Ye Feng can't help but think of their chariot at this time. I don't know if the chariot used by land, sea and air has the function of digging.

Thinking of these, Ye Feng directly went into the chariot and began to study the various functions of the chariot, but there was really no digging function.

But Ye Feng still found a drilling function of the chariot, that is, the front part of the chariot can be transformed into a drilling head image, which can drill directly under the ground.

Ye Feng according to the actual situation of the chariot to think about the following, how to use the drilling function of the chariot to dig out the wrecked spacecraft.

Although he didn't find anything, Ye Feng started the chariot and got the drill out of the front of the chariot. After a whirling noise, it immediately attracted their attention.

Dixie they also get on the bus one after another. After the door is closed, Dixie can't help but ask Ye Feng, "this function is good. We can directly drill into the ground. Even if we can't dig it out, we can still dig until we find the entrance!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but look at Dixie and said, "what did I say before? Don't feel that what I said is meaningless. Your words remind me!"

"Dixie Si hears a speech to be stunned, immediately shrug a shoulder way," be? "

Ye Feng at this time is a frown way, "but now is not the time!"

Dixie looked at the monitor in front of him and said, "energy still can't keep up, can it? If you drill into the ground, you can't accept the charging of solar energy, so you have to wait until the energy is full? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "that's right!"

"Dixi Si hears speech to shrug a way," that continues to wait? "

At this point, everyone was sitting in the chariot, looking at the display in front of him, waiting for the solar energy to charge.

There was a moment of silence in the chariot, but Ye Feng still tried to see if he could get in touch with zhiwin, but any attempt ended in failure. After all, as long as the receiving system could not be repaired, any attempt was futile.

And then, suddenly, Dixie said, "do you feel it?"

Hearing this, they all opened their eyes and said, "what do you feel?"

Ye Feng also felt it at this time. Now the drill of the front of the chariot has been turned off, and the chariot has not been opened, but he can obviously feel the chariot shaking, but the frequency of shaking is not very high.

Ye Feng immediately turned on the video, and began to adjust the lens toward the distance to see if something happened around him. This kind of frequency obviously seems to have a greater chance of external influence.

But after watching the video for a while, Ye Feng couldn't help wondering if there would be any changes underground. There won't be a large number of ground beetles and other insects.

But after a while, no insects like ground beetles emerged from the ground, but the frequent vibration continued.

Until later, people are getting used to this kind of vibration, but Ye Feng is still paying attention to it. There must be a reason for it. Ye Feng knows that there must be something he doesn't know at present, but it hasn't been found.

After a long time, Ye Feng noticed that the energy value had been more than half full, but the frequency of the jitter was gradually increasing, but each time it was added was not very big, it was gradually forming the current jitter frequency.

Others didn't feel it, but Ye Feng felt it, and naturally Dixie also felt it.

At this time, Dixie whispered to Ye Feng, "if I guess correctly, there should be something approaching us!"

Ye Feng nodded, and immediately began to use the satellite to observe the surrounding environment. At this time, after his face suddenly moved, he fixed the focus of the monitor, and then said to Dixie, "look!"

On the monitor, there was a big black box flying parallel to them. There was nothing special about the box. The only special thing was that it didn't land and kept a certain distance from the ground, but there were thrusters below and behind, pushing it forward Fly in, as if their chariots were in flight mode.

Now not only Yefeng and Dixie, but also Anan and Scarlett have seen this situation, and they are all awe inspiring.

In other words, there is intelligent life on this super planet. Otherwise, there would not be such a high-tech product. No matter whether the intelligent life is the indigenous people of this planet or not, at least it exists.

But this is not the most terrible. Ye Feng immediately calculated the data of their chariot and compared it with the data of the UFO. He found that the aircraft was at least thousands of times larger than their chariot.

That is to say, the internal volume of the UFO is only life, which is at least thousands of times larger than that of them, but the difference in size can not be seen from the display. After all, there is no reference object around the UFO.After Ye Feng saw the data, his face suddenly changed. After taking a look at Dixie, he found that Dixie should also understand the data. At this time, Dixie's face was similar to his own.

Ye Feng said at this time, "I don't know if the other party's goal is consistent with ours. If the other party's goal is consistent with ours, then we may have bad luck!"

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "it's not necessarily the same. It's not a day or two that this spaceship should crash. It's impossible for someone to find it now, and it's really found out. It's impossible that it's just a spaceship, right?"

Yefeng listen to Dixie said, also feel some truth, but after all, the other side or toward their own side, can't take it lightly.

Just thinking about it, at this time, Ye Feng saw that the UFO stopped from the monitor. It seemed that it was more than ten miles away from here. After stopping, he never moved again. If the aircraft didn't have a problem, it means that the target of the other party might not be here.

All the people in the chariot held their breath and looked at the aircraft on the monitor one after another. At this moment, they saw a door opened upward on one side of the aircraft. All the people in the chariot were silent, staring at the monitor, and even did not dare blink.

However, although the door was opened, there was no one coming out of the flying object. At this time, the cat faced man couldn't help saying to the Faceless Man, "we can't see them at all, just like you boy?"

Ye Feng thought it was not impossible, but after he drew the video closer to the ground, he found that this possibility could be ruled out.

Because no matter whether the other person's body can be seen or not, at least as long as someone comes out from the inside, the external factors of the ground will leave some traces, but there is nothing left outside.

Everyone is still looking at the door of the UFO, waiting for what kind of intelligent life will come out of it.

After a little while, Dixie said immediately, "look out, something's coming out!"

When everyone heard this, his face suddenly moved, and he immediately stared at the monitor, but he saw that a leg had indeed stepped out of the cabin door, which was almost the same as Ye Feng, and he was wearing a huge shoe and pants on his leg.

After a while, a body came out from inside and stood on the side of the aircraft. Ye Feng found that it was a teenager who was almost the same as them, but the volume was countless times larger than them.

The boy was holding something similar to a baseball bat, and then the door at the other end was opened, and a girl like man came down with a skateboard in his hand.

They stood there as if they were saying something. After a while, the girl put the skateboard on the ground. The skateboard didn't fall on the ground, but floated in the air in parallel. The girl stepped on it with one foot, and then her whole body stood on it. After a little shaking, the skateboard immediately seemed to fly, and the girl went towards the front.

When everyone saw this scene, they could not help but feel a move. However, the boy immediately took out a baseball like thing from the aircraft and threw it into the sky. When he was about to fall down, he immediately waved the bat in his hand and flew out the bat.

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