After staring at her for a long time, Ye Feng nodded to her and expressed her gratitude. Finally, she said, "it's the first time I've heard of all this!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, a Nan immediately said to the cat faced people, "it's the first time he's heard of it, so don't make other meaningless guesses!"

The cat face man can't help but frown at the girl and say, "do you believe him? Is it the first time he's heard of anyone? No one is a worm in his stomach... "

With a positive look, a Nan told cat face, "I believe him, and he doesn't have to cheat us. If he comes to eisf wholeheartedly, why must he take us with him? Why don't he just come with Dixie himself? What can he gain by lying to us? "

After listening to a Nan's words, the cat faced man was speechless. Depressed, he sat back and said nothing.

At this time, the old man in the outside world continued to look at the volunteer information on the next page, and he was still reading, "Dante, federal investigator, died on duty. Before he died, he signed a volunteer letter and entered the micro universe of yao982!"

When Ye Feng and Dixie heard this, their faces were all moving, and then they looked at the virtual 3D simulated human figure on the side of the data. At that moment, they really looked like Dante Emma.

Scarlett and Zhuo Wanqiu as like as two peas, and they could not help but sigh. After all, they both saw Dante Elmar's original appearance, almost identical to the 3D model.

The old scholar said at this time, "the message just now was sent by Danting..."

When they heard this, they all moved again. The message was actually sent by Dante. So Dante is not dead?

But the old man asked the old scholar, "so, only Dante is still alive among the volunteers of micro universe 982?"

The old scholar nodded and said, "according to the present situation, it's such a situation!"

The old man then looked at the chariot and asked the old scholar, "do you think Dante will be in here?"

The people in the chariot, especially Ye Feng, and the five of them, were shocked when they heard this. Is Dante Emma in the chariot?

Dixie immediately looked back at a few people over there. At that time, Dante Emma's consciousness exile was promised by her. Would he be among the five?

But these five people are all from the star of stele colony, and they should have nothing to do with Dante, so Dixie quickly gave up the idea.

Maybe the reason why Dante Emma can send out a message is that his consciousness has not died out, so he is using consciousness to send a signal to the main world of Esther in a corner of the micro universe.

But at this moment, the shameless man suddenly unfastened his seat belt, stood up, looked around the chariot, and then said, "I'm Dante!"

As soon as they heard this, their faces could not help but move. The cat faced man looked at him in surprise and said, "what? Are you Dante? I remember your name is not this... "

At this time, Ye Feng also looked back at the faceless man. A pair of eyes scanned the faceless man. Although the faceless man was invisible at this time, Ye Feng's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

The shameless man continued, "I don't know you by that name, but I'm sorry that your friend died when you fled from STEL colony. I entered his consciousness and followed you all the time."

The cat faced man and the tree faced man could not help looking at the Faceless Man, but a-nan looked at the Faceless Man and said, "the first time we made a correction to our sailing track was according to what you said. Do you know the correct sailing direction? Is that your plan? "

The shameless man shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no mistake. I'm the one who guided you to join them with Satan! All this is really my plan

At this time, Dixie immediately said to shameless people, "are you really Dante?"

The shameless man looked at Dixie and said, "of course! Yes? Don't you believe it? First of all, I would like to thank you for your kindness in banishing me into the universe. My consciousness in the wandering of the universe awakens my most primitive memory. When I see that there are people dying in the colony of stele in the universe, I know that my opportunity has come! "

Dixie smell speech has confirmed that this shameless person is Dante Emma, who was released by her soft heart, immediately threw a sorry look at Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng didn't blame Dixie, but looked back at Xiang shameless humanity, "so, you've completely recovered your memory of the planet aesf?"

Dante Emma said immediately, "yes, I remember it all!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Dante Emma, "so you lead us back here?"

But Dante Emma said, "I don't have that great ability. I use their cosmic civilization to lead you to find the planet of aesf. Aesf civilization. I just push the boat along the river..."

At this point, Dante Emma continued to say, "but what you may not know is that the rift in time and space you met at that time was actually the channel between the micro universe and the main universe. Although you made various preparations to get rid of the rift in time and space, it seemed that you did escape. In fact, the moment you found the rift in time and space, you were already in the rift in time and space It's in the scar"How is that possible?" said Dickens, looking at Dante Emma in bewilderment

Dante Emma said to Dixie, "you stand outside the well and look at the mouth of the well, and you look at the mouth of the well in the well, isn't the mouth of the well like that?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly looked at Dante Emma and said, "do you mean that when we saw the cracks in time and space, we were looking at the wellhead in the well?"

Dante Emma said immediately, "that's right, but you didn't notice it!"

"So there was only one destination for us at that time," said Dickens immediately, "and that was Esther?"

Dante Emma immediately said, "yes, that's just the exit to Elsie. You have no other way out except Elsie! That's why you thought that the planet of essf was a big shade. That's because the universe we live in is a microcosm. That's what we see before we reach the main universe of essf. "

After hearing what Dante Emma said, all the people in the room fell into silence. Except Ye Feng and Dixie, they all knew little about it. Even Ye Feng and Dixie did not dare to say that they understood it completely.

At this time, Ye Feng asked Dante Emma, "since your memory of Esther has revived, what's your purpose?"

Dante Emma shrugged. "What's the point? When you know where your home is, what's your purpose when you go home? "

Zhuo wanqiu then asked Dante Emma, "we are so small now that we are not even dwarfs here. Even if we go back to your own world, what can we do?"

But Dante Emma said to Zhuo wanqiu, "why don't you understand that the existence of consciousness is eternal? As long as my consciousness is still there, after returning to my own world, I can find any body, and we can fully integrate into this world!"

When they heard what Dante Emma said, they all pondered again.

Dante Emma looked at the crowd and said, "what? Are you going back to the old world? If you don't know that there is still the main universe in the world, it's reasonable for you to go back. But now that you know that your universe is just the experiment of two old men in the main universe? Are you willing to go back and continue to do their experiments? Anyway, I don't want to go back! "

But Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "but who can guarantee that the universe in which eisf lives is not an experiment of another main universe? The whole universe is just like the Russian dolls. We are just at the innermost end of the dolls! "

When Dante Emma heard this, she was stunned, then shrugged her shoulders and said, "if it is true, it doesn't matter. After all, we have entered a main universe from a micro universe, which is equivalent to a level of ascension. Who knows what will happen in the future? If there is still the main universe, then we can think of a way to go. Besides, when we were on earth, we didn't know these things. Did we live well? "

Then, looking at Dante Emma, she said, "so, you're going to stay in Elsie?"

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "if I don't have the memory of Esther, maybe I don't want to stay, but my memory here drives me to stay. You are also Mrs. Esther, but your memory hasn't been awakened yet!"

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