Ye Feng and they are still sitting in the chariot at this time, but they can't feel the slightest vibration of the chariot, which shows that the aircraft is quite stable, otherwise as long as the chariot in contact with the aircraft should also feel it.

The girl in the car had taken the spaceship from the back seat and played with it. From time to time, she said something to the boy who was driving the spaceship on one side. Although Ye Feng didn't understand, they could guess the general content. It must have something to do with the two "toys" they just picked up.

Moreover, the sound is very loud. In addition, in a sealed space such as an aircraft, the sound is even louder. The rumble is like thunder.

Ye Feng and several of them were sitting in the chariot. They were all silent. Until the boy and the girl stopped talking, Dixie said, "obviously they are taking our chariot and the spaceship as toys, ready to take them back!"

The cat face man immediately said, "if they see us, will they keep us as pets?"

But Zhuo wanqiu said immediately, "see us? If you look at their size, it is estimated that the chariot in their eyes is not as big as their nails. Even if we leave the chariot and stand in front of them now, they can't see us. If we want to see us, we have to use a microscope! What's more, you are shorter than us. You can't see it even with a microscope. "

As soon as the cat face man heard this, he immediately looked at Zhuo wanqiu with an unhappy face. However, Ye Feng said, "the problem we are facing now is a bit complicated. Once the two children go home, the house may be a huge thing for us. It's a problem whether we can come out or not after we go in. Fortunately, they also bring the spaceship back, and we will be happy when the time comes You can still find a way to get into the spaceship! "

A Nan said to Ye Feng at this time, "I think we should try to get in touch with zhiwin as soon as possible. This is the best policy!"

But Dixie immediately said, "I don't think so. I think that in terms of the current situation, we still need to know about the planet. Now the two children obviously want to go back. At that time, we can take the opportunity to know about everything on the planet!"

Ah Nan frowned at Dixie and said, "how do you know?"

"We don't have a lot of new technologies on our chariots, but we can at least see if they have any words and any new technology products, so as to further understand the extent of their technology," said Dixie

But the cat faced man said to him, "you're right. We can understand this. The question is, even if we understand this, will it help us in this mission? Isn't our goal to find a way out of this planet? "

"What's the purpose of leaving this planet?" he said

The cat face man was stunned and said, "it's not what you said. We're going to find the planet of eisf. Is eisf civilized?"

After a moment's pondering look at the cat face, she said, "yes, we're looking for Esther, but what if this is Esther?"

Everyone was surprised to hear what Dixie said. They all looked at Dixie, and after a while, they looked at Ye Feng who had not spoken.

Zhuo wanqiu was surprised and said, "do you think this is Esther?"

After taking a deep breath, Dickens said, "I don't know, but I don't rule out this possibility, so we need to know the real situation of this super planet to confirm our conjecture."

At this time, she said, "if this is Esther, it's too sad for us. We are insects here! No, it's bacteria! "

Ye Feng didn't say a word all the time, but said, "in fact, we don't have to be so pessimistic. At least we are safe at present, and we can't get in touch with zhiwin, so we don't have a fixed goal now, just act according to the circumstances!"

After a long time, many people felt that the aircraft seemed to have stopped. Not surprisingly, after a while, the boy had already pushed open the cabin door and walked down.

The girl also came down from the aircraft, still holding the ship in her hand, but it seems that they both forgot their chariot.

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said, "don't they take us? In this case, where the spaceship will be put next will not be under our control! "

Just as he was saying that, a huge hand came in from the cabin door, picked up the chariot and then left. He closed the cabin door. The young man quickly ran forward for a few steps before catching up with the girl.

Ye Feng and they saw through the monitor that in front of the boy and girl, it was an old-fashioned western style wooden villa. It didn't look too big, but it was only calculated according to the volume of the boy and girl. If it was according to their volume, it was a huge mountain peak, it was a huge house.

Teenagers and girls go to the door, push the door and go in, Ye Feng they look through the monitor, all the layout of the outside room, in fact, and their life on earth is almost the same, all kinds of furniture and appliances, look at the style of furniture and appliances, it seems that and the earth is the same, and the style seems not much advanced.At this time, a young man came down the corridor on one side. He looked similar to the boy. He yelled at the two children with an angry face. The boy and the girl immediately ran upstairs and went back to the same room.

The girl took the spaceship to her boudoir, and Ye Feng and they were brought into his bedroom by the boy with the chariot and put on the bed cabinet.

The boy immediately went to the bathroom and began to wash. After a while, he came over and fell directly on the bed. The vibration of the bed drove the vibration of the bedside table on one side, which also caused the chariot on the bedside table to vibrate.

This small vibration may not be much for the boy, but Ye Feng in the chariot felt as if there was a strong earthquake of magnitude 10. Fortunately, it was just a moment.

At this time, Ye Feng looked from the monitor. The boy was staring at their chariot sideways. From time to time, he stretched out his hand and pinched their chariot up. He put it in front of his eyes and carefully observed it. He was still mumbling something.

At this time, Ye Feng kept operating the monitor to see if he could find something on the chariot that could translate the young man's words. The translation software was found, but it was found that it was bad and could not run at all.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, the boy immediately enlarged the chariot on the bedside table, and immediately covered the quilt.

A huge figure came over and sat by the bed. He pulled open the quilt on the boy's head. He saw that the boy had closed his eyes and didn't say anything. He just touched his cheek. Then he bowed his head and gave a kiss and walked away.

After the door was closed, there was a silence in the room. There was no sound for a long time. The boy seemed to be asleep.

Monica said at this time, "this point in time, for them, is the night sleep time?"

Scarlett also nodded and said, "if everything is proportional to us, then is time proportional?"

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Scarlett. He really hasn't thought about this concept. The concept formed in his mind before is that this planet is bigger than their earth, so all the creatures on this planet are bigger than them, and the distance on this planet is much longer than they felt before.

But Ye Feng didn't really think that time is in direct proportion to their concept of time, that is to say, the night on their earth may be only about ten hours, or it may be days, months, or even years on this planet.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but move. If the concept of time is really like this, then if they take one night here, they will really wait until after dawn. Maybe it will be a few years later. They can't afford to wait.

Ye Feng thought of this, immediately toward the public humanitarian, "now we all pay attention to their monitors, let's check this room first, to see if we want to know the answer!"

Everyone nodded to Ye Feng and agreed that if all the lifestyles here are similar to those of the earth, then judging by the age of the teenagers, they should still be at the age of school. Maybe they can see their textbooks here. It's better to have a geography textbook.

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