But Ye Feng didn't say it immediately. After all, Ye Feng still has a trump card in his hand. Wait until the key time to see if he can turn the tide.

As the chariot continued to fly forward according to inertia, the huge mosquito group in the air was split by the chariot. From the macro point of view, it was like a black group was separated from it.

All of them still hold their breath and stare at the display in front of them. After all, they have obviously felt the trembling of the chariot has become more and more obvious, and even the whole car body has tilted. Almost all of them are sitting on the seats obliquely. If they hadn't fastened their seat belts in advance and collected all kinds of scattered items, it would have been a mess in the car body.

Now, although the car body is tilted and the situation is critical, the atmosphere in the car is still good, and there is no tension corresponding to the actual situation. All this is due to Ye Feng's foresight, which makes everyone ready in advance.

But on the surface, although there is no tense atmosphere, but everyone's heart is still pinched a sweat, this kind of speeding emergency landing for them, no one has experienced.

Take Ye Feng and Monica for example. The previous emergency landing at sea after the plane crash is still fresh in my mind, especially for Monica. However, the emergency situation at that time seems to be different from that at this time. At least in terms of flight speed, they both feel that they are doomed. This time, Monica even feels that they are doomed.

However, although I think so in my heart, on the surface, Monica is still very calm. Not only Monica, but everyone knows in their heart that the current atmosphere is actually balanced. Everyone hides their nervous mood in their heart, but there won't be any big problem. However, once one person's tension flows on the surface, it will drive the whole society People in the cabin will be more or less restless.

Once this agitation is formed, it will have a more direct and intuitive impact on their next life and death. After all, all of them know that this ending is probably the closest to death in their life.

Although Ye Feng is relatively calm at this time, he can't help but cast a positive and approving look at some women when he sees that their performance is quite good, which is beyond their expectation.

As for Dixie and Scarlett, especially Zhuo wanqiu and Monika, they need Ye Feng's affirmation and praise. After all, their psychological quality is not as high as that of Dixie and Scarlett, or even not as good as that of a-nan. At this time, they haven't shown it yet, but in fact, they have been wandering on the edge for a long time.

As long as there is a little more accident, they can't guarantee that they won't shout at that time, but Ye Feng's praise and affirmative eyes give Zhuo wanqiu and Monica great encouragement, which makes their restless heart calm down.

The chariot continued to fly forward, but the angle of the chariot had been tilted to an almost subversive angle. Everyone held the arms of their chairs tightly, and even Zhuo wanqiu closed her eyes and did not dare to see everything in front of her.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the various values on the display, such as flight speed, falling speed, mileage of reaching the destination and so on.

Ye Feng found that these values are completely different from before. The flight speed is not as fast as before, but the falling speed is much faster than before. Although the distance to the destination is rapidly shortening, the shortening speed is obviously decreasing.

This also means that it is impossible for them to reach their destination relying on the force of inertia.

Besides Ye Feng, Dixie was the first to find this problem, because she was also concerned about these values. At this time, she whispered to Ye Feng, "if you land in the river, do you think the force of inertia and the resistance of the river will eventually push us to the opposite bank?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but side head looked at a Dixi Si, found Dixi Si strange calm, although found these problems, actually a little flustered look.

However, it's not strange to think that Dixie had received all kinds of training together with herself and climbed out of the dead. It's just that she felt a little unexpected. Maybe it's because she just looked at her as an ordinary woman recently.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng whispered to Dixie, "I'm sure I can't land in the river!"

After hearing the words, Dixie frowned and said, "according to the normal logic, although the river will produce resistance to the chariot, as long as the angle is just right, it is likely to make the chariot drift, just like when we were children playing with stones and water..."

Ye Feng did not wait for Dixie to finish, immediately nodded, "the principle you said, I know, if it is on a normal planet, this is indeed the best plan, but on this planet, absolutely not!"

Dixie didn't speak, just looked at Ye Feng with questioning eyes, waiting for Ye Feng's answer.

Ye Feng then said to Dixie, "don't forget that the size of this super planet will affect its gravity. The gravity problem of our spaceship may be bigger than we think..."Then, without waiting for Dixie to speak, he immediately said, "but this is not the most important thing, and you should not forget that everything on this super planet is surprisingly large, including the former ground beetles, polyhedral anteaters, stone cochlea, and the giant mosquitoes we are facing now But haven't you ever thought that the creatures in the water should be the same as those on the land. Maybe a fry is bigger than our spaceship. Once our spaceship approaches the water, what will happen? "

When she heard the words, she was shocked. She thought a lot, but she didn't think of the fish in the water. And she understood what Ye Feng meant. Once there were some predatory fish in the water, they would jump out of the water to devour their spaceship. This was the most dangerous thing, which was not found in the water That's what we're thinking about.

At the same time, Ye Feng pulled the display screen in front of him to the river. At this time, Dixie saw that there were indeed fish leaping out of the river, preying on the giant mosquitoes flying in the air. The size of the big fish was obviously several times larger than that of the giant mosquito. Although the giant mosquito was not as big as their chariot, it was not small In terms of volume, the fish leaping out of the water is at least ten times the size of their chariot, not counting those super large fish.

Seeing this scene, Dixie can't help but take a breath. It seems that Ye Feng has taken everything into consideration. It also shows that Ye Feng has already checked the relevant situation near the river.

But at this time, Dixie continued to say to Ye Feng in a low voice, "since you are as careful as dust, and all these have been considered in place, then you must have a plan to deal with this emergency?"

Ye Feng smiles at Dixie and says, "you should remember that when we shut down the engine, we don't wait for all the energy to be consumed, but we leave 5%!"

On hearing this, Dixie suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean that you want to use this 5% energy to make the final decisive counterattack?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded to Dixie and said, "yes, but the energy consumption of 5% is not small, and it may last for a few minutes at most, so I must always observe the flying speed, falling speed and some other values of the chariot. We must restart the flying mode at the last and most critical moment! Cross the river

Even so, when we fly over the river, we can still be the food of those fish in the river

Ye Feng immediately said, "I've thought about that too, so we have to increase the speed of flight in the shortest time, and adjust the altitude as much as possible, so the energy consumption can only last for a few minutes. I believe that with the blessing of speed and altitude, the probability of avoiding those fish attacks will also increase."

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie knew that Ye Feng had already included all the possibilities, but she finally asked Ye Feng, "the key is that the time to restart is the same as the time to shut down!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right!"

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