When they heard this, they couldn't help looking at Dixie. Dixie became a vegetable in eisf because of Ye Feng? This is really beyond everyone's expectation.

As soon as everyone heard this, they couldn't help looking at Dixie. They were all surprised. No one thought that it would be such a situation after they could recover their memory.

Scarlett then said to her, "it's said that you're girlfriends and girlfriends? How could that be? "

The old man and the old scholar are also puzzled, especially when the old scholar opens the information about Ye Feng and Dixie from the virtual display on one side.

After looking at it, the old scholar said, "what's shown here is the relationship between lovers, and it's Satan who sent you here to participate in our microcosm experiment! That can never be wrong! "

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Dixie and said, "sister Dixie, is there any misunderstanding? Don't worry. When brother Satan wakes up, he will know everything!"

Monica nodded and said, "well, maybe the memory you get is only one-sided. Let's see how he explains it then!"

But Dixie said to the crowd, "I got the information from my memory. I saw with my own eyes that he was the one who shot at me. What's wrong?"

But Zhuo wanqiu said to Dixie, "whether it's brother Satan's gun or not, you have to wait until he wakes up and ask clearly. After you have known him for so many years, do you think he would be such a person? If you don't believe him, think how sad he is when he wakes up

Scarlett didn't say a word all the time, and then she said, "if it's really the same as what you see, it's not too late to do it again!"

Dixie took a deep breath, and then began to try to calm himself down. Strange to say, the main reason why he was so angry before was that his mood at that moment was completely affected by the memory of eisf.

Now, after thinking about it carefully, Dixie gradually calmed down, and the scenes of meeting Ye Feng on the earth began to appear. Before he died, these things seemed to be deliberately cut off, and he didn't even exist in his consciousness.

At this time, Dixie looked at Ye Feng, who was sitting there as if he was electrocuted, holding the sharp weapon. At this time, he released a little and put the sharp weapon on the cabinet on one side.

Everyone was relieved to see the sharp weapon put down by Dixie. But they were all surprised that Ye Feng and Dixie were lovers on the planet of love. Why did Ye Feng want to kill Dixie?

If Dixie didn't lie, or if her memory didn't go wrong, it would be very strange.

Scarlett thought about it calmly, and then said to the public, "the Satan we know is just the Satan on earth, but have you ever thought about a problem In fact, Satan on the planet of essf and Satan we know are not the same person at all, or people with completely two personalities and two lives? "

When people listen to Scarlett, they can't help looking at Ye Feng in silence. In fact, everyone knows that what Scarlett said is very reasonable.

After all, in Ye Feng's body, which is covered with the dust of the memory of the planet, no one can guarantee what kind of person he was at that time. Maybe Ye Feng on the planet is a murderer?

Think of here, Zhuo wanqiu heart under a tangle, even think of Ye Feng to restore memory, he should stop him, but think of Ye Feng intend to do, who can really stop it?

At this time, Ye Feng's body suddenly stopped all the movements. Just as before, when Dixie woke up, the current in the vacuum container on one side had returned to Ye Feng's body.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Ye Feng at this time. The old man stares at Ye Feng at this time and checks Ye Feng just as he did before.

When Ye Feng opens his eyes, everyone is relieved, but Ye Feng is looking at the old man with a dull face.

Zhuo wanqiu then stepped forward and asked Ye Feng, "brother Satan, are you ok?"

A Nan also turns round at this time, looking at Ye Feng way, "did your memory recover?"

Ye Feng pinched his temple at this time, then pulled open the data line of his forehead, stood up and looked at the Dixie standing on one side.

At this time, Dixie is also staring at Ye Feng. His eyes are full of contradictions. First, his warm memories on the earth are vivid, but the information that Ye Feng killed himself also flashes from his mind from time to time.

Ye Feng stares at Dixie for a moment, then walks towards Dixie, but he doesn't say anything.

Everyone can't help but move when they see this, but Dixie doesn't move. He still looks at Ye Feng and says, "all your memories have been restored?"

Ye Feng smell speech stopped footstep, immediately stare at di Xi Si to see after a long time, this just nodded a way, "almost?"

After listening to Ye Feng's memory, both the old man and the old scholar were relieved.But at this time, Dixie asked Ye Feng, "so how did you kill me? Do you remember?"

Everyone didn't expect that Dixie would ask so directly. Even the old man and the old scholar, who had already been relieved, could not help but raise a heart at this time, and looked at Dixie and Ye Feng.

Everyone's eyes finally fall on Ye Feng. Most people expect that Ye Feng directly denies what Dixie said, at least to explain why and what misunderstanding there is.

But no one thought, at this time of Ye Feng is just a light spot, nodded, "remember!"

When he heard this, he said, "don't you have anything to explain?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there should be no..."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, think about it again. Is there any misunderstanding that you haven't remembered?"

Ye Feng frowned and thought for a moment. Then he took a look at Zhuo wanqiu and looked at the Dixie in front of him. He said, "I have thought about it, but I really didn't think of the reason. I really did what you encountered on the planet of love, and I felt that it was so natural that I didn't feel guilty at all!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, all people can't help but is a move, Dixie is staring at Ye Feng see for a long time, this way, "this is your final answer?"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "I also want to find out why, or what misunderstanding, but I don't want to cheat you. I really can't find it. That's the truth!"

At this time, Dixie slowly picked up the sharp weapon on the cupboard and said to Ye Feng, "then I'll take revenge on you, and you have no regrets?"

Ye Feng took a look at the sharp tool in Dixie's hand, and then said to Dixie, "that's right!"

Dixie immediately raised the sharp weapon in his hand and hit Ye Feng's head. He said, "then don't blame me!"

But did not wait for Dixie's sharp hit Ye Feng, a Nan immediately seized Dixie's hand again.

But Dixie frowned at her and said, "he has admitted it. What reason do you have to stop me? 》”

ah Nan, however, looked at Dixie and said, "there's no reason, but I just can't let you kill him!"

When she heard this, she frowned and said, "are you in love with him?"

A Nan smell speech heart immediately move to look at in front of Di Xi Si way, "perhaps, no matter how, I won't let you kill him, want to kill him, kill me first!"

Without waiting for Dixie to say anything more, Ye Feng has come between a-nan and Dixie, standing in front of a-nan, and then says to Dixie, "everything is true, but there must be something wrong with it, but I haven't thought of it for the moment. Please give me time to investigate. If the result of the investigation doesn't change, I can let you kill me Revenge

After a long time of staring at Ye Feng, she said, "what are you looking for?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Dixie, "why should I kill you? Is it because of the hatred between us? At least I don't have it in my memory, so I may be acting on orders. If I am acting on orders, whose orders am I acting on? Don't you want to know? "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, she immediately fell into a deep meditation, and Scarlett immediately said to her, "he's right. Don't you want to know why?"

Listen to Scarlett say so, Dixie is a while after pondering, this just light vomit a breath, this just toward Ye Feng said, "good, I check with you, in the end why!"

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