Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at the old man for a long time. He thought that although the whole planet has been unified as never before, the situation is still more complicated than that on earth.

After all, the problems between countries on the earth, at least, are still the problems among human beings. But above aeschf, it is no longer the problem of the country, but the turning point of the future of human beings, and even the survival of the whole universe.

Ye Feng can't help sighing. It seems that no matter where he is, no matter what time he is, he has to face the local problems at that time. At this time, he can't avoid it. He faintly feels that his troubles come at this time.

Originally, Ye Feng could choose not to restore his memory, so everything about eisf had nothing to do with him, but Ye Feng didn't think so. Since he has a past, he must go back to the bottom of the past. This may be a common human disease.

At this time, the old scholar shouts to the old man, "all kinds of data here are completely corresponding. What should we do now?"

The old man took a look at the old scholar, and then said to Ye Feng, "I have a plan, but I may have to take some risks. I don't know if you dare..."

Without waiting for the old man to finish, Ye Feng immediately said, "you just talk about your plan!"

The old man immediately said, "then we will have a device connected to your brain to pull your consciousness out of your body again, filter it in a vacuum, and then return to your body again!"

Ye Feng sniffed the speech and took a deep breath. He nodded and said, "OK!"

But the old man immediately said, "there is a certain risk. If there is any accident after your consciousness is pulled away, then your consciousness may never return to your body..."

Ye Feng just ready to speak, one side of the Dixie immediately said, "let me come first, if I have no problem, let Satan come again!"

As soon as the old man heard this, he immediately looked at Dixie in surprise and said, "you are comparing yourself to an experimental object!"

But Dixie shrugged his shoulders and said, "the test object is the test object. It's nothing!"

The old man does not forbid to look at Dixie with admiration and curiosity. It seems that he does not understand the feelings between Dixie and Ye Feng, so that Dixie is willing to sacrifice for Ye Feng.

But at this time, Dixie said to the old man, "although I can't remember the memory of eisf, I heard you say that after I was able to enter the micro universe, he entered in a state of complete health. He can sacrifice for me. What do I do?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart also can't help but move to see to di Xi Si, the old man then toward Di Xi Si nodded, then said again, "maybe not so dangerous!"

Dixie said to the old man, "just watch and grasp it. I believe you hope to succeed more than we do."

The old man could not help nodding and said, "yes, we really hope to succeed more than you. You are our hope now No, no, it's the hope of the whole eisf! "

Then the old man asked Dixie to wait for a moment. The old man and the old scholar went to prepare the equipment before the experiment.

Ye Feng said to Dixie at this time, "if you have a heart, let me do the experiment myself!"

But Dixie shook his head to Ye Feng and said, "whether it's the memory of eisf that I can't remember, or the memory on the earth, in my memory, you always protect me. This time, please let me protect you!"

Yefeng just want to say what, Dixie immediately interrupted Yefeng Road, "you don't have to say, I have decided!"

Ye Feng looks at Dixi Si that pair of firm eyes, finally compromise the spot to nod a way, "all right!"

He understands the character of Dixie, and once she decides what to do, no one can stop him, including herself.

Zhuo wanqiu, Scarlett and Monica are also staring at Ye Feng and Dixie. The three women have their own thoughts.

After all, they all know that Ye Feng and Dixie are a couple on the planet of love, and they have ambiguous relationship on the earth, which seems that they can't compare with each other, so their hearts are sour.

Now Ye Feng can't remember the memory of the planet. They are all thinking that once Ye Feng recovers his memory, maybe there will be only Dixie in his eyes, so they can't help but feel sad.

At this time, the old man said to Dixie, "this side is ready. Are you ready?"

Dixie responded, then nodded to Ye Feng, "I've passed!"

Ye Feng looked at Dixi Si, then nodded, nothing said, looking at Dixi Si toward the other side.

Dixie walked to the old man and the old scholar. The old man arranged for Dixie to sit on a stool, and then pasted various data cables on Dixie's forehead.

The old man once again to confirm whether she is ready to Dixie, Dixie nodded, compared to an OK gesture toward the old man, and then looked at Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng's eyes are also staring at Dixie. He finds that there seems to be a feeling of long absence in Dixie's eyes, as if he is using his eyes to say goodbye to him.In fact, it's not surprising to think that Dixie really is like this. After all, they have known each other on the eve. If they really restore their memory, it's not like they'll never meet again.

After confirming that Dixie was ready, the old man pressed the button, and Dixie immediately began to twitch, as if his whole body had been electrified.

After the vacuum container on one side, there seems to be an electric current. In that vacuum, the electric current is just like the ECG beating in vacuum.

Everyone's eyes were staring at Dixie and the vacuum vessel. Everyone held their breath and waited for the result.

Ye Feng is the same as everyone else. His eyes have never left Dixie. He is more nervous than anyone else. After all, the person who should have been sitting there is himself, but now Dixie has replaced him,.

If there is no accident, once there is a problem, Dixie will suffer and even die on his behalf.

The old man and the old scholar look even more nervous than Ye Feng. After all, the people sitting here turned out to be the volunteers of their so-called great project. Once her memory is restored, it is very important for them.

At this time, the twitch frequency of Dixie's body has obviously accelerated, it looks like epilepsy, and even the whole body's skin has some erythema.

At this time, Ye Feng couldn't help walking to the old man's side and asked, "isn't this a problem?"

The old man's eyes had never left Dixie's body, and his mouth said to Ye Feng, "no problem for the time being!"

Ye Feng nodded, did not speak, eyes also staring at Dixie see.

At this time, the electric current in the vacuum vessel began to flow back towards the head of Dixie, and the twitch frequency of Dixie's body immediately increased.

Just after the current had completely disappeared in the vacuum, the twitch of his body stopped immediately, and there seemed to be heat in his hair.

Everyone could see that the experiment was over. They could not help but step forward instinctively and stare at Dixie.

at this time, the old man reached out and touched his face, then opened his eyelids and looked at him.

The old scholar kept operating various buttons on the monitor on one side, checking various data on the monitor.

Then the old scholar said to the old man, "all data are normal!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, a heart fell half, eyes but still staring at Dixie see, mouth asked the old man, "everything is normal, why not wake up?"

The old man was also puzzled and said, "not only is the data normal, but also her body temperature is normal according to various appearances..."

Just then, Dixie suddenly had another convulsion, but it just started and ended. Then she opened her eyes, and her whole pupil began to dilate. She looked at the old man Ye Feng in surprise, and could not help breathing, and her chest could not help undulating.

Ye Feng immediately walked to the back of Dixie, pressed the double room of Dixie, and comforted Dixie, "it's OK, it's OK, it's OK!"

Dixie's breathing became slower and slower, gradually began to return to uniform, and finally the pupil of the eye gradually returned to calm.

At this time, the old man squatted in front of him, looked into his eyes and said, "do you remember who you are?"

Dixie looked at the old man for a long time without saying anything. His eyes were even dull, but he finally said, "Dixie!"

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