, my brother Satan came up with a good idea to use his body temperature to lower your body temperature and save your life! "

The cat face man was in the high temperature just now, and his whole consciousness was confused. He didn't know what happened. After listening to Zhuo wanqiu's words, he thought that he was being held by the tree face man, and the tree face man's temperature had been very low. He knew it, and he immediately understood what was going on.

At this time, the chariot was still shaking violently. After adjusting his breath, the cat faced man asked, "where are we now?"

The tree faced man said to the cat faced man, "the engine has been turned off, and we are sprinting forward with inertia!"

The cat faced man could not help but take a deep breath. Then he looked at the monitor on one side and finally understood what was going on. He didn't say anything again.

At this time, a Nan reminded Ye Feng, "the river in front has appeared. I believe it won't be long before we reach the sky of the river!"

Ye Feng has been staring at the map on the display. He has found this problem for a long time. At this time, when he looked at the height and speed of the chariot, he found that the descending speed seems to be twice as fast as before, which indicates that there is an error between the previous calculation results and the actual situation, that is to say, their chariot is likely to be directly planted in the front of the river.

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