It's completely dark in this room. The artificial sun created by zhiwin before is seen from the window of this room, which is just a star in the night sky. The range of radiation is within a fixed distance, and it can't be felt here at all.

At this time, Ye Feng started to start the flying mode of the chariot, turned on the lights in front of the chariot, and began to fly everywhere in the house, shining on what they wanted to know inside the house, but the range of the headlight of their chariot was not small for Ye Feng.

But according to the pattern of the whole room, it was just like a firefly. After the chariot turned around, it didn't find any favorable information. At this time, the door suddenly opened, and the light was on, and the whole room lit up instantly.

Ye Feng's heart is a Lin, immediately turned off the front lights of the chariot, Dixie see from the display, the person who came in is the girl who was holding the spaceship, and at this time she is still holding the spaceship, after entering the door to see a young man has fallen asleep in bed, immediately throw the spaceship toward the young man's bed.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately observed the whole room through the monitor after the room turned on, and recorded these videos with the system on the chariot. He knew that once the girl turned off the light, they would lose all sources of information.

Sure enough, after a while, the girl turned off the light, then closed the door, and the room fell into darkness again. At this time, the boy on the bed turned over, and the spaceship under his feet immediately rowed to the ground along his bedding, making a crisp sound. Listening to the sound, it was particularly heavy, but obviously the boy was not hurt The sound woke me up.

Ye Feng immediately drove his chariot to the side of the spaceship and stopped. Then he began to carefully look at the picture recorded just now. He saw something similar to an electronic screen on the picture. It looked like a calendar, but the numbers on it were some symbols he could not understand.

Ye Feng also saw that there were some books on the desk, but they still couldn't see the cover text of the books. After watching the video for a long time, they didn't find any effective information, which didn't play a role in their understanding of the world.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "pay attention to that Spaceship!"

Ye Feng immediately adjusted the picture to the spaceship in front of the chariot. At this time, he found that the thin parts on the corner of the spaceship had been completely embedded in the wooden floor, and the surface of the wooden floor was peeled out by the corner of the spaceship.

Ye Feng didn't expect that the material of the spaceship was so hard, but on second thought, if it persisted to the next day, the owner of the room might find a problem. He might not think that the spaceship and their chariot were alien products, but he would at least doubt the texture of the spaceship.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately opened the door of the chariot and pointed to the people, "now we don't need to dig out the procedure of the spaceship, we'd better try to enter the spaceship as soon as possible!"

A group of people get out of the car one after another and circle around the side of the spaceship. After a circle, a Nan is the first to find out that the door of the spaceship is something like that. She immediately calls them.

Ye Feng walked over to have a look. It was really a bit like the door of the spaceship, but maybe the half was buried underground before, so they didn't find it at that time.

Ye Feng thought to walk in the past, just at this time, suddenly heard a heavy sound of footsteps, everyone's heart is a Lin, immediately returned to the chariot, closed the door.

After waiting for them to sit down, they heard the sound of opening the door. At this time, Ye Feng saw from the monitor that it was the middle-aged man who had scolded the teenagers and girls before, but saw that he was angry.

Ye Feng suddenly remembered that when the spaceship fell from the bed just now, the dull sound might have affected the middle-aged people living downstairs.

Then the light in the room lights up, and the middle-aged man angrily walks towards the bed, but soon his eyes are attracted by the spaceship falling on the ground.

Then the middle-aged man squatted down and reached out to take the spaceship off the ground. When he picked up the spaceship from the sawdust, he noticed that a piece of sawdust had been cut off from the edge of the spaceship. When he took the spaceship, he felt that the material of the spaceship was unusual. He also weighed it in his hand. He could not help frowning at the "toy" in his hand, and his mouth seemed to be full Still mumbling something.

When the middle-aged man wanted to stand up with the spaceship, his eyes seemed to find the existence of Ye Feng's chariot. Immediately, his whole body was lying on the ground, staring at the chariot on the ground for a while, and immediately pinched the chariot with his fingernails.

The middle-aged man, with the spaceship in one hand and the chariot in the other, looked at the sleeping boy on the bed. He had many questions in his mind, but he didn't ask the exit. Instead, he left the room with the spaceship and chariot.

After the middle-aged man left the young man's room, he immediately walked downstairs. After passing the living room, he walked towards a door. After pushing the door open, Ye Feng noticed that there were many instruments in it that looked like they would be in a laboratory.After the middle-aged man sat down, he put the spaceship and chariot on the desk in front of him. He showed that he picked up the spaceship and played with it. It was estimated that he was mainly interested in the material of the toy. After staring at it for a long time, he put down the spaceship.

Then the middle-aged man picked up something similar to tweezers from one side of the table, pinched the chariot and put it under a huge instrument. Then the middle-aged man opened a virtual display on his desk, and on the virtual display, the chariot's appearance was completely displayed in the picture.

Seeing this, the middle-aged people can't help but exclaim. They must be admiring who made such a delicate toy, because from the virtual display, this tiny "toy" is a bit too delicate, and all the features of the car are so obvious. If you enlarge the "toy car" 100 or even 10000 times, it might be a craftsman Fine, special car.

After staring at the virtual display for a long time, the middle-aged man picked up a small needle, which was similar to the display on the virtual display. He rubbed the needle against the door of the chariot for several times. He must have tried to open the door or something, but it was obvious that the middle-aged man failed. After all, the door of the chariot was locked from the inside. If one of the needles was locked, the middle-aged man would not open the door If the needle can be opened, it's not a high-tech chariot.

The middle-aged man studied the chariot for a long time, but he didn't seem to get a satisfactory result. Then he pinched the chariot down with tweezers and put it aside. At the same time, he put the spaceship under the huge instrument.

At the same time, the virtual display on one side also shows the full picture of the surface of the spaceship. On the virtual display, the spaceship is more like a giant spaceship than a child's "toy".

The middle-aged man who saw all this was shocked again. He immediately zoomed in the picture on the virtual display and put it to the edge of the window of the spaceship. Through the zooming function, he looked inside from the transparent part of the window, but he saw that it was also exquisitely made. Actually, everything in the cockpit was really the same, which was totally beyond the imagination of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked at everything on the virtual screen, and seemed to be a little distracted. Then he immediately entered a command on the virtual display, and immediately saw that the virtual display kept beating with the code Ye Feng couldn't understand.

After a while, a large section of text appeared on the virtual display. Ye Feng couldn't understand it at all, but the middle-aged people were interested in it. Although Ye Feng couldn't understand it, Ye Feng thought it was the middle-aged people's analysis report on the material of the spaceship.

After a while, the stereogram of the spaceship immediately appeared on the virtual display. It floated directly on the surface of the virtual display and separated the upper and lower parts of the spaceship, but it didn't look like the inside.

After pondering for a while, the middle-aged man immediately pressed a button on the virtual display, and soon a virtual villain appeared on the virtual display. He looked like he was 50 or 60 years old, with one eye and gray and messy hair. At first glance, he looked like an old scholar.

The middle-aged man immediately began to talk endlessly to the virtual old scholar on the virtual screen. Finally, the old scholar also said a few words and then disappeared directly. The middle-aged man didn't talk much and continued to study the spaceship. Obviously, he was more interested in the spaceship than the chariot.

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