Hearing this, Ye Feng and the old scholar could not help looking at the old man. The old scholar immediately asked the old man, "what else have we not tried? Just now we have tested all the possible conditions in vacuum, haven't we? "

The old man looked at the old scholar and said, "what we are testing is the possible situation in the vacuum of our universe, but there is a certain difference between the situation in the micro universe and that in our universe, which we have not considered at all!"

On hearing this, the old scholar looked at the old man and said, "what about the micro universe?"

The old man immediately said, "yes, when we first tested the microcosm, we also used vacuum to test it. We exploded a singularity, and then what happened was the infinite expansion of the microcosm..."

On hearing this, the old scholar suddenly looked at the old man. He seemed to understand something, but he didn't quite understand it. He looked like he wanted to talk but stopped.

But the old man immediately added, "look at our universe. Our universe has already gone through the process of singularity explosion and expansion. If it has entered the contraction period, this is not the key point. The key point is that the vacuum created by us has nothing to do with the vacuum of the universe. In other words, we should continue to let this vacuum expand In the process of experiment, we can really achieve the original state of vacuum in the microcosm! "

On hearing this, the old scholar immediately clapped his hands and said, "yes, we have indeed neglected this point!" Then he immediately began to input various command codes on the virtual display.

Ye Feng seems to have heard a key word at this time, which can attract his attention more than restoring memory. He can't help asking the old man, "is your universe in systole?"

The old man couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "what? Don't you know? The universe is derived from the singularity explosion, and the explosion environment is in a vacuum environment. That is to say, in the initial state of explosion, the universe will always expand, but when it expands to a certain extent, it will reverse and begin to contract. When the universe shrinks to a singularity again, that is, when the universe dies out, in other words, the universe has its own characteristics The vitality of life, the vitality of every universe, depends on the moment when the singularity explodes. In fact, once the singularity explodes, the life of the universe is almost fixed! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but feel awe inspiring, and then asked, "now the universe has begun to enter the period of death?"

The old man looked at Ye Feng. He didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he said, "in fact, the universe is the same as human beings and all kinds of life. From the moment of birth, isn't it going to die? It's just a matter of strength and weakness! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng moved again. After looking at the old man for a long time, he continued to ask, "so, has eisf found a way to deal with this situation? Isn't that the privilege of intelligent life? "

After pondering for a moment, the old scholar didn't answer. At this time, he said, "the vacuum under the expansion state has been formed. Have a look!"

After hearing the old scholar say this, the old man regained his mind. He immediately took a look at the vacuum container, and then looked at all kinds of data displayed on the wall. Then he said to the old scholar, "now let's try again!"

With that, the two elders began to keep on testing. After the elders gradually entered the state, they no longer paid attention to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stares at the two elders at this time. There is a feeling in his heart, but it's not sure. After the two elders solve the problem of restoring their memory, he will find a chance to have a good chat with them.

After testing for countless times, the old scholar suddenly exclaimed excitedly, "that's really the reason. In the expanding vacuum environment, the conscious body does respond!"

In addition, the old man said quietly to the old scholar, "the method is found, but the data is still not very accurate. We must first test the expansion speed of yao982 microcosm, then we can simulate the real vacuum state. At that time, we can really enter the research and experiment stage, and we must ensure that there is no mistake!"

The old scholar said, "I'll continue to test and retrieve the data!"

After the old man nodded, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "your theory is really right. It's really related to the consciousness in a vacuum environment. Your theory is very helpful to us!"

But Ye Feng nodded slightly to the old man, "it's best to be useful!"

The old man nodded again. Then he looked at Ye Feng for a long time and continued, "I can answer your question now!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but move. He looked at the old man and said, "you say it!"

The old man said to Ye Feng, "you haven't recovered your memory yet, so you don't know a lot of things. I can give you a brief introduction!"

Ye Feng nodded, made a wish to hear its detailed expression, looking at the old man in front of him.

The old man continued, "the planet is now a unified planet. Our whole planet belongs to a federal government, which is in the hands of soldiers. To be frank, all actions on the planet are for military service in the end!"Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "isn't Eve unified? What other military activities are there? "

The old man said with a faint smile, "this is the problem you just asked. You said that we know that the universe has begun to shrink. As intelligent life, do we have any solutions?"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded a way, "right!"

The old man immediately said, "launching a star war is one of our ways!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at the old man in front of, including Dixie Si, they also can't help but look at the old man in consternation.

But the old man continued, "you must be surprised that the problem we have is the shrinkage of the whole universe. What does it have to do with other galaxies?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, the old man continued to explain, "there are a group of scientists who think that only when the temperature of the universe reaches a certain peak, the universe will expand again. But the place of war can't be our own galaxy, and the intelligence of our galaxy can think of this problem, maybe the intelligence of other galaxies Body, may also think of this method, so this time, is the problem of the first hand and the second hand! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help sighing, "for such a reason, it's really..."

The old man looked at Ye Feng and saw that he didn't continue to talk. He immediately said with a bitter smile, "is it really stupid?"

Ye Feng did not speak, after all, for the memory of the world has not been restored, a lot of things in their own unclear circumstances, feel that what to say is too arbitrary.

At this time, the old man continued to say to Ye Feng, "not only do you think so, but many people think so. The universe's overheating expansion is only in the theoretical stage, and there is no precedent at all, so we have formed a second group of people..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "the second group of people are you. Do you want to create the micro universe and transplant the civilization of eisf to the micro universe?"

The old man couldn't help but look at Ye Feng, and then said with a smile, "we think so, but this is not the way to report to the government, otherwise this project could not be approved at all! Because now the federal leaders are the ones who support the Star Wars! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move way, "you are to help them test the universe after the peak temperature will really expand from the head?"

The old man smiles again, looks at Ye Feng with admiration and says, "you are very smart. That's right. We applied for such a project from this reason. However, this project has not met the requirements of the military headquarters for a long time, so it is about to be suspended!"

Ye Feng then looked at the old man and said, "is our arrival giving you hope?"

The old man nodded, then shook his head and said, "you have indeed given us hope, but only our own hope, and we still failed to meet the requirements of the military headquarters, so it does not affect that they want to close our experiments!"

At this time, Dixie said to the old man, "maybe they just use this as a reason to launch the star wars. There is no space without war maniacs!"

The old man couldn't help but take a look at Dixie, then nodded and said, "I agree with you. It's true, so we must stop it all!"

But Ye Feng sighed, "it's a pity that you are not in power. It's not easy to stop you."

The old man said with a bitter smile to Ye Feng, "yes, it's not easy, but it doesn't mean we don't do anything!"

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