Listening to Ye Feng's words, the old man and the old scholar all looked at Ye Feng in surprise. After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, the old man asked, "what do you want?"

Ye Feng also pondered for a long time, then looked at the old man and said, "I can see that you are a trustworthy person, and I don't know what I want for the moment! Well, you owe me a request! I need it any time! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words and pondering for a moment, the old man said to Ye Feng, "OK, I promise you!"

After Ye Feng nodded to the old man, he said, "well, first find your students and see how to operate it!"

But the old man said with a smile to Ye Feng, "don't worry. It's useless to worry. You'd better have a rest for a night and wait until tomorrow morning."

Ye Feng's heart moved at this time. After all, when they were still in the chariot, they felt the long night. However, when they entered eisf, they obviously felt that the time was getting faster, which can be said that the time became normal.

The old scholar said at this time, "now go to sleep for a while, and it will be four hours before dawn!"

In the memory of Ye Feng and Dixie, they also have a certain awareness of the time concept of aeschf. In aeschf, a day is divided into 24 hours, but one hour here is equivalent to 100 minutes of time on earth.

Then the old man asked the old scholar to arrange some places for them to have a rest. The old scholar led Ye Feng and his group to the rest room next to the laboratory to have a rest.

The old man continued to stand in the laboratory, looking at everything in front of him, then lit a cigarette and took a few deep breaths. He couldn't help feeling whether it was too fast.

I have been looking forward to this day before. If this day comes, it will make the old man feel unprepared.

After the old man finished smoking a cigarette, the old scholar also came back here. Seeing that the old man was looking at something in a daze, he couldn't help saying to him, "you don't ask what they want to do, just promise him to reserve the right to ask?"

But the old man shrugged his shoulders and said, "now we have no choice, but he has the right to choose. To overthrow a powerful regime, we can't do it by just a few scientific researchers!"

The old scholar could not help but agree and nodded, "yes, before Satan, he was the best agent in the whole Federation. The whole Federation knows that!"

The old man nodded and said, "well, he may not know it himself, so we must use him to achieve our goal!"

The old scholar looked at the old man thoughtfully, then nodded his head and said, "I hope he can do it!"

The old man nodded and said, "as I said, we have no choice but to gamble this time..." Then he noticed that there was still a body in the laboratory that was not used.

The old scholar followed the old man's eyes and saw the body. Then he said, "that should have been Dante's!"

The old man didn't say a word, just looked at it quietly. The old scholar immediately said, "if they knew Dante was your nephew..."

On hearing this, the old man immediately interrupted the old scholar and said, "Dante sacrificed for the cause of the Federation before and entered the micro universe. Now he is also sacrificing for the cause of the Federation..."

At this time, the old scholar pondered for a while, then looked at the old man and said, "but we have sent four volunteers in the 4982 micro universe, and now all three of them are missing. What about jesteffe?"

The old man said, "I can tell you for sure that jesteffe is among them, but no one knows who he is. I guess even he doesn't know himself!"

Hearing this, the old scholar couldn't help but move. He didn't speak. After a long time, he looked at the corpse and said, "what about this corpse now? Send it back? "

But the old man shook his head and said, "it's too troublesome to send it back. Let's stay here first! Dante was killed here. I believe his consciousness is still there, but we can't catch it for the time being! "

On hearing this, the old scholar looked at the old man and said, "do you mean..."

The old man's eyes gradually narrowed, still staring at the body in front of him, but never said a word.

At this time, Ye Feng and his wife went to the rest place and thought about what happened recently. They all had their own thoughts, but after all, after such a long journey, they were really tired, and soon they all entered the dream.

When Ye Feng wakes up again, he finds that everything around him has been lit up, but it's not the light that relies on the light, but the light that comes in from outside.

After a stretch, Ye Feng stood up and went to the window to open the semi closed curtain. At this time, he saw that the sun in the sky was shining on the earth. The sun looked no different from the sun on the earth.

At this time, Ye Feng heard someone knocking at the door behind him. Ye Feng immediately went to open the door, but saw a strange face standing at the door and said to Ye Feng, "the president is waiting for you in the conference room!"Ye Feng nodded, then went to wash, this just left the room, just as they are in the corridor, see Ye Feng came, immediately nodded to Ye Feng.

In front of the corridor, a strange face was waiting for them. When they all came out of the room, he led them to the conference room.

Soon to the conference room, the old man has been sitting there, see them come, reached for them to sit down.

After waiting for Ye Feng and others to sit down, the old man asked people, "did you sleep well last night?"

Everyone shrugged to say it was OK. Ye Feng said to the old man, "ready?"

The old man immediately nodded and said, "someone will pick you up later!"

But Dixie frowned, "pick us up? To the FBI? "

The old man said, "the FBI is recruiting new people recently. You can sign up!"

Ye Feng was surprised, "as far as I know, the FBI recruitment is not so casual, right? Aren't they all selected from the elite of the army? "

The old man nodded and said, "that's right, but those are agents. I'm talking about the recruitment, which is to recruit some technical talents from the people! And it's just our Branch Bureau. It's not as strict as the general bureau! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "as far as I know, the federal headquarters is in longarsenburg. Where is this?"

The old man nodded and said, "this is Huke Bay. It's far away from longarsenic castle."

Ye Feng can't help nodding his head. He has the impression that Huke Bay is not an important city in the Federation, but a remote island dedicated to some scientific research.

The old man seemed to see Ye Feng's idea, and immediately said, "don't worry, Huke Bay is not longarsenic castle, but it will become a step for you to enter longarsenic castle!"

Then the old man continued, "and the implementation of this plan is long, not overnight, so we must be patient!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "it's OK. Except for me and Dixie, a few other friends don't know about eisf. It's a good choice to take this isolated Huck Bay as a springboard to get familiar with eisf!"

But the old man looked at Ye Feng and said, "this is a remote area. It's a place to train people, but it may only depend on your personal will. The people who can finally enter the FBI headquarters in longarsenic Fort may only be a few of you, or even fewer people!"

"It doesn't matter, I just want to know now, when will the people who pick us up arrive?" said Dickens

But the old man took a look at Dixie and said, "don't be so impatient!" Then he looked at the time and said, "there should be about half an hour left."

Knowing that there were about 50 minutes in half an hour, Dixie immediately said, "then you can continue the meeting. I'd like to go outside the building and have a look!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately stood up and said, "we also want to go out and have a look. After all, it was night last night. For this We don't know what island it is. We also want to have a close look during the day! "

The old man smelled speech to see a leaf maple, see leaf maple didn't object of meaning, immediately stand up to way, "or I take you out to have a look?"

But Ye Feng stood up and said, "no, let's have a look at it by ourselves." With that, he walked out of the meeting room, and others got up and followed him.

When they walked out of the gate of the building, they saw that everything around them was desolate. Only some buildings had some green around them. The soil on the ground was still gray brown, just as they saw when they landed last night.

At this time, a Nan squatted on the ground, looking at the soft gray brown soil, there are several ground beetle ants busy. Then she thought about the huge appearance when she landed yesterday, which is different from the small appearance now. She is not a creature at all.

However, a polyhedral anteater occasionally appeared in the distance, seemed to find their existence, and immediately ran away towards the distance.

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