The old scholar immediately frowned and said, "you mean the project of consciousness transfer? Don't forget, that's the technology of the military department. Under normal circumstances, it will never leak out. Moreover, the people engaged in this research are all serving the military department. We can't find such talents at all! What if you promise them that you can't do it in the end? "

After listening to what the old scholar said, the old man immediately fell into a deep meditation and continued to say, "I understand what you said. I will try to communicate with the military headquarters first. If it doesn't work, we are thinking of other ways. The technicians of the consciousness transplantation project, I also have a few students. If it doesn't work, we can only take risks..."

On hearing this, the old scholar looked at the old man and said, "is it worth risking being sent to the military court for such a project?"

But the old man looked at the old scholar and said, "for such a project, do you give up too little? To tell you the truth, if I wait another year, if the project has not yet come to an end within one year, I am ready to give up. You should also know that the pressure from the military government is too great, and the manpower and material resources we expend are too great. I can't stand it any more. But now the situation is different. Seeing our research results in front of us, we have to expose it Do you think it's useful to tell me this at this time? "

When the old scholar heard the old man say this, he immediately fell into a deep meditation. After a long time, he said to the old man, "OK, let's carry this pot together!"

At this time, Ye Feng stood up, went to Dante Emma's side and motioned him to go away. After sitting down, he directly sent a message to the other party, saying, "no one has to carry this pot. We have the technology of consciousness transfer. You only need to help us find five male bodies and five female bodies. It's better to find those who have just died. You can't find them all at once But it must be found one after another. We can solve it by ourselves

When the old scholar received the message, he looked at the screen in surprise and said, "they have mastered the technology of consciousness transfer!"

The old man looked at the old scholar with a slight movement on his face. He didn't say anything for a long time. After a long time, he murmured, "has the civilization in the micro universe reached this level? It's close to our level of civilization! "

The old scholar also said with a puzzled face, "in principle, the microcosm has been out of our control from the moment of its birth. Its internal universe is completely self-development. The initial stage of more than 2000 microcosms is the same, but once it starts, it will go in more than 2000 different directions. It's like we prepare 2000 explosives one by one After the explosion, as like as two peas, there will be no explosive trajectory. Even if the composition as like as two peas, the number of grams and the outer packing are the same, it is impossible to find the same more than 2000.

The old man nodded after hearing the words. He naturally understood the explosive theory of the old scholar. Once the universe was born, there would be no human control. At most, before the universe had developed to its own civilization level, some external influences would be exerted appropriately. However, these influences would not be enough to affect the evolution of the whole universe.

The old man wanted to ask the old scholar to reply to Ye Feng immediately. Now they immediately sent someone to look for the corpse, but there was no guarantee that ten of them would be found at once, and there were five men and five women.

Ye Feng replied, "I said that you don't need one-off, just find one or two first. Next, you need to prepare some technical things. I'll make a list for you, and you must prepare them immediately!"

After Ye Feng sent the message, he immediately made a list of things needed for consciousness transfer and sent it to the two elders.

When the old man and the old scholar saw the list, they could not help but be surprised. The old man could not believe his eyes and murmured, "it's incredible!"

The old scholar felt the same way, but he was asking the old man what to do next.

Without saying a word, the old man immediately turned on the virtual video phone and dialed a phone call to his subordinates. First, he sent the list of Ye Feng to him, and then said in a deep voice, "next, you can help me get two bodies that have just died. It's better to be young. There's no limit to other things!"

The man hesitated all the time on the phone, but he didn't ask why. He just said that he knew and went to do it immediately.

After the command, the old man immediately asked the old scholar to send a message to Ye Feng and told them that they were preparing here. Let them wait for a moment!

After receiving the message, Ye Feng simply replied that once he knew, both sides would not contact each other for the time being.

But at this time, Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "do you know how to transfer consciousness?"

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "what have we experienced before? Isn't that easy? "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Dante Emma immediately said, "yes, but before that, it was someone else's operation, or it was an accident, your actual operation experience is equal to 0!"

After Ye Feng took a look at Dante Emma, he said faintly, "if you're worried, you can refuse me to operate for you, and then we'll need nine corpses!"On hearing this, Dante Emma's face suddenly moved, but she didn't speak any more. He had been waiting for the chance to be Mrs. ace since he recovered his memory. How could he give up now?

At this time, Dixie looked at Ye Feng suspiciously and said, "do you really know it?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie in a low voice, "in the memory of Xinghe, it's not a problem to include this technology."

In fact, she also inherited part of the memory of Xinghe, but she didn't know what other people had inherited.

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Dixie Si also believed Ye Feng's words, can't help nodding, "if it is so best!"

But the cat faced man said to Ye Feng, "why do you want ten corpses? Are you going to turn us all into Mrs. ace? I don't want to. I think I look good now. I'm not going to be Mrs. ace! "

But Ye Feng said to the cat face, "you can choose to refuse, but in addition to this choice, do you have any other choice? Are you going to continue your journey back to your own civilization? Do you think it's possible? "

As soon as the cat face man heard this, his face suddenly moved. Then he thought of what happened before and immediately said, "you promised us that you would help us go home after you found Esther! I say you're a liar, right? Now is nature revealed? "

Ye Feng said immediately at this time, "I promised you, but now we haven't been able to determine whether it's eisf or not. After we have a thorough understanding of the world, it's really the eisf we want to find, I will send you back!"

The cat faced man said with disdain, "how can I send it? We're all Mrs. ace. How can we go back? "

Ye Feng said to the cat faced man, "I have the ability to turn you into Mrs. ace. Naturally, there will be a way to turn you back to your original appearance."

Then Ye Feng picked up a few syringes and said, "draw a little blood and leave a DNA sample to prevent our consciousness from transferring to Mrs. ace and causing the original body to rot. we can also use cloning technology to build your business at that time!"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she immediately said, "you can keep DNA samples. I'm not interested in going back. I don't need to!"

Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu took the syringe one after another and helped each other to take their own DNA samples.

They hesitated for a while, while the cat faced man looked at her and said, "at this time, do you still believe him?"

After taking a deep breath, a Nan looks at Ye Feng, who is also staring at herself with a pair of sincere eyes. Finally, she nods her head, takes the syringe and sticks it on her arm. After drawing a little blood, she says to the cat face, "I still believe him!"

Seeing that a-nan had already drawn blood, tree faced people and ugly faced people also took the syringe one after another to draw blood for themselves, and then gave it to Ye Feng.

The cat face man looked at her hesitantly, then closed his eyes and sighed, "forget it, you believe him, I believe you, just die!" Then he took the syringe and drew blood for himself.

After collecting all the blood samples, Ye Feng still has an empty syringe in his hand. He looks at Dante Emma and says, "don't you really need it?"

Dante Emma immediately shook her head and said firmly, "no, and this body is not my body. I don't want to be a transparent person. I want to be Mrs. ace!"

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