Baseball flew directly from the air in the direction of Ye Feng. When the sky passed, from Ye Feng's point of view, it was like a plane flying low.

Not far away, the girl is happily playing with the floating skateboard under her feet. However, when the dust rises under the skateboard, it's like a sandstorm suddenly blowing somewhere. Fortunately, they are hiding in the chariot at this time.

After a while, Ye Feng, sitting in the chariot, felt the ground tremble violently, even the whole chariot was shocked to jump up.

Dixie saw from the monitor that the young man was running towards them. Each foot was on the ground, and a piece of dust could be raised. Gradually, he could no longer see the whole picture of the young man in the monitor, but only the part of him.

Fortunately, when the teenagers ran, they didn't find their existence, and they didn't step on their chariot, so they just skimmed over them.

The cat faced man had been holding his mouth, but suddenly he said, "what's the matter with these two children? To play in the wilderness? Aren't you afraid of the beasts? "

But a Nan said, "for us, this may be the wilderness, but for them, maybe this is their backyard. Our reminder ratio is different. The river more than 20 kilometers just now may be their drainage ditch."

Zhuo wanqiu felt strange and joined their conversation. After all, there are still people on this planet. It's a little too novel for them. With the large proportion of their mentions, it looks more interesting. It seems that they have entered the giant Kingdom, which makes Zhuo wanqiu have to think of the fairy tale of Lilliputian kingdom again.

Scarlett and Monica as like as two peas in the world, and now they are starting to join in this topic. After all, on this super planet, they can see that they grow almost the same as they are, but only the human beings with a proportion of volume.

is as like as two peas, even if ye did not show it. Before he met Nan, who was just like the earth's human appearance, and the height ratio was almost the same, it was very rare. Now there are such a huge human being. Ye Feng can not help feeling that in this interstellar universe, it is true. There are all kinds of strange things.

I don't know how long the boy and the girl will play here. Every time they run, they can have some influence on them. But they are lucky to avoid every time. They don't trample on them directly. It's both lucky and sad.

Ye Feng knew that maybe they were small and didn't let the young boys and girls see them at all. It can be seen that they were on this super planet, just like insects and ants.

As time goes by, the energy of the chariot will be full here. People are also curious at the beginning, and gradually become impatient. They don't really come to the giant country to play, but they come with a mission. If the boys and girls don't go, it will directly affect their next mission.

However, Ye Feng's interest at this time is no longer on the young boys and girls. At this time, he has focused on the shadow of the young boys and girls.

Dixi Si also noticed these at this time, looked at Ye Feng way, "you also found?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at Dixie Si, then asked, "so say, you also found?"

Dixie nodded and said, "if there is no sun in this super galaxy, and now there is a sun on this super planet, isn't it strange for young boys and girls?"

Ye Feng said to him, "maybe these light sources are as bright as the sun for us, but for them Well Is that a lamp? "

When he heard the speech, he could not help sighing at Ye Feng and said, "the light source that can shine more than 100 kilometers is just a street lamp?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "are you stupid? More than 100 kilometers? For us, for them, it may be just over 100 meters.... "

When she heard this, she couldn't help but be surprised. Then she reacted and said with a bitter smile, "yes, I'm stupid!"

Ye Feng did not smile any more, but said to Dixie, "I always feel that this planet may not be the same as we imagined, zhiwin may not tell us everything!"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "Xinghe and Zhiying are not the same kind of people as us. They don't tell us everything. In this unknown world, it's better to trust anyone than themselves! It's better to rely on anyone than on yourself! "

Ye Feng nodded, stretched a stretch, and then said to Dixie, "you're right, but now I have an idea that I'm not in a hurry to leave this planet!"

When he heard the words, he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't we want to find the engine system on the spaceship? Take off quickly? "

At this time, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "have you ever thought about Maybe... " Said is a while pondering, for a long time also did not speak.

Dixi Si can't help but wonder to see to leaf Feng way, "perhaps what?"Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "maybe this is the planet of love?"

As soon as she heard this, she suddenly looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "is this the planet of love?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't have to be so surprised. That's what I guess. I don't know if the reality is true. After all, no one has ever been to eisf."

After hearing this, she pondered for a long time. To tell you the truth, Ye Feng's conjecture really shocked her. She had never thought about it before. But at this time, Ye Feng said it, and she felt that it was possible.

Ye Feng then looked at the monitor in front of him. He could no longer see the full picture of the couple. He could only occasionally see a part of their feet or legs passing through the monitor.

Occasionally, Ye Feng could hear what the boy and girl seemed to be saying, but the sound came to their ears, just like the thunder, and they couldn't understand what they said.

Ye Feng said at this time, "if only I could translate what they are saying!"

Just as she was saying that, ah Nan immediately said in surprise, "no, look, that girl picked up the spaceship..."

When they heard this, their faces changed. They all looked at the display in front of them in surprise, but they saw that the spaceship was uprooted from the ground by the girl's hand.

In their eyes, the huge spaceship was just the size of the girl's hand, only a little bigger.

After the girl got the spaceship and played with it for a while, she seemed to be calling the boy. Soon the boy ran over, took the spaceship and played with it in her hand. Then she squatted down and swept something with his baseball bat.

The ground suddenly is a burst of dust, Ye Feng they from the inside of the chariot, feel in front of the monitor is completely blocked by the dust, a little outside the situation can't see.

At this time, their chariot suddenly fell to one side and rolled several times on the ground. Everyone was shocked. Everyone realized that their chariot should have been swept by the boy's baseball bat.

But without waiting for them to recover, they immediately felt the chariot soaring into the air. Then they heard the thunder of the young man. It was obvious that their chariot was found by the young man and held in his hand.

Everyone's heart suddenly a Lin, Ye Feng can't help but way, "they this is we as toys?"

After all, their chariots are a little bigger than the ground beetles.

It seems that they are really treated as toys, but more accurately, the spaceship and their chariot are treated as toys. At least for now, the boys and girls have not found their existence.

Soon the dust on the monitor disappeared, and they could see the situation outside again. However, the boy was walking towards their aircraft with a spaceship in one hand and a baseball bat in the other.

After arriving at the door of the aircraft, the boy threw the spacecraft on the back seat and put away the baseball bat. Then he sat in the driver's seat of the aircraft and carefully put Ye Feng's chariot on his bridge and watched for a while.

After a while, the girl also came over, put away the floating skateboard, and sat in the car. After the cabin door was closed, the boy immediately started the aircraft, and the aircraft instantly left here.

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