Ye Feng is a silent look at the display, the middle-aged and the old scholar are still arguing, from the voice of the translator to listen to, or the old scholar to persuade the middle-aged those platitudes.

At this time, the middle-aged man sat on one side of the sofa, smoking a cigarette and said, "teacher, it's not that I don't want to, but this discovery is too rare. You know, our planet has discovered countless alien spaceships for so many years, but never such a small one. What does this mean? It represents how far the universe is, and any form of life can exist... "

The old scholar looked at the middle-aged man for a while, and finally sighed at the middle-aged man, "have you ever heard of the micro universe?"

The middle-aged man was stunned and looked at the old scholar. After a long time, he said, "isn't this the project that the teacher has studied in the past two years?"

The old scholar nodded and said, "yes, I've been studying the micro universe in recent years, but I've been in the theoretical stage for so many years, and your discovery may be the evidence of some of my research! So I've been waiting for such a discovery! You should know! "

The middle-aged man said to the old scholar, "I know the direction of the teacher's research, but I don't think it has anything to do with the micro universe. If it is a micro universe, there can't be such a big spaceship. It should be bacterial, or even smaller than bacteria. In other words, a bacterium may be a universe, but compared with this spaceship and that car, it's obvious It's too big, not in line with the teacher's conclusion about the micro universe! "

The old scholar said to the middle-aged people, "the micro universe is just an introduction, not a final conclusion. It stipulates how big the micro universe must be, just like our universe has no final conclusion yet. Besides, whether your discovery is a micro universe or not, we need to study it before we can know the final answer. If it is the best, I still say that, I will share with you The signature is the common discovery of our master and apprentice. If not, I will return them to you as your contribution to the multiverse. Isn't that good? "

The middle-aged man pondered for a long time, but he just sat there and continued to smoke.

The old scholar continued, "over the years, you know, I have been waiting for reliable evidence. Even though I have created several micro universes by using our science and technology, it still can not be confirmed. After all, the universe we created, even if it exists, will not be recognized because it is impossible for us to go in and verify it, but now it is true Maybe it's right in front of you. The truth is likely to emerge. Can you understand what I'm feeling now? "

The middle-aged people are still pondering for a long time, just staring at the old scholar.

After taking a deep breath, the old scholar said to the middle-aged man, "well, I'll take a step back. The final right of signature of this research belongs to you. You know that I'm old, maybe I won't live long. Fame is also dispensable to me. If I have flowers on brocade, I'll take it as a gift. I just don't want to be myself The final research project has no result. I'm going into the coffin with this regret! "

At this time, the middle-aged man took a deep breath and then said to the old scholar, "teacher, you don't know me very well. Am I the kind of person who will dominate other people's academic research achievements? I just

The old scholar immediately asked the middle-aged man, "just what?"

The middle-aged man immediately said, "I want to participate in your research. I don't want to sign my name. You know me. I don't care much about these. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't live like this! I'm not your best student, and I'm not involved in any of your major research projects. I just hope to get your affirmation and attention... "

When the old scholar heard this, he sighed, "it seems that I have caused you a lot of misunderstandings. What I said to you is that although the theory of multiverse you studied is similar to my research on the surface, it's actually quite different. It's two separate projects, which can't match at all, and my knowledge of multiverse, I've taught you everything that should be taught Most importantly, you should also know that although I have made some achievements in the field of multiverse, since I came into contact with the concept of microcosm, I even feel that my previous research direction is wrong, but you are a solid supporter of my previous research, which is contrary to my current idea, and you don't believe in the existence of microcosm, so I don't believe in it The main purpose of not including you in my research project on microcosm is that although I began to doubt the multiverse, just like the microcosm, I can't deny all the multiverse immediately. Therefore, although I no longer believe it, it doesn't stop you from continuing on this road. You can continue your research on the multiverse, and I can continue my research on microcosm In the study of the universe, the two do not interfere with each other. This is the best way to effectively prevent our master from estrangement. But now that you say so, I know that I may have misunderstood you! "

The middle-aged man tried to cut in a few times, but he didn't cut in. After listening to the old scholar, he immediately said, "teacher, multiverse and microcosm may coexist. I always believe that!"

"Maybe!" At this time, the old scholar sighed, "since you have said that, OK, I can let you participate in it together!"On hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately stood up, looked at the old scholar in surprise and said, "teacher, are you serious?"

The old scholar immediately said, "of course, it's true. You are my student. Our master studies the universe in two directions. Whether you succeed or I succeed, it's what I hope. Even if you prove the absurdity of the microcosm with multiverse, it's not equal to my own achievement."

The middle-aged man immediately smiles and says to the old scholar, "OK, we'll go to your lab now!"

The old scholar also stood up, nodded to the middle-aged man and said, "I know that you will stay up all night if you wait for tomorrow. Let's go!"

As soon as the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately picked up the spaceship and chariot on the table, and then walked towards the door with the old scholar. After getting out of the door outside the living room, they got on a plane, and the middle-aged man drove away from the villa.

On the way, old scholars and middle-aged people are still exploring the multiverse and microcosm. They even start to discuss whether there is something in common between the two, but they haven't found it yet.

And Ye Feng and they are in the chariot at this time, and the discussion is no less than that outside. They suggest starting the flight mode of the chariot immediately to escape.

However, Ye Feng and Dixie suggest to stay. Maybe the theories of multiverse and microcosm among the old scholars and middle-aged people have some inevitable connection with their interstellar journey, which not only helps the old scholars and middle-aged people to solve their puzzles, but also helps them to solve their puzzles. Even Ye Feng thinks that after these theories are finally confirmed, they may be helpful to him There are many unsolved mysteries about you, such as their origins.

Finally, she said, "I'm curious too. I'd better stay!"

After a-nan's voice was fixed, the cat faced people didn't say anything any more. Obviously, they were always convinced of a-nan's words, almost to the point of obedience.

But in fact, even if ye Feng promised them to leave now, it's no use. Now the aircraft is completely sealed, and they can't open the chariot to fly away from here.

Soon the aircraft flew to a place where the appearance of the villa began. After the aircraft stopped, the old scholar and the middle-aged man came down and walked towards the villa.

The spaceship and chariot were also taken into the villa by the middle-aged people. After entering the villa, Ye Feng found that it was not a living place at all, but a laboratory full of experimental equipment.

Moreover, there are already several people in it who are conducting various experiments in their hands. When they see the old scholars and middle-aged people coming, they first say hello to the old scholars one after another and call for a teacher. Secondly, when they see the middle-aged people here, they can't help but feel shocked.

The old scholar walked in quickly, clapped his hands at the crowd, and then said, "from today on, he will be one of you and a part of our research project!"

After hearing the speech, people's faces were different. They just said that they knew. After nodding to the middle-aged people, they were busy again.

And the middle-aged people don't seem to care about the way these people look at themselves. They continue to follow the old scholar upstairs.

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