Dixie smell speech can't help but see more Ye Feng, it seems that Ye Feng has already planned everything, and everything is also according to Ye Feng's plan in action.

In the end, Dixie shrugged and said nothing. Anyway, everything is in Yefeng's plan, so it's meaningless to think more about it.

Ye Feng saw the appearance of Dixie, roughly guessed Dixie's mind, and immediately said to Dixie, "you don't have to feel that your ideas are meaningless. In fact, a lot of things I think are produced by combining with your ideas, so you can tell me what you should have next!"

After hearing this, Dixie felt that there was some truth in it. He nodded and said that he knew it.

At this time, when Ye Feng looked at the data on the display in front of him again, he found that those values had doubled again, that is to say, they were closer to the critical point in Ye Feng's heart.

Looking at the mileage and the actual situation, Ye Feng found that it was not far away from the river in front of him, and Ye Feng also began to focus on the monitor. After all, he finally grasped the key to the life and death of the driver.

But Ye Feng after his own brain and the computer on the display of precision calculation, feel this time, although it is dangerous, but will be able to get through the difficulties.

When the value on the display began to flash at the critical point, Ye Feng immediately pressed the button under his hand, and suddenly the engine of the whole chariot started again.

Seeing that the chariot was about to crash on the Bank of the river, immediately the chariot soared. Just as they soared, a reasonable fish seemed to find their chariot, and immediately jumped up and opened its mouth to them.

But fortunately, the engine of the chariot was turned on, and finally passed through the fish's mouth without danger and went straight into the sky.

Everyone except Dixie and Ye Feng was surprised why the chariot suddenly started again.

However, under the explanation of Dixie, we all know that Ye Feng finally left his hand, and they can't help cheering. One is cheering for the rest of his life, and the other is cheering for Ye Feng's last move.

After the chariot rose to a certain height and had completely escaped the height of the fish leaping, Ye Feng adjusted his flight mode. Instead of letting the chariot rise, he used the remaining energy to advance directly in parallel and continue to advance towards the goal.

Maybe this energy may not be able to support the chariot to complete the whole journey, but Ye Feng's calculation is that it forms a boost force through the energy. Now increase the speed to rapid speed. Even if there is no energy in the middle of the river, it can ensure that the chariot can cross the river.

Soon the chariot had reached the middle of the river. At this time, there was still 2% energy left on the display, but it jumped to 1% immediately after Ye Feng watched it.

Ye Feng knew that there was not enough energy to talk with him, and it was important for him to make a smooth landing, so he immediately turned off all the engines, and immediately the chariot began to move forward with inertia.

However, the inertia was enough for the chariot to reach the other side of the river. At the moment of seeing this, Ye Feng started the engine again, then began to adjust to automatic driving mode and began to land smoothly.

However, after crossing the river, their goal is not speed, but stability is more important. As long as the speed does not reach the limit, the energy consumption will be reduced, and one percent will be enough to support them for a long time.

Until the energy was completely exhausted, the chariot also slowly landed on the gray brown ground. At this time, they still had to rely on the chariot to continue to drive slowly in front.

Judging from the display, it is about 20 miles away from the destination. Now, with the speed and solar energy absorption, it is almost impossible to run out of energy, and the chariot will still keep absorbing energy. In the process of storage, everyone is completely relieved.

After landing, although the speed of the chariot is not as fast as flying, it is more stable. After all, it has a sense of down-to-earth.

After the chariot had been driving for a period of time, people began to pay more attention to the situation outside the chariot. After all, it was getting closer and closer to their destination. They were looking for their target on the map on the display through the two satellites launched.

Soon they found the location of the wrecked spaceship, and the display showed that it was getting closer and closer to that side.

However, as they got closer and closer to the wrecked spaceship, their heart began to relax, which seemed to have some subtle changes.

After all, once the wrecked spacecraft is found and the engine system they need is found, it means that the return flight is fast, and the return flight indicates that they may have to repeat the previous danger.

However, no matter whether they were worried or not, a huge silver gray spaceship appeared in front of them, which was many times larger than their chariot, even several times larger than their spaceship. However, the surrounding area was deserted, almost nothing, even no sign of life appeared.

When the chariot stopped at the edge of the spaceship, everyone was relieved and worried again.Ye Feng didn't think so much. He immediately stood up and said, "let's go down and have a look!"

With that, Ye Feng took the lead to one side, opened the weapon cabinet, selected two weapons from inside, opened the door and jumped down.

Then, all of them chose weapons one after another, and followed Ye Feng out of the car. Standing under the wrecked spaceship, they could more intuitively feel the huge size of the spaceship. Standing on one side of the spaceship, they were like human beings and ants. Half of the spaceship was inserted in the soil, and the other half was exposed. It was just the leak Generally, the real face is enough to shock everyone present.

Ye Feng and several of them circled the spaceship, only to find that they didn't even find the door of the spaceship.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "why hasn't Zhiying spoken for so long?"

Ye Feng is also very tender. He immediately goes back to the car and asks if Zhiying is there, but he doesn't hear Zhiying's voice.

Ye Feng keeps trying to contact zhiwin, but he doesn't receive any response. At this time, he thinks whether he broke the signal receiving equipment on the chariot during the collision with the giant mosquito.

After working on the monitor for a long time, Ye Feng finally found a system detection tool and immediately turned it on. After testing the system of the whole chariot, he found that the wireless receiver was really broken as he thought.

After walking out of the chariot, Ye Feng whispered to Dixie, "the wireless receiver on the car is broken, so we can't hear the voice of zhiwin! It seems that the next thing is up to us! "

Dixie is a frown, toward Ye Feng said, "let's not say whether we can enter the interior of this spaceship, even if we can enter, next how to find the engine system for zhiwin, we don't know, isn't this time is also in vain?"

Ye Feng looked at the behemoth in front of him. After thinking for a long time, he said to Dixie, "people have come. Can't you come back empty handed? Now it's all up to us to explore. At the moment, we don't think about whether we can find the engine system, but how we can get into the spaceship is the right thing to do. Now we just have to go one step at a time. When we really get there, we just think about that step again! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie nodded. Although she still had no bottom in her heart, it's true that this is what happened in the current situation.

At this time, they and Scarlett are staring at the spaceship, thinking about where the door of the spaceship is.

Zhuo wanqiu said, "at least half of the spaceship is under the soil. Have you ever thought that the door of the spaceship may be buried under the soil?"

Everyone could not help nodding. After all, there was no door on the ground. That was the only possibility left.

Ye Feng and Dixie came over at this time. After having a look, Dixie said, "maybe the first step we have to do is to dig out this spaceship first!"

The cat faced man took his breath and looked at the half hull of the huge spaceship. He could not help sighing, "you don't expect us to dig with our bare hands, do you?"

Ye Feng's heart also moved. Yes, if he dug it with his bare hands, it would be like Yugong moving the mountain. He didn't know when to dig it, but in addition to this, he didn't seem to think of any other more suitable way.

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