When the old scholar and the middle-aged man left the laboratory, Ye Feng and a group of his companions were still sitting in the chariot, and the cat faced man asked the crowd, "are we really toys? What instrument they said is so advanced that we can see the internal structure of the spaceship and our chariot clearly, even our virtual model. Why do they say we are just toys

Ah Nan was not puzzled and said, "is it because their technology has some defects, or our chariot is more precise, or smaller, so their instruments can't come out?"

But Dixie said, "it's impossible. They can even test the organic matter in the spaceship. It's impossible that we can't test the ten living people here? And do you remember that the instrument of the middle-aged man before was not as precise as that of the old man. Even he had detected that there were living bodies in our chariot at that time, so the old man's instrument could not be detected! "

Everyone was silent when they heard the words. Dixie was right. The middle-aged man had been saying that his life in recent years had been poor, his wife had run away, and all the research instruments at home had been sold. In this case, the middle-aged people's low-end instruments had detected their existence. If Ye Feng hadn't used cooling methods to avoid them, he would have been found, old scholar It's impossible that a sophisticated instrument can't measure it.

Zhuo wanqiu said at this time, "but just now the old man's test report has come out, saying that the material of our chariot is the same as that of toys made from their planet, and we may also be made of plastic in their test results..."

Ye Feng then took a deep breath and said, "he's deliberately hiding it. He doesn't want middle-aged people to know! Their technology is a little higher than ours. It's not very difficult to make a fake report. He immediately handed over the research on the spaceship to the middle-aged people, and then helped him set up a special research team. He also asked him to be the leader of the team. After so long, he had forgotten himself. Why would he care about our chariot? In addition, the old man is a middle-aged teacher. As a student, he instinctively chooses to trust his teacher unconditionally, which is also a matter of common sense, so this is very normal! "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, everyone can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, but Monica asks, "but the question is, why did the old man cheat his students?"

The cat faced man said immediately, "isn't that easy? The discovery of us may be an explosive discovery of science and technology on this planet. The old man wants to monopolize his own achievements. That spaceship, no matter how advanced it is, is nothing but some dead objects. But we are different. We come from different planets, different civilizations, and our discovery may not be replaced by one or two scientific achievements I'll do it for you

On hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said with disdain, "if this is the case, this old man is really insidious. He even wants to rob students of their research!"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "this kind of thing is not known on your earth. In short, it has been common on our planet for a long time. In the face of interests, human nature is the most vulnerable!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "what you said may be the reason, but I always think it's not so simple. Even if you don't rule out the reason, I think there must be other reasons, but we didn't find them!"

At this time, the cat face man said, "we don't care whether it's for academic research or other reasons. In a word, I don't think it's safe here. I think it's better to leave here immediately while the old man is away!"

All of them did not speak. They all looked at Ye Feng, but Ye Feng said, "I want to know what the old man wants to do next! If he just wants to study us and steal the achievements of his students, I agree with you and can leave immediately. But if he has other unknown things to do, I still suggest that we stay and have a look. Maybe we will get unexpected results! "

As soon as Ye Feng's voice fell, the door of the laboratory opened again. The old scholar came in at this time, but he didn't come at once. Instead, he stood at the door and locked up the door, and adjusted the surrounding windows to black, which covered all the light outside. Then he came towards the test bench, moved a table, sat in front of the chariot, and stared at the chariot. His eyes grew stronger It's getting sharper and sharper.

The old scholar's eyes only showed a pair of eyes on the display in front of them, which made people feel a little scared.

After a long time, the old scholar said to the chariot, "can you come out?"

When they heard this, they were shocked. What they guessed was right. The old scholar knew that there were living beings in the chariot.

At this time, the old scholar immediately added, "I don't know if you can understand our language. First of all, I want to show my kindness. I don't have the slightest malice to you. If you can understand me, please come out and we can communicate face to face!"

The cat faced man was surprised and said, "he's talking to us. Let's go out? Shall we go out? "

But Ye Feng said, "I don't understand his intention for the time being. I can't go out. Let's wait and see what happens!"After staring at the chariot for a long time, the old scholar did not see any change in the chariot. He could not help sighing and murmuring, "don't you understand?"

After a long time, the old scholar did not speak any more. Then he suddenly turned around and pressed a button on the experimental platform. A telephone interface immediately appeared on one side of the wall. He immediately dialed a number.

After the phone rang for a moment, a 3D virtual picture appeared in front of the wall. Another old man was lying on the bed, looking at the old scholar in surprise, "it's so late. Is there something urgent?"

The old scholar said at once, "there are important discoveries. Our previous research has yielded results!"

The old man on the bed said faintly, "what research has the results? What time is it? Can't you tell me tomorrow? "

The old scholar couldn't hide his excitement and said to the old man, "microcosm!"

When the old man heard this, he was stunned. Then he sat up directly from the bed, looked at the old scholar in surprise and said, "what's the result?"

The old scholar immediately said, "yes, we created a microcosm together before. We put all kinds of genes in it. We thought it would not have any result, but now we have a result, and the intelligent life in the microcosm has found us!"

The old man was also very excited. "Did the intelligent life in the micro universe run out of the micro universe? God, it's incredible! Are you sure? "

The old scholar immediately said, "yes, I'm sure. Do you remember that we had such an idea at the beginning, so when we created this micro universe, we put some materials that can produce spaceships in it. This material is a composite element. Only the two of us know that it can't exist in any universe, but When I detected an alien object today, I found this kind of material. What does this prove? "

Before the old scholar finished, the virtual old man immediately said excitedly, "prove that the thing really comes from the micro universe we created..."

The old scholar immediately said, "yes, it's really from the micro universe. Before, we did all kinds of research to prove the existence of the micro universe. We sent our scientific researchers, even military personnel, to see if there is any intelligent planet in the micro universe, but we haven't heard from them all the time. Now we finally bring exciting news..."

The old man was also very excited. He immediately got up and began to dress. He still said to the old scholar, "take your things and go to lab 168. We'll meet there. I can't wait to see that thing!"

Then he asked the old scholar, "are all the people we sent back?"

The old scholar immediately said, "I found the life body, but I can't talk to them. I don't know if it's because they resist or for some other reason. Anyway, we'll talk about it after we meet!"

The old man, who was already dressed, immediately nodded and said, "OK, see you in lab 168!" With that, the image disappeared.

The old scholar also began to change his clothes, and was ready to go to the old man's appointment, laboratory 168.

But Ye Feng was confused. What micro universe was created by them? Did intelligent life come out of the micro universe?

What they mean is, Ye Feng, they come from the microcosm created by these two old men?

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