The old man heard this, a burst of excitement, but Ye Feng toward the old man said, "don't get excited, even if she doesn't restore the memory, also called Dixie!" Then he immediately looked at Dixie and said, "where are you from?"

After looking up at Ye Feng for a long time, she said, "don't ask. I remember everything!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the speech, but the old man and the old scholar couldn't help cheering and clapping each other's high fives. The old man said excitedly, "we're going to break through a technology!"

At this time, Dixie opened the data line on his forehead, stood up and said to Ye Feng, "next it's your turn!"

Ye Feng can't help but feel a little strange. Although Dixie says her memory has completely recovered, Ye Feng always feels that Dixie's eyes and even the tone of her voice are not right.

At this time, the old man advised Ye Feng, "now that we have tested it, you can rest assured that our experiments all have memory models. The last successful model will be applied directly to the present!"

Then the old man pushed Ye Feng to sit down and began to link all kinds of data lines to Ye Feng's head. At the same time, the link comforted Ye Feng and said that it was OK. Didn't Dixie also do well just now? The shaking was just a superficial phenomenon. He thought Ye Feng was afraid.

At this time, Ye Feng let the old man help him to link the data line. He looked up and looked at Dixie who was standing in front of him. But he saw that Dixie's eyes were staring at him. A pair of eyes were full of cold, which made Ye Feng feel cold.

At this time, Ye Feng could not help but ask Dixie, "are you ok?"

After listening to Ye Feng's question, Dixie regained his mind and shrugged, "it's OK. I'm fine. What's the matter?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding and said, "nothing is good!"

At this time, the data lines on Ye Feng's forehead have been connected. The old man asked if ye Feng was ready.

Ye Feng did not answer directly, and looked up at Dixie, see Dixie is still before the eyes, heart slightly move, but the mouth said, "ready!"

As soon as the old man heard this, he immediately pressed the button. Ye Feng felt charged all over, and his skin and muscles trembled as if he wanted to peel off his skeleton.

But at this time, Dixie is slowly walking towards the direction behind Ye Feng. Everyone's eyes are on Ye Feng, but no one can see Dixie's action.

Dixi Si went to one side, picked up a sharp weapon and put it in his hand. When he got behind Ye Feng, he immediately reached for Ye Feng's neck.

Don't want to die heath just shot, but was another hand to open, at the same time caught her another hidden sharp hand, force a break, that sharp immediately "bang Dang" fell to the ground.

All the people's attention was on Ye Feng. At this time, they could not help looking at him in surprise. But they saw that a Nan was holding his hand and the other hand was holding his neck.

When they saw this, they were all surprised. Scarlett immediately said to her daughter, "what are you going to do?"

She said to Scarlett immediately, "she's trying to kill Satan, don't you see?"

To tell you the truth, not to mention that Scarlett didn't see it, everyone else only recovered after the sharp tool fell to the ground. As for who fell the sharp tool, they don't know, so the sharp tool doesn't represent anything. Scarlett immediately said to her daughter, "does she want to harm Satan? Are you mistaken? "

Seeing this, Zhuo wanqiu frowned and said, "yes, how could she harm Satan? Are you mistaken? "

A Nan said, "believe it or not, don't you see the sharp weapon on the ground?"

Monica frowned and said, "there are sharp objects on the ground, but we don't see them falling from anyone..."

"What do you mean?" she said

Monica shrugged her shoulders and said, "I didn't mean anything else. I just said the truth. You let Dixie go first..."

Seeing this, the cat faced man rushed to her and stood beside her. He said in a deep voice, "ah Nan, it seems that we have wronged you before. You have been waiting for the opportunity..."

A Nan can't help looking at the cat's face in surprise, "she really wants to harm Satan. What chance do I wait for?"

The cat faced man could not help looking back at her and then said, "I understand that it's not time for a showdown, but don't worry, we'll always stand by you!"

Tree face and ugly face also came together to show that they were standing beside a-nan, while Monika, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu also stood together one after another, obviously divided into two camps with a-nan.

A Nan then said angrily, "she really wants to hurt Ye Feng. I've seen something wrong in her eyes for a long time..."

But Zhuo wanqiu snorted coldly, "I've seen something wrong with you for a long time You let sister Dixie go first

"Cat face person hears speech to immediately toward Zhuo Wan Qiu angry voice way," why do you see a Nan not right? "Zhuo wanqiu said to the cat, "don't think you've become human now. It's like you're human..."

As soon as the tree face man heard this, he immediately glared at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "you didn't treat us as your own people from the beginning to the end?"

Zhuo wanqiu straightened her chest and said, "if it's not my race, it will be different. Of course..."

As soon as the cat faced man was about to attack, a Nan immediately released his hand and also his neck. Then she stepped back and said, "don't fight, you let her talk!"

At this time, she touched her neck, then moved her wrist and neck a little, looked at her, and said coldly, "what did you say?"

But Zhuo wanqiu said to Dixie, "sister Dixie, you don't have to be afraid. With us, I know that even if everyone in the world will return brother Satan, you won't..." It seemed that it was not right to say that, and immediately added, "of course, I will not!"

After looking at Zhuo wanqiu, his face and eyes did not change at all. He was still cold. Then he went to pick up the sharp instrument on the ground and pointed to the girl in front of him, "get out of the way!"

A Nan not only didn't get out of the way, but stepped forward and said, "as long as I'm here, I won't let you hurt him at all!"

Seeing this, everyone could not help but be shocked. Zhuo wanqiu seemed to see something. She looked at Dixie in surprise and said, "sister Dixie, what are you going to do?"

"Can't you see that? Of course I want to kill him..."

Everyone suddenly understood, they may be really misunderstood a Nan, Dixie actually want to harm Ye Feng.

Even the cat faced man could not help looking at her in surprise and said, "does she really want to kill this boy? Are you really protecting this kid? "

Scarlett frowned and said, "why? Why do you want to kill Satan? I'm the one who wants to kill him here, right? Why? "

"Don't you want us to restore the memory of Esther? I have recovered now... " Say eyes a MI, stare at leaf maple to see.

Seeing this, the cat faced man couldn't help saying, "no, they must be enemies in eisf If you restore her memory, you will restore the hatred between them

Zhuo wanqiu said immediately, "are you stupid? Didn't you read the previous information? Sister Dixie is my brother Satan's volunteer letter for her micro universe project, and my brother Satan entered the micro universe with a healthy body for her. How can there be any hatred between them? "

When the cat face man heard this, he was stunned and muttered, "yes, I almost forgot this. Why on earth is that?"

In fact, not only the cat face people, all the people present did not understand why Dixie wanted to kill Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng's body is still shaking, his consciousness has entered the real state, and the memory of his love is gradually returning to Ye Feng's mind, although it is only a scattered fragment.

Ye Feng suddenly sees some pictures. He is on the top floor, holding a sniper gun, aiming at a target. When he shoots, it's Dixie who falls to the ground

Seeing these pictures in her mind, Ye Feng suddenly moved, and seemed to understand why Dixie recovered her memory. When she woke up, she would look at herself with that kind of eyes. It turned out that in the world of eisf, she killed herself, and she was her killer.

At this time, Dixie is also staring at Ye Feng, murmuring, "the reason why I become a vegetable is because of him!"

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