At this point, Dante Emma immediately added to Yefeng and Dixie, "don't you have any interest in your life in eisf? I don't think so! This is your past

Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. At this time, his heart moved when he heard Dante Emma say so. He was really interested in his past in eisf, but his memory on earth was so clear. What's the matter?

If we look at the present situation, it seems that in the past of eisf, it is equal to his previous life, while life on earth is equal to his reincarnation from eisf to the earth.

After listening to Dante Emma's long speech, there were all kinds of thoughts in his mind, but on the whole, there were all kinds of intricacies and tangles. In a word, it was the kind of dream that didn't expect this result.

Ah Nan, they are all silent for a while. No one thought that this kind of thing happened today. Even they are thinking about the Russian taowa theory before Ye Feng. Maybe no one can say clearly what the universe is like and what is the ultimate meaning of the universe.

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "so, do you want to communicate with these two old men?"

Dante Emma immediately said, "do we still have the right to choose? I can understand your tangle now, but you should also understand my idea, I just want to go home! "

Then Dante Emma immediately added, "if you don't want to go back, I can tell them I don't know where you are. No one else is a volunteer except me."

Ye Feng immediately asked Dante Emma, "it's your masterpiece to break the contact with Zhiying?"

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "half is, half is not. Originally, there was a problem with the acceptance system. I just pushed the boat along the river and completely destroyed it! As you know, in the face of a highly civilized intelligent body like zhiwin, he will soon find out the secret of eisf. Although I don't intend to hide it, even the people of eisf keep a welcoming attitude towards us. I just don't want to plan my plan because of zhiwin's words before I go home smoothly! "

When he heard this, his heart could not help but move. It turned out that they couldn't hear the voice of zhiwin because of Dante Emma's small action. Now they think that Dante Emma has been around them all the time, but they don't know. Fortunately, Dante Emma didn't do anything out of line, otherwise it's really impossible to prevent.

After hearing this, Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "you can contact them!"

When they heard this, they all looked at Ye Feng. They didn't even think that Ye Feng would be willing to let Dante Emma contact the outside world.

Even Dante Emma is also full of surprise looking at Ye Feng, he did not understand Ye Feng will be so easy to agree to himself.

Dante Emma could not help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "do you want me to contact you? So you have accepted the fact that you are Mrs. ace? "

Ye Feng didn't speak, but in fact, he had thought about this problem in his heart. After all, it's impossible. At this time, the two old men, Dante Emma and Elsie world, played a play for him. If this is the case, the cost of the play would be too high.

So there is a great possibility that this sudden situation is the truth, so there is almost no room to refute the fact that he, Dixie and Dante Emma are Mrs. ace.

But Ye Feng also thought, trying to establish a relationship with Mrs. ace, this idea also stems from Dante Emma has not been exposed before, at this time Dante Emma himself exposed, it is to save a Ye Feng to rack his brains to think, may not be able to come up with a bridge or means of communication with Esther.

Now Dante Emma volunteered, which is the best. He also wants to know about the recent situation of eisf, and even wants to know what life it is to be an agent in the so-called Federation.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "didn't you use the means to give these two old men information before? Now you can still use the way of information email to keep in touch with them!"

Dante Emma frowned and said, "those two scientists are out there. Why should we do anything else? To get in touch with them in such a laborious way? "

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "do you know them? Even if you know, it was before you participated in the volunteer experiment, right? Have there been any changes in their hearts over the years? If not, is there any change in the world? Many factors are not immediately thought of by us, which means that there are still many unknown risks in direct contact, so we can't directly contact them before ensuring that they are not 100% safe! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng continued to add, "maybe I can't eliminate your consciousness, but I believe I can do it by turning you into a consciousness body again."

Dante Emma can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "are you threatening me?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right, this is blackmail!"After a moment of hesitation, Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "OK, I promise you, you're right. The world is changing too fast, so is the heart. You're not wrong to guard against it! I will continue to contact them with information! "

Thinking of Dante, Emma sat back in her chair, turned on the monitor in front of her, made up a paragraph on it and sent it to the two elders.

At this time, the two elders were talking about something. Suddenly, they heard a Ding Dong sound, and a message prompt immediately appeared on the virtual display on one side.

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma in surprise and said, "is that how you contacted them?"

Dante Emma said, "I've restored the memory of Esther. Don't you see that I was a federal investigator on Esther before, and there are still some such means!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, also feel reasonable, so also didn't ask more.

At this time, the old scholar immediately opened the message. After looking at the message, his face suddenly changed and said, "look, Dante sent a message again, saying that they have returned to eisf!"

The old man also looked at the message, and then immediately looked at the chariot and said to the old scholar, "you ask him if they are in the mini chariot!"

Hearing that, the old scholar immediately began to input a paragraph of text on the virtual display. Soon, Dante Emma received a reply and asked Ye Feng, "how do I get back?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and then said, "you are back, but don't expose me and Dixie for the time being!"

Dante Emma took a look at Ye Feng immediately after hearing the speech. He didn't quite understand Ye Feng's intention, but he replied according to Ye Feng's request, "yes, I'm here. There are not only me, but also nine intelligent creatures from different civilizations in the micro universe!"

When the old scholar received Dante Emma's recovery, he said excitedly to the old man, "they are in this chariot. Besides Dante, there are nine intelligent lives of different civilizations in the micro universe!"

As soon as the old man heard this, his face moved slightly, and he murmured, "look, the microcosm of yao982 has indeed evolved to be similar to our universe. There is more than one civilization!"

Then the old man immediately said to the old scholar, "since they are in the chariot, why don't they come out?"

The old scholar immediately asked Dante Emma why he didn't come out.

When Dante Emma received the news, Ye Feng immediately said to Dante Emma, "we are not in the same level as Esther's body shape now. We can't go out unless we can find a way to make us all become Mrs. Esther. We don't want to be Esther's research mice!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Dante Emma also immediately according to Ye Feng said, to the old scholar back in the past.

After reading Dante Emma's message, both the old scholar and the old man were silent. In fact, they both knew that unless they were completely closed, today they found the micro human race, and tomorrow it might spread to the whole eisf civilization. This is really not a good thing for Dante. After all, they are only scientific researchers, but the federal government is a military government, a military government All interests are based on the interests of the military government, and all people have only two choices: to carry out or not to carry out.

The old scholar then asked the old man, "how do you reply now?"

After pondering for a while, the old man said, "promise him first, and we will find a way to make them all residents of eisf!"

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