The people in the chariot did not speak, and Ye Feng had just recorded the conversation between the middle-aged man and the old scholar. Although they did not understand, when would the translator work?

At this time, Ye Feng also knew that under the long night, the middle-aged man did not know when to study. At this time, they could not do anything at all in terms of reality.

And Ye Feng and they can't open the car door and go out now. It's estimated that if they do, they will frighten the middle-aged man to death. It's estimated that he will grow up so big in his life, and he never thought that he would meet such small human beings as them, and he is almost as long as they are.

At this time, Ye Feng continues to turn on the display and calls out the translator, trying to see if he can repair the translator within the waiting time. Otherwise, in this world, everything depends on guessing, even if it's accurate. Now for them, everything depends on deception.

Even if the direction of some things is right, but there is a difference in the details, it may be a thousand miles away, so Ye Feng decided that the translator must be repaired in the shortest time.

After the middle-aged man continued to study the spaceship, he didn't seem to get the result he wanted, and then he began to hold his chin in a daze. Ye Feng guessed that maybe the middle-aged man told the old scholar on the virtual screen about the spaceship and the chariot just now, but now he is waiting for the old scholar's reply, so he can only be in a daze in boredom.

When the middle-aged man was in a daze, he seemed to think of the chariot again. He immediately pinched the chariot with his fingernails and put it on the body of the spaceship. At this time, the 3D virtual model of the chariot appeared on the virtual picture.

After looking at the virtual model of the chariot on the virtual screen, the middle-aged man felt a sudden movement. He immediately reached out and pressed on the virtual screen. At the same time, a number appeared on the virtual display, and the perspective picture of the virtual model of the chariot also appeared.

In this perspective picture, you can clearly see that there are ten red human shadows on the virtual picture, and even red shadows are moving.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man jumped up and started yelling in his throat. He didn't know whether he was frightened or excited. Ye Feng and his wife saw the situation outside through the monitor. They saw the middle-aged man dancing in front of his desk. At the same time, they saw the dialysis picture of the chariot on the virtual monitor, and even saw ten soldiers in the chariot Red shadow.

Ye Feng immediately said to the crowd, "don't move!"

Everyone seems to understand the meaning of Ye Feng and know that the middle-aged people should have found their existence.

Ye Feng's body doesn't move at this time, but his fingers are constantly beating on the monitor. Maybe it's not so important to repair the translator now, but to find a way to hide himself. He doesn't want to be the research object of this middle-aged man.

After groping for some time on the monitor, he found a button and pressed it without thinking about it. Suddenly, the whole cabin of the chariot began to cool down. At the same time, on the dialysis map of the chariot on the virtual display on the desk outside, the red shadow gradually began to disappear.

At the same time, there was a knock on the door, and the middle-aged man didn't seem to notice the change on the dialysis map of the chariot. He immediately went to the living room to open the door excitedly, and then two light and heavy footsteps came, and soon the old scholar with explosive head appeared here.

It seems that the middle-aged man is talking endlessly to the old scholar about what he is introducing. It seems that this time he is even more excited than when he introduced the spaceship. The old scholar is at a loss.

As they spoke and listened, they both went to their desks. At this time, there was no shadow of human figure on the dialysis map of chariot on the virtual display on the desk.

The middle-aged man roared two times in surprise, and immediately reached out and groped for something on the virtual display. He was still talking with the old scholar, as if explaining that he had not deceived him.

However, no matter how the middle-aged people test, the red shadow no longer appears on the dialysis map of the chariot, and the middle-aged people suddenly look disappointed.

At this time, Ye Feng is trying to repair the translator, but at this time, the temperature in the cabin is already cold, and Zhuo wanqiu sneezes several times in a row.

Ye Feng asked Zhuo wanqiu to hold on for a while, but he still kept inputting all kinds of codes on the display, which was based on the knowledge instilled into him by Xinghe.

At this time, the old scholar sat at his desk, staring at the 3D model of the chariot on the virtual display for a long time, and then said something.

The middle-aged man immediately took away the chariot from the spaceship and put it on one side of the table. The 3D analytical picture of the spaceship immediately appeared on the virtual display. However, unlike the previous analytical picture of the chariot, the analytical picture of the spaceship can only see the whole appearance of the spaceship, but it can't see the inside clearly, and there is no sign of life.

The old scholar sat there and studied for a long time. With a long sigh, he said something to the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man kept nodding and occasionally answered.At this time, Ye Feng continued to repair the translator while recording their conversation.

The old scholar then took out something similar to a cigarette from his pocket and lit it in his mouth. After taking a sip of the cigarette, he immediately said something to the middle-aged man.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man came over immediately, took the spaceship on the giant instrument, shook his head and said something.

The old scholar has been staring at the middle-aged people, smoking cigarettes and saying something.

Both of them were guessing what they were saying, and all of them were guessing and saying everything.

Ye Feng also just listen to in the ear, did not find any opinion, but after different opinions, Ye Feng think or Dixie Si and Anan analysis more reliable.

The old scholar must have seen the value of the spaceship, so he was discussing with the middle-aged people whether they could take the spaceship away for research. However, the middle-aged people didn't agree with him. At this time, the old scholar must be following suit and persuading, for example, some equipment on your side is not as complete as mine.

At this time, Ye Feng still hasn't repaired the translator. He punched the monitor hard. He didn't want to hit the monitor, but found that the translator was always red. At this time, it suddenly turned green. Red means failure, green means feasibility.

Ye Feng suddenly a Leng, the original again high-tech products, in front of some unknown problems, the simplest direct hammer is still the most effective way.

At this time, Ye Feng quickly put the previously recorded sound into the translator, which kept running, and its translation speed was not fast.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Feng is about to give up. After all, no one can calculate how many languages there are in the universe, and translators are not sure that they can translate.

And at this moment, suddenly a voice came out on the monitor, "what is this Why is it so heavy And the edge is so sharp... "

It seems that the translator can still translate the language of the planet. The passage just played is obviously what the middle-aged man said when he went to his children's room and found the spaceship.

After that, it was almost what Ye Feng guessed. They were all middle-aged people's guesses about the spaceship. Then there was a conversation between him and the old scholar, which was similar to Ye Feng's guess. He found that there was something wrong with the material of the toy, but he couldn't find out. So he told the old scholar what he found here. The old scholar seemed to be the old scholar of the middle-aged man Teacher.

The next sound is the middle-aged man's exclamation after analyzing the chariot and finding that there seems to be life in it.

In addition, the conjectures of Dixie and a-nan are all correct. The old scholar is really persuading the middle-aged man to take the spaceship and chariot to the Scientific Research Institute for research, and assures the middle-aged man that if he publishes any data or articles related to the spaceship and chariot in the future, he must sign with the middle-aged man.

However, it seems that the middle-aged people are very difficult, and they don't want to give things to the old scholars. At this time, they are anxious for these things.

After listening to the recording of their conversation, everyone pondered for a while. Zhuo wanqiu could not help sighing, "after all, we have become the white mice studied by others!"

But the cat face man immediately said, "if we can't, let's run away. I don't want to be taken out by these guys all day for research and exhibition!"

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