After listening to Ye Feng's words, people can't help but move. It's not just the old man and the old scholar. I didn't expect that Ye Feng's technology has been so powerful. It's probably the same with those senior scientists who serve for the military headquarters.

After all, they have known Ye Feng for quite a long time. In addition to being together for such a long time, they all know what Ye Feng will do. But no one thought that Ye Feng would help people recover their memory.

The old scholar asked Ye Feng at this time, "can you recover your memory by yourself?"

The old man also reminded Ye Feng, "this belongs to high-end technology. Even on our planet, there are few people who can use this technology. How can you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to the two elders, "I can't talk about it, but I may know some of the theories! In addition, the two scientists should be the top scientists on this planet. I believe with your help, it should not be a problem! "

The two old men are nearly 200 years old, and they should have reached the age of glory and disgrace. However, Ye Feng said that they are top scientists, so they are still a little bit elated.

The old scholar said at once, "although your words are good, it depends on whether your theory can meet the actual situation. Otherwise, no matter how powerful our technology is, it's estimated that it can't help you!"

In addition, the old man nodded and echoed, "sometimes, theory is theory. Before practice, it will always be theory. Well, first tell us the theory you know, and I'll see if it's feasible!"

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately said to the two elders, "as far as I know, the former Dante Emma did not remember the memory of Esther. The reason why he restored his memory was that he became a conscious body and then wandered in the universe for a while. Is there any inevitable connection?"

When the two elders heard what Ye Feng said, they could not help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "has he wandered in the universe in the form of consciousness?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "that's right, in the process of wandering in the form of consciousness, he recovered the memory of eisf, so I guess..." Then he took a look at the two elders and continued, "it's just my guess. If it's not right, please forgive me!"

The old man and the old scholar repeatedly said, "you can say that science is a bold hypothesis. Be careful to verify it! What do you want to say? Don't have any burden! "

Ye Feng listened to what the two elders said and immediately nodded, "I think so. At the beginning, the micro universe volunteer program sent more than 5000 volunteers into the micro universe, not their bodies, but their consciousness. Am I right about that?"

The old scholar immediately nodded and said, "that's right, because you may also know that the micro universe is different from our universe after all. No matter in volume or capacity, it can't be compared with our universe. So we thought at the beginning that once the life, even intelligent life, was born in the micro universe, their volume would be different from ours, so it's better to give it away If their bodies enter, it's better to directly enter their color consciousness... "

At this time, the old man added, "yes, it was summed up after many failed experiments of our whole team. The body has mass, but the consciousness has no mass. It is nihilistic, but it is also condensed together. After being injected directly into the consciousness body, it may combine with some intelligent life in the universe and become a microcosm One of the life bodies in the universe is integrated with the intelligent life in the microcosm. The second, if not the intelligent life, may also take these non intelligent life to the road of wisdom. The second result is that there is no life. That is to say, there is no miracle in the other two thousand microcosms, but only the microcosm of yao982 has your result! "

Ye Feng listened to what the two elders said and immediately nodded, "well, that's right. In other words, when consciousness is in a vacuum, will there be any chemical effect? What I want to say is that after the first time the consciousness body entered, it really combined with the life of our universe, but it lost the previous memory. But then, Dante Emma's consciousness drifted in a vacuum state, and on the contrary, it restored the memory. The key problem must be that in this vacuum state, don't you think

Listen to Ye Feng say so, the old man and the old scholar are a while pondering, for a long time did not speak, but you look at me, I look at you.

Ye Feng immediately said, "if I make a mistake there, you don't have to be polite to me, just point it out!"

The old scholar immediately shook his head and said, "no, no, what you said is very reasonable. We are just thinking about what will happen in the vacuum and affect the memory organization in the consciousness body!"

In addition, the old man said, "if this is the case, then the problem must be caused in a vacuum environment, there is no doubt about that! When you say that, we can't think of a second possibility! "

At this time, the old scholar sighed, "if you leave Danting alive, maybe he can explain to us why he could recover his memory at that time!"When he heard this, he said, "now that this result has been achieved, we don't have to worry about these useless things. We'd better think about the actual solution now!"

The old man nodded and said, "there's only one way to know if it's a problem!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to ask what he could do, the old scholar immediately added, "we can do an experiment in a vacuum state!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but move, and then said, "but do you intend to do experiments?"

But the old man laughed, then looked at the chariot and said to Ye Feng, "you said Dante had been killed by you. Now if there is no accident, Dante's consciousness should still be in the chariot!"

The old scholar immediately clapped his hands and said, "yes, we just need to do an experiment with this chariot to know whether it is such a result!"

Ye Feng smell speech a little way, "that still wait for what?"? Start now

The two elders nodded, then took the chariot and took Ye Feng with them to another laboratory. The old scholar immediately operated a machine, put the chariot in, and then the chariot was completely sealed. After the operation of the machine, the air in the space was completely evacuated, forming a vacuum state. The old scholar explained to Ye Feng all the way This process.

Ye Feng nodded, but saw that the two elders were operating all kinds of buttons on the virtual display screen in front of them at the same time, and soon a display screen of the whole wall appeared on the wall on one side of the container, on which were all kinds of data.

At first, the two old men's faces were dignified, and no one said a word. But when a string of data on the wall beat for a while, the old scholar immediately said excitedly, "the existence of consciousness has been detected!"

Ye Feng knew that their operation just now was just to find Dante Emma's consciousness in a vacuum. For the whole experiment, it was just the beginning.

At this time, no one spoke in the whole laboratory. The two old men were concentrating on the monitor. Their eyes were a little distracted. They seemed to be thinking about something. After thinking about something, they began to discuss and then began to operate the monitor.

Ye Feng and Dixie just watched, especially Ye Feng. After all, he just had this idea. He really wanted to operate his own idea. He didn't have this ability. He had to rely on two old men to operate it.

After studying for a long time, the two elders have no results, but Ye Feng can see from their faces that they haven't got the results they want. Now the worst result is that their theory will be overturned. Maybe Dante Emma's memory recovery is just a coincidence, which has nothing to do with the vacuum state.

In the end, the situation really developed in the direction of Ye Feng's imagination. Two dejected old men sat aside, looking depressed, and no one spoke.

Seeing this, Ye Feng asked the two elders, "how? Is it proved wrong in the end? "

The old scholar Wen Yan looked up at Ye Feng and said, "I can't say it's complete, but nine times out of ten, we will be able to think of dozens of possibilities. We have experimented with them, but we didn't get the results we wanted in the end!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng looked disappointedly at the two elders, shrugged his shoulders and said, "it seems that it's just my wishful thinking. Let's keep you busy until now..."

Before Ye Feng finished, the old man suddenly patted his thigh and said, "there's another situation we haven't tried yet!"

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