The middle-aged man went upstairs with the old scholar. After entering another independent laboratory, the old scholar asked the middle-aged man to sit casually. He went to one side and poured two glasses of water. Then he came to sit on the side of the middle-aged man and handed him a glass of water.

When the middle-aged man took the water cup, the old scholar said to the middle-aged man after drinking a mouthful of water, let him not mind the eyes and gossip of the people below. After all, he has never participated in this project, and it is normal for those below to have ideas.

But the middle-aged man said to the old scholar, "teacher, I really don't think so much. I just care about my research. Over the years, if I care about other people's eyes and what they say to me, I won't go through the process like this. Now my wife runs away, my children rebel and the research lab goes bankrupt..."

The old scholar patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and comforted him, "everything will be fine! Believe me, and believe yourself

Then he put down the water cup, went to a test bench and said to the middle-aged man, "OK, come on, let's work hard together! Check those two toys again

The middle-aged man immediately put down his water cup, stood up and gave the spaceship and chariot he had brought to the old scholar.

The instruments of the old scholars are much more advanced than those of the middle-aged people. After all, the research of the old scholars is supported by the state, and their own research is completely abandoned by themselves. Over the years, in order to make a living, many sophisticated instruments have been sold at a discount, and the new instruments can't be bought, but the old scholars have everything.

The old scholar put the spaceship and chariot in an oval container and said to the middle-aged man, "let's give them a panoramic dialysis first!"

After the spaceship and the chariot were put in, the opening of the elliptical container immediately closed automatically, and then the whole elliptical container showed red light, moving on the spaceship and chariot.

Ye Feng and they were already sitting in the chariot at this time. Everyone felt that they were mice at this moment. Cat faced people were not happy, but after all, a Nan had spoken, so he had to continue to endure.

At this time, Dixie took a look at Ye Feng. It seemed that he had something to say, but he didn't say anything. Finally, he turned back.

On the white wall opposite the oval container, a virtual display screen appeared, on which all kinds of data of the spaceship and the chariot were beating. Obviously, the data obtained by the middle-aged people when they were scanning at home were more and more accurate.

The old scholar took out a pair of glasses from his coat pocket and put them on his nose. Looking at all kinds of data displayed on the plane on the wall, his brow was locked.

Then the display on the wall, which was originally flat, suddenly began to turn into three-dimensional, and the 3D model of the spaceship began to appear, spinning in the air.

At this time, the middle-aged man was also concentrating on what happened in front of him. The internal structure of the spaceship, which could not be resolved by his instrument, was being gradually decrypted by his teacher's instrument.

However, the virtual 3D spaceship model is unfolding the shell on the surface step by step, entering the internal structure and showing it layer by layer, but the picture does not stop too much.

The middle-aged people understand that what they need to do now is to do a general and comprehensive analysis, which can only be resolved, and these data will be stored, which can be read carefully and repeatedly at that time. They need to take a careful look at it at this time.

after the structure of the spaceship has been completely untied, the old scholar said to the middle-aged people with a slight sigh, "this is really not a toy, it's a toy Precision, with our current technology, we can really achieve such fidelity, but the material is not owned by our world. It is a biological mineral complex, which is not on our element list... "

The middle-aged man said excitedly, "so, this is really an alien thing?"

The old scholar said, "and in the interior of the spaceship, organic matter has been detected..."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man looked at the old scholar. Knowing what organic matter represented, he immediately said excitedly, "are there aliens in here?"

In their research, they have come into contact with alien UFOs more than once, and have also come into contact with alien life bodies. But it's the first time that they are so small and so mini. No wonder middle-aged people are so excited.

But the old scholar said, "it's a pity that these organics are all dead things. They have no life characteristics for a long time."

Although the middle-aged man also had a look of regret, he immediately thought that when he was studying the mini chariot in his home research lab, he found that there were some fresh life features in it.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man immediately said to the old scholar, "teacher, check the chariot, where I also check the characteristics of life, but I don't know why, when you come, they suddenly disappear again!"

The old scholar took a pondering look at the middle-aged man, and then saw that the floating 3D picture began to appear the architecture model of Ye Feng's chariot.

Under the scanning of the old scholar's instruments, the chariot began to be structured gradually, showing all the details.

In the end, the virtual picture is fixed in the workshop. The old scholar goes over and maximizes the space in the workshop. The whole workshop instantly appears one by one according to the proportion of their world.In this one-to-one virtual model, Ye Feng's virtual appearance is gradually presented here, but it doesn't move.

The middle-aged man was stunned and looked at everything in front of him. He was so excited that he didn't know what to do.

as like as two peas in human models, they are almost identical to them. This shows that the alien miniscule and their size differ from each other, and the other human characteristics are almost two.

The old scholar also stared at the models of these living bodies. He even looked at them one by one. He didn't miss any of them, but his face became more and more dignified.

Finally, the picture disappeared, but the middle-aged man said anxiously, "what's the matter? Teacher

The old scholar took off his glasses, pressed his temple and said, "nothing. The data has been saved. We need to see it later. There are still opportunities!"

But the middle-aged man immediately said, "teacher, as you saw just now, there are people in the chariot, there are alien minions..."

But the old scholar said, "that spaceship is indeed an alien product, but this chariot He's just a toy

Middle aged smell speech facial expression can't help but move a way, "what? Toys? How is that possible? You saw it just now! One is ten. They are all human beings... "

Before the middle-aged man finished, the old scholar immediately said, "so what? That's just a model. You know, our current technology can make such small but sophisticated toys. And the data just detected show that this is the material used in the production of toys in our world, and there are no living bodies or organic substances in it... "

The middle-aged people just focused on the model of the chariot. They didn't pay much attention to the data of the two-dimensional picture on the wall.

At this time, an instrument on one side produced a variety of data about the chariot. The old scholar went over and immediately took it. After having a look, he handed it to the middle-aged humanitarian, "have a look for yourself!"

The middle-aged people did not want to take the report. After looking at it, they found that all the data above were normal. There was nothing special about it. They suddenly looked at it in surprise and didn't say anything for a long time.

But the old scholar patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and said, "don't be discouraged. At least we still have this spaceship. Although the objects in it have no life characteristics, they are very helpful for our research. Your discovery is already great!"

After that, the lid of the elliptical container on one side had been opened automatically. The old scholar reached in and took out the spaceship and chariot and put them on the table. Then he said to the middle-aged man, "I'm going to set up a special research team, led by you!"

The middle-aged man was still staring at the spaceship and chariot that had just been taken out. When he heard the old scholar say so, he immediately looked at the old scholar and said, "what?"

But the old scholar said with a smile, "what? "No?"

The middle-aged man said excitedly, "no, no Teacher, I just didn't think of How can I... "

The old scholar patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and said, "I have to admit my mistake to you. Maybe your research direction is right. It seems that the micro universe can only stay in fantasy. The discovery of this spaceship may become the evidence of your multiverse, and the proof of the micro universe is still just fantasy!"

Then the old scholar picked up the spaceship and put it into the middle-aged man's hand. After patting his hand, he continued, "I've given up the study of multiverse for many years. In this field, you can be my teacher now, so it's absolutely right to give it to you for research! Here, I'll introduce you to your team.... " Then he walked out of the laboratory with the middle-aged man in his arms.

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